Political Salvos Are Flying and There’re Casualties in Sudan and South Sudan
By Malith Alier, Perth, Australia

Saturday, 27 April, 2019 (PW) – The twelfth of May – the dateline for the formation of Transitional Government of National Unity (TGONU) is fast approaching. The Revitalised Agreement on Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) gave the parties eight months pre-transitional period before forming the TGONU. This is unlikely. The parties during this period nurtured a wide chasm not even the Vatican can abridge. The government of South Sudan, SPLM/IO, SSOA, and OPP are the signatories to the power sharing accord. Things are rapidly evolving and positions unpredictably shifting, putting the whole agreement in jeopardy.
Peter Gatdet, which I will call “Peter the Great” has met his creator finally this month after sending William Nyuon and Karbino Kuanyin many years ahead of himself. Peter Gatdet was a military man not to hesitate to fire a bullet at any target during his time in the bush or out of it. A month or two ago, he fired the first political bullet at the head of SSOA or South Sudan Opposition Allaince, Mr. Changson Chang with the backing of Dr. Lam Akol. He then retreated to Khartoum to the tender care of Omar Al Bashir. Al Bashir, the guarantor of R-ARCSS fell on his political sword and the logical option to Peter ………
Peter Mayen Majongdit’s trip and fall is a political act. He’s himself to blame for it. When you lived in Juba for years you shouldn’t accept being accommodated at Dembesh Hotel. It’s an omen of things to come. The road to hell is usually paved with gold. Recall that this government has been crying for money from international community for the implementation of the peace agreement to no avail.
Also recall that in the court of politics you’re not deemed innocent until proven guilty. Conversely, you’re guilty until proven innocent. This may come many years later after the damage has been wrought.
South Sudan has never completed a divorce from Sudan Islamists. Things such as sharia still operate as a subsystem. Juba city council is the best guide on that. It had on many occasions closed hotels that hosts people suspected to be sex workers.
For the case of Mayen Majongdit, the Inspector General of Police (IGP) was the accuser. In a normal country someone will have to report a case to the law enforcement. The ordinary police or courts do not intervene until certain circumstances are met. The IGP has set a new precedent for the police. That if you’re seen going in to a hotel even with your own mother – you have committed a cardinal crime and the IGP will come!
The two Peters have similarity with the Biblical one and you can relate it to the Peter and the Cock story.
Last night I watched a clip by Prof. PLO Lumumba on YouTube. In that clip, leaders of South Sudan went to see Pope for blessings from God. Familiar faces appeared in the Vatican where the kissing of feet took place. That Vatican treat was a short-lived affair. Those leaders brought together by the fear of God went their separate ways. Now they’re calling one another to converge to form the government on May 12, 2019 as per the agreement.
One of the leaders is saying no, big no, because the army is still ununited. The other leader on the ground says, without formation our people will lose hope. Who will blink first? God knows. A second visit to the pontiff may clarify things on this.
The Sudanese up north fired a major political salvo on April 11. The president went under cover never to return. Some people said that he ended up in Kober! A quick search of his palace revealed what the Sudanese rioted for, was stacked in his dear abode. Dollar 400 million, Sudanese Pound hundred million and Pound Sterling million more was used as mattress in the big man’s bed room. The government of South Sudan stood by this man but the Sudanese people had the last word on Al Bashir and his old NIF/NCP. He laughs best who laughs last!
Who can wail/crave for Al Bashir? The peace agreement is in trouble because the major guarantor is no more having been brought down for a price of bread.
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