PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Malong Awan doing what he is best at – creating sabotage

By John Koboko, Juba, South Sudan

Sunday, May 13, 2018 (PW) — We have received reports that the student union in Kenya is influenced by Gen Malong, who is paying them huge money to demonstrate against the Government of South Sudan on Kenyan Soil. But the most interesting part of the story is that most of these students are actually not students, but some school drop outs, with nothing to do.
The developing story is that during their demonstration, they will chant slogans which reflect that South Sudan Government has failed them, that is why they are not in school. They will storm the South Sudanese embassy in Kenya and demand that “Kiir Must Go!”
Well, this is not a knew thing about Gen Malong. You cannot think that he has stayed in Kenya all this time taking medications; he was politicking; and his strategy may or may not take the government by surprise.
Gen Malong Awan Anei, is an elder, a veteran soldier who fought for the independence of South Sudan. His military prowess successfully showed, not during Anya-nya One, but during the time Omar Bashir decided to kill the Dinkas using the Messirya Militia men, who rode on horses.

Malong fought a successful war. With his success, rose his rank, reputation and wealth. He is also known for generosity; he gives too much. But Gen Malong is not without his weaknesses. For those who knew him, he is a very jealous man, resentful of his leaders – a man who would do anything to get what he wants.
Who is Malong?
Terrible times that were ordained by God are coming back, and Gen Malong is the chief of those terrible times. These terrible times of love for money, women, disobedience, brutality, boastful pride, treachery, and deceit could not have any messenger of them, other than Malong. This is what he has been from the day he stepped foot into the world: a man of sabotage.
I am not a custodian of his early years but once a private soldier until 1982 Malong joined Gen Miakol Deng Majok. Miakol is Gen Pieng’s brother (Pieng Deng Majok is the former Inspector General of Police). Miakol was later killed, but he established Anyanya 2 in Aweil, which Malong joined.
Being someone who is habitually resentful of his leaders, Malong could not put up with good leadership of Miakol, and reneged against him. Malong immediately developed ambition to become a leader of his movement – not desiring to work under his bosses. Malong mobilized resources, went to Majok-Nyinthiu, bought guns, and made himself a Major General as he rallied an independent militia group, parallel to Miakol’s Anyanya-2 group.
Self-promoted Gen Malong gained ground in Aweil during those times as he was seen as a successful militia.
With the SPLA, wanting a large fighting force using any means available, Dr. John Garang sent a commander to Bahr el Ghazal in 1984. In 1984 Elder Kawac Makuei came with Katiba Jamus, to Bahr el Ghazal to recruit forces. There were forces ready to be incorporated into the SPLA/M and these forces were those of Malong in Aweil and Gen Anthony Boldit (who was in Tonj). Commander Kawac asked them to go to Bilpham, which they readily accepted. Both were made captains in Shield One.
Shortly after THE MILITIA INCORPORATION, Garang fell out with Malong over corruption and other military disobedient issues; and he put him under arrest. He stayed in prison for almost ten years. But Gen Salva, the current President of the Republic of South Sudan negotiated his release. Dr. Garang accepted to release him and he was posted to Aweil as an independent area commander in 1993 and he stayed there until the war was over in 2005. For Garang who seemed mindful of Malong’s erratic behavior, he retired Malong from the army in 2005 and transferred him to wild-life.
Gen Malong was not fine with the new decision made by the Chairman, Dr. John and he was furious about it, threatening to resign from the SPLA/M. Gen Salva negotiated with Dr. John Garang to have Malong reinstated back to the SPLA. Dr. Garang again accepted this request of Commander Salva Kiir and put Malong back to the SPLA.
From that time, Gen Malong held several positions in the GoSS and in the SPLA; most of positions were his requests. For example, he was deputy Director General in Khartoum under NISS; he requested to be placed to be in charge of southern sector; requested to be governor and he was appointed; requested for position of chief of staff and he was appointed.
As soon as he became Chief of Defense Forces and General Staff, he developed an ambition for becoming President. He has made political tours as chief of staff, and urged government oppositions to help him achieve this ambition. So now, the only thing that Gen Malong remains to have now is The Presidency, and to achieve this, he has already established his rebellion for it.
With his immense wealth, wives and children, Gen Malong will listen to no one; will fight South Sudan Government for Presidency. Already, there is prove of South Sudan United Front Movement, and an army. Another prove is that he has staged rebellion in Merem, extreme South-West of the Sudan
Views expressed in this article are sole responsibility of the Writer; not the Publisher

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