PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The 2nd open Letter to Hon. Elia Ullan Jongo, the Member of TNLA in Juba

The 2nd open Letter to Hon. Elia Ullan Jongo the Member of TNLA Juba, South Sudan     

By Michael Chol Tor, Juba, South Sudan

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 (PW) — It is most important in human-being lifecycle to maintain mutual trust and friendship with your neighborhoods incredibly, it helps to establish good interpersonal relationships and coexistence as localities as human-being. Anciently, Nyiel community was embodied in Deher (Adar) 1620s – 1883. The arrival of Latjor in Upper Nile from Bentiu was 1628 followed by Maban (Shai) arrival in 1884 in Deher territorial the current refugee camp, Northern Upper Nile State after the defeats of Fuj kingdom where an agreement was signed between Jieng and Fuj and place was named Dohor “Peace”.

After agreement, Nyiel community was living in harmony with Fuj and Nuer the neighbors. After the ugly defeats, Maban societies were migrated and refuge in Dohor for sheltering and later they named it Dora 1884 – 1963. They came to Bai-Lual which is Jamam today chasing animals into Dinka midland since they were professionally hunters. They created good affiliation with elderly Dol Ajang Ayiir from Jibek-clan and Mooga, Liwa managed to link their community with Jieng De Nyiel in Deher (Adar) and they lived in harmony and rapport for good 79yrs.

Regrettably, in 1964 they were Armed by Sudan regime and commenced to attack Wunkhir Village the field base of Buny Wulwul “Black Arab regime” or Buny Deng Nyan-Awei “Deng Nyan-Awei regime”. They murdered a veteran officer Mr. Ajang Adik in Buny Town daylight, 7 innocence citizens in Wunkhir where the survival persons escaped death. Constantly, they achieved to massacre an elderly-man Lual Anguei in Wunamom then Paramount Chief: Lual Run Deng and his son Biar Lual in Agordit after they fled death in Wunamom. What made you courage to ink untrue info in Dawn Daily Newspaper? Do you think we have forgotten the massive death of our elderly men and Children 1964?

It is a proven fact! One of your most deep-rooted desires in life is to have the envy power to influence vulnerable minded people and to get along well with others. Shortly, in 1981 the Chevron Corporation discovered and explored Adar Yale 4 wells before 2nd Sudanese Civil War 1983 that exceeded 1,500 barrels (240M3) a day. In 1984, the Chevron Corporation full-out from Sudan once 3 employees killed by rebels. After evacuation of workers, Maban and Jihadists (Ruffa-Arab) Militias endless targeting Dinka for the reason of Bor and Ayod rebellion.

In 1985 the Nuer militants beside Maban Militias invaded Dinka villages of which Wurheng was plunged under militias attack and most people were mistreated, 15 persons were killed and many children were abducted. Afterward, the area’s inhabitants were migrated by inhumanity invasion to Adar West villages along Yaal River seeking shelter from passive militants attacked. In 2005 once the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in Nevasha, Kenya between Sudan regime and SPLM/A, and the productive area awarded with 2% from Oil productions.

Consecutively, I can assure you that you are a bullying member in South Sudan Transitional National Legislative Assembly (SSTNLA) however, you are there to earn salary. Furthermore, in 1620s – 1883 your people where not there, only Fuj. It is unlimited support with sacrifice to provide you a short-lived training as an elder brother to learn. Conclusively, one of the problems with being a good deceiver is that your friends, associates and neighborhoods will take you fibber-most person in their lifecycle.

Lastly but not the least, it is in Nyiel mandate to confront all sorts of natural and manmade disasters in accordance.

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