Dear University of Juba (UoJ) Fraternity

President Kiir at the 18th graduation ceremony of the university of Juba, April 2015
By Zack Mayul, Juba, South Sudan

Monday, November 25, 2019 (PW) — You’re the pride of this country. You’re the center point of local academicians. You’re the tools that everyone in this country should have a quest to study at your campus: sit in those lecturing halls, wade in the morning to attend the lectures, have a chance to meet your chancellor and the vice.
I have never seen my chancellor, or the vice. I don’t think I remember their Ugandan long names. You’re lucky to have the president as your chancellor even if he rare shows up. Be proud. Be happy and take the credit. Maybe some Bush PhD holders will come one day and finally apply their skills. And, you will be the first batch to benefit.
Don’t be shy to shout it loud. Your school, I mean. Wear a badge. Put it in your bedroom. Put a sticker on your car. Just like how you have your parties, love your school like Chris loved the church. Let no one make you feel inferior because they studied at the University of Nairobi or Makerere.
Ask them why they brain-drained their love? Charity begins at home. Isn’t it? Whatever way or style you feel you want to love your school, don’t mind who will laugh at you. University of Jama Juba or Juba University, don’t mind until you find the right time to call it the University of Juba.
However, your chancellor promised you multiple jobs: a lot of jobs. A friend once told me, “it’s easy to promise than fulfilling.” Do not feel too comfortable. Soldiers are cutting greets. A disaster to global warming. Meaning, the environmentalists will find it hard to solve the main problems facing our ecosystem. Accountants are seeking figures intentionally at the central bank. Journalists are community commentators because they can’t breathe when they’re covering stories on real issues.
For the case of engineers, you will never get that job you have been dreaming for. No one seems to care that you’re earning to support your withering career and life. The foreign and local hoteliers keeps importing foreigners to work for menial jobs that do not require much of class. Think beyond those suits and the Christmas gallan you worn on your graduation day.
Black suits and tie aside. Community meetings in Sherkat and Gudele aside. Dreams for that well-borned Aluel in Jebel aside – especially if her parents have that excellent appetite above sea level aside. No one earns much in this country in good faith. Do not lean on your chancellor to create those jobs instantly.
It might be mid 2020; that mean, after the peace has been signed. But how about if more Kikuyus creep in with cheap labour in their financial skills, Uganda start brick business, what are you going to do?
Avoid connection and start networking. Know people who know people to cling you in. It’s partially corruption but as Ugandans always say, “man eats where he works”, so must you eat where you live.
Your Bible and Quran might be least needed. A’s and B’s you scored might be least needed too in this contaminated job market.