PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Aguok Kuei community in Uganda condemns assault on Chairlady Becky Akuindiik

Press statement: Aguok Kuei community in Uganda condemns the assault inflicted on their chairlady Becky Akuindiik Abiem Akeen during the occasion termed as “Apuk community in Uganda’s Finalist Celebration’’ held at Pope Paul Memorial Hotel on 15th September 2018
Saturday, September 22, 2018 (PW) — In reference to the aforementioned matter, we the community of Aguok Kuei in Uganda strongly condemns the deliberate assault on our chairlady by a group of disrespectful girls headed by a notorious Adhieu Akuol Madut Jok who initiated the act by pouring a full bottle of water on Akuindiik followed a punch.
As if that was not enough, Adhieu went ahead to hurl insults at the leader. The chairlady was officially invited to attend the occasion not knowing it was a set-up to humiliate/disrespect the community.
In this regard, we the community of Aguok in Uganda regret the insane behavior and hostility directed at our leader moreover after an official invitation of our entire community to this occasion including the Aguok Cultural Dance that entertained the guests.Where on earth would any hospitable host find the guts of attacking such a close and friendly neighbor without any defined motives? Aguok Community in Uganda has always invited the leaders of Apuk Community in Uganda to its functions but no such outrageous incidents have been registered.
Therefore, we are really disappointed by this uncouth behavior.
Surprisingly, it’s been two days since the incident and we are yet to receive an official response or apology from Apuk community in Uganda leadership; this leaves us second guessing if the attack was premeditated or stand-alone, otherwise why the silence?
As a peace loving community, we thought it wise to express our rage and disappointment through writing this statement instead of “an eye for an eye” adage.
In short, we are completely appalled, shocked, dismayed by the incident and wish to hear the motives behind this act or a public apology from either the family of the culprits or Apuk Community in Uganda.

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