Broken Promises: South Sudanese Students in Zimbabwe Shut Down Juba Embassy in Harare Indefinitely

By Mabil Manyok Nhial, Gweru, Zimbabwe
Saturday, December 28, 2019 (PW) – South Sudanese students, who have been sleeping for two months on the floor at the Embassy of South Sudan in Harare, have finally shut down the Embassy. The South Sudanese students on a government scholarship in Zimbabwe have been facing a lot of challenges which include feeding, air ticket for those who have finished their studies, basic necessities among other things.
The South Sudanese students studying various programmes, came to Zimbabwe under the most industrious erstwhile Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology Hon. Dr. John Gai Yoh. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which brought the students to Zimbabwe was signed between the two governments of South Sudan and Zimbabwe.
When the students came to Zimbabwe, it was made very clear that each one of them would receive USD100 as a monthly stipend. This did not last longer than seven months. However, the situation was quite better when Hon. Dr. John Gai was still in charge of the Ministry because he could come or send a delegation for diplomatic consultations with his Zimbabwean counterpart, Ministry of Higher Education, which was then under Hon. Prof. Jonathan Moyo. This approach has not been the case since our current Minister Hon. Yien Oral came to office.
Two universities where the majority of the students study, do not provide catering services, and this has made it very difficult for students to continue with studies. This has subsequently forced some students to go back home without completing their degree programmes. Majority of students came from families which are not financially stable and it is not possible to call back home for any assistance. Some students unfortunately went back home without completing their studies for that matter!
Sending a delegation to come and address the issues of students should have always been the alternative, if at all there is no financial settlement that may promptly help the situation. However, our Minister for Higher Education has said over and over again that the scholarship to Zimbabwe has been dominated by one tribe! He has chosen to refuse to accept the fact that this scholarship to Zimbabwe is the cleanest government scholarship, which was corruption free. According to his insinuation, he is less concerned with students in Zimbabwe as his perception keeps jolting in his mind.
To substantiate the above assertion, this has been proven by the fact that in 2018, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning released US$500,000.00 for the substantial arrears, feeding and stipends for students on the government scholarship to Zimbabwe. To the students’ chagrin, US$100,000.00 got lost within the Ministry of Higher Education under the auspices of Hon. Yien. When the student leaders asked for the whereabouts of the missing amount, the flimsy defence was that it had not been released by the Ministry of Finance! One cannot stop asking themselves why the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning released US$400,000.00 leaving out only US$100,000.00!
When the students’ leadership took a move trying to find out the mystery of US$100,000.00, they were threatened with deportation should they continue asking the missing money! This is so hilarious, isn’t it? As if it was not enough, the worst happened when the Council of Ministers in June this year, approved US$1.3illion for students on government scholarships in different countries in which Zimbabwe holds the biggest number. This money did not reach the students in Zimbabwe, leaving the most glowing issues unattended to! One wonders why the money which was kindly approved for all students on government scholarships disappeared without any single cent to the number one beneficiaries studying in Zimbabwe, whose pressing issues led to that prompt release of the money!
When VP. Dr. Wani Igga had a diplomatic visit to Zimbabwe, he honestly got shocked seeing the condition of the students herein; a situation which actually forced him to bring out US$15,000.00 for students’ upkeep and feeding. This money really came at a right time when students from two universities had no feeding, let alone other basic necessities.
In November, many students graduated and did not have tickets for their flights. In actual fact, the government is supposed to transport them back home, but is that the case? No, certainly not! Some of the universities did not allow them to continue getting accommodation when they have finished their studies. Others who are continuing with their studies have no feeding and nothing for self-upkeep. This situation has forced them to go to the Embassy since the government has not addressed their issues. In the same vain, the Embassy is their home when there is nowhere to sleep and eat. Having tried all the diplomatic means without fruition, they have finally decided to shut down the Embassy on 27th December indefinitely until their issues are addressed.
Referring to students’ issues here in Zimbabwe, VP. Dr. Wani expressly stated “you cannot plant your crops and leave them without watering them. They will simply wither.” The students therefore ask the Government of South Sudan to kindly address their pressing issues of feeding, tickets, stipends and clearance of the outstanding arrears so that they finish their studies successfully and that those who have finished would get their certificates which have been detained due to arrears. Most of them who are continuing are in their fifth and fourth years, and that means they are left with only a semester or two to finish their studies. A few of them will finish in 2021.
Mabil Manyok Nhial is a teacher at Werkok SS and Malek SS, Jonglei State- Bor. He is currently in his fifth year, pursuing a bachelor of Laws (Honours) Degree at Midlands State University, Zimbabwe. He can be reached via