Declaration of the Karo People of South Sudan: We are “Karo People” not “Bari Speakers”!
We are “Karo People” not “Bari Speakers”!

We, the natives of six communities of Central Equatoria State in the Republic of South Sudan, namely; Bari, Kakwa, Kuku, Mundari, Nyangwara and Pojulu;
Mindful of our common origin, heritage, custom, language, affinity and coexistence from creation;
United in our belief that despite the different anthropological naming, which we found ourselves inheriting as a result of different factors and influences, such as getting to be known as tribes;
Aware that we belong to the same ancestry, geographical origin and history, and bonded together by common identity and social ties;
Cognizant that unity and bonding of a people is their strength and a means of survival;
Appreciating that a common name creates a common identity and awakens a realization of a sense of oneness and affinity;
Do hereby DECLARE that:
1. From today, as herein indicated, have decided to call ourselves and to be known collectively as “KARO PEOPLE” or, alternatively, “KARO NATION”.
2. The language we commonly speak shall be known as “KARO LANGUAGE” and not any other name or reference thereto;
3. We have resolved to establish the Karo Language Development Institute (or KALDI, in short), which shall bring together the linguists and Karo intellectuals and endeavor to develop our language to the scientific, linguistic, academic and professional levels as a unifying and common identifying factor;
4. KALDI shall operate according to provisions of a Constitution to be passed by its General Assembly, which shall be comprised of subscribed Members from all the six communities of the Karo People; and
5. Accordingly, we DEMAND and ASSERT that we are referred to as “Karo People”, and not otherwise, in all official documents, communication, references and recordings.
Also DECLARE as obsolete any earlier reference to us as “Bari Speaking People”, which is rather a misnomer to the extent that it confines us to a people related only via the language we speak, while ruling out social orientation and background.
DECIDE that we shall make every effort possible to jointly enrich our common heritage, cultures and values, including by way of academic undertakings or civil society organizations, and by organizing festivals, shows and exhibitions.
We give glory to God our Creator for giving us this realization and reawakening.
©️KLDI, Juba South Sudan