PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Gen Martin Matien Gumwel Mabior Appointed as Duk Padiet Commissioner

Hon. Jacob Akech Dengdit resigns as Duk Padiet Commissioner and Governor Philip Aguer Appoints Gen Martin Matien Gumwel Mabior Chiengkudak as the New Commissioner of Duk Padiet County

Jacob Akech Dengdit
Jacob Akech Dengdit, Jonglei state new minister for Information, Culture, youth and sport Mr. Jacob Akech Deng Kuany [photo] Jongkuch Jo Jongkuch

To: H.E Col. Philip Aguer Panyang

Governor of Jonglei State


I wish to extend my deepest respect and appreciation to H.E Governor Philip Aguer, and the entire leadership of Jonglei State Government for their unwavering trust and believe they have in me for the recent appointment as Duk Padiet County commissioner.

My resignation as the commissioner of Duk Padiet County is with the reference to Hol Community meeting held for ten days in Bor town and was attended by the intellectuals, chiefs and elders in which the core resolution was maintaining peace and harmony within Hol community and Jonglei state as whole.

Meanwhile I greatly appreciated my appointment and opportunity to serve our beloved people as the Duk Padiet commissioner. I am aware of the level of consciousness and standard of the citizenry of our people and as a result I am hereby resigning in respect of the community popular decision of sharing power among the four sections of Hol; Angaach, Pathel, Nyiel and Duor. In which Nyiel, Duor and Pathel had a turn and this chance to be left for Angaach representation.

On a personal note, it has been a pleasure working with you and the entire Jonglei State leadership. I believe Jonglei State under your leadership has made real progress in transforming the lives and opportunities of our beloved citizens. I assure you I will remain loyal to you to serve as citizen under your tenure

Thank you, Your Excellency for your trust and for the opportunity to serve our people under your leadership. With gratitude and warm regards, I am looking forward to your esteemed office to put my resignation letter into the consideration.

Thank you, yours sincerely

Hon. Akech Deng Kuanyin

Commissioner of Duk Padiet County, Jonglei State

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