PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

My support for President Salva Kiir predates our independence from Khartoum

By Chol Michael Makeer, Juba, South Sudan

Sunday, May 10, 2018 (PW) — What most of the malignant misfits failed to understand is that I have started defending comrade Salva Kiir Mayardit by the time he wasn’t Vice President, President or not even Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the SPLM/A.
Who amongst you still remember my positive reaction to the Greater Equatoria Intellectuals and Senior Officers Communique in which they asked the then SPLA Chief of General Staff in person of CDR/ Salva Kiir, and his entire Headquarters to pack their belongings and leave Yei with effect from the release of that unprecedented phenomenal act in the Movement.
The reason of the foiled expulsion from Yei was under influence of regionalism madness that comrade Salva has insulted Equatorians as cowards during SPLA commemoration Day of May 16th, which was not true. But of course the fifthcolumnists insisted to defend the whitewash to smear or tarnish image of the then SPLA-CoGS.
As a result of my firm stand, Dr. John had to order Maj. Amat Malual to look for me after he has read and shared my position with Late Samson Kwaje, Deng Alor and others. When I reported myself that chilly evening during wintertime in Nairobi at Intercontinental Hotel, Late Amat revealed to me the reason Dr. John wanted to seek audience with me.

There and then for reasons unbeknown to me, it was comrade Deng Alor that Dr. John asked to brief me about my reply to the Communique in question. Comrade Elijah Biar Kuol Ayuen aka Biar Jawjaw was witness to what am narrating here as he was the one I handed the copy to deliver to CDR. Salva Kiir Mayardit in Yei…
All this happened in Nairobi during Karen’s discussions and INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL’s consultations on the modalities of SECURITY ARRANGEMENTS in 2004.
My bold stance then was to stand firm behind Comrade Salva and say NO to the uncalled for discrimination against a permanent figure as it bears witness to guarding ourselves against the neo-redivisionists.
My interest was not and still not individualistic in approach, but rather holistic in serving common sense and national interests on how best we should demonstrate respect to our leaders and elders. Although I’m being accused of incitement, I would like to reassure you that my composure and temperament are foreign to spirit of blackmailing SPLM/A and its historical setting.
Who amongst you have ever insulted Dr. John other than criticizing his leadership or the Movement’s policies in that matter. Subsequently and as a result of mixed reaction that ranges between intimidation, pride and prejudice, many folks from my home area and far have had courage to asking me to quit politics of fighting and defending SPLM and president SKM with lame excuse that am an army officer who should not talk or write about politics. But to their dismay, I kept on telling them that Army is not devoid of politics, but rather remains nonpartisan.
Is it truly justifiable for an officer to keep quiet while the country he’s supposed to be protecting is being denigrated, and the supreme commander of all the armed forces and the commander-in-chief of the Defence Forces get reduced to a mere laughingstock by the traitors?
The endgame may be that your disloyalty in virtue of subversion is meant to silent the most vocal cadres: alas my enthusiasm has come to limitations; as my resilience is deprived of bullets.
Okay I will ceasefire as you call for an immediate cessation of hostilities. But I will never TURN A BLIND EYE to the conspiracy theories as the fifth-columnists’ subversive mission is concerned.

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