PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

“No Pressure under Earth, under the Sun”: Ateny Wek’s Recent Catch-Phrase on the 32 States!

6 min read

Ateny Wek, Presidential press secretary

By Dr. Sunday de John, Nairobi, Kenya

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 (PW) — The public should note with considerable attention that President Salva Kiir Mayardit did the needful, of course, he did what others would consider unthinkable, putting his pen to paper in revocation of his highly contested “Establishment Order Number 36/2015 for creation of 28 states” in the decentralized governance system in the Republic of South Sudan, October 2, 2015. This happened after lengthy period of disagreement with Dr. Riek Machar a signatory to the revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan and even after painful two extensions with unnecessary prolongation of the interim period.

Although, the dispute over the number of states and their boundaries was a secondary matter in relation to the prime reasons for conflict in South Sudan, it is worth noting that it has taxed heavily on time necessary for the return of peace and has over-shadowed even the vital matters pertaining to the country’s progress, namely the achievement of peace with subsequent dividends including charting out the framework for kick-starting multiple developmental projects, establishment of constitutional process leading to its promulgation, invocation of system of governance and possibly, a return to democratic way of selecting leaders, namely the electoral process among others. 

Notwithstanding the above introduction, the consensus is that, Ateny Wek Ateny, President’s Press Secretary did err on what President’s message was. His talk with Mundari people on whether the Establishment Order Number 36/2015 would be revoked or not was but expressly a shambolic presentation of lies and ignorance. His talk with Mundari intellectuals was intriguing in that it was a bloviation out of ignorance and lack of knowledge in the areas of politics and diplomacy thereof. A complete deficiency of proficiency and little or no professionalism.

That was the reason why I decided to publish a review of a piece that I had written (unpublished) titled: “What has become of Ateny Wek”. The review piece was meant to be an eye-opener to brother Ateny who throughout his duties, over-shadowed his work with lack of reverence and integrity all emanating from his empty pomposity. It is worth reiterating that Ateny didn’t only perceive my piece wrongly, he actually responded out of frustration and went on to accuse me of belittling his role as President’s Press Secretary, mocking his intellectual competencies and accusing him of anti- peace and sentimental expressions.

He extended his accusations levied against me that I misrepresented his views and that my remarks were false and devoid of professionalism. Furthermore, he accused me of coveting his post. For the benefit of Ateny and the readership, I would like to clearly state that whatever Ateny has written in response to my then short article doesn’t cover his naked ignorance, habitual lying, arrogance and pomposity. 

Brother Ateny wasn’t off records, video tape of his speech is now viral and if he can’t reflect, he should watch it once again. By watching his 20 seconds cut-off clip, he will come to his senses and reflect that I actually did a good intervention. I rebuked him to revert from his deep slumber, woke up to my sincere call, acknowledge that truth deficiency is diabolical and therefore, he should stick to the truth telling habit. 

Ateny should be informed that I am in the resistance and thus not contesting for his job. I was only concerned about the image he portrays for the country. He was speaking casually and out of ignorance. He was insulting peace, inviting pressures and discrediting the country by impersonating his boss, all these amount to total disrespect and incoherent self-conduct. Whether in opposition or in the government, South Sudan is a home to all of us and thus must be portrayed for what it is and not indecently.  

Ateny accused me of not being professional, he must be informed on this that I had worked for the media way before he did and he should learn that I am a member of the founding team of the now defunct Citizen Newspaper under then Editor-In-Chief Nhial Bol Aken and other members of note were Mr. Harris, Mohammed Khamil the Nigerian writer, Swaka Philip, Simon Gaiku and the founding Columnist, Moiga Anduru Korokoto among many others.

I slept on the streets of Khartoum on countless occasions ensuring that the Newspaper is printed before it was transferred to Juba where it was published as plain tabloid with no more writers of value and therefore it became Ateny’s platform where he bashed innocent people at will due to lack of ethics and professionalism, again emanating from lack of formal education and even in-house training.

While I was working in the copy edition section of the Citizen Newspaper at our Sudan Tukul premises, I was a seasoned Columnist and a Reporter for Khartoum Monitor Newspaper under several Editors-In-Chief, including Tabani Joseph, William Ezekiel and Ustaz Adam Cholong Oheri. I was working with dedication fully trusted by the Chairman Board of Directors, Ustaz Alfred Taban Logune, the great mentor and teacher to me and it was in that capacity that I could edit the paper in most cases, singlehandedly and could even effect that much better during Khalid Ibrahim’s attack on Khartoum when nobody was ready to risk his life and come to work.

While at Khartoum Monitor, I trained several youngsters including those who introduced Ateny to the media. Current Editor-In-Chief of the Juba Monitor, Anna Nimiriano Nunu was my colleague among several others. What Professionalism does Ateny want to tell me? The one he learned from my mentees/boys? I as well double as a Medical Doctor with of course Professional ethics and thus, I wouldn’t want Ateny to argue along that line. 

Why would Ateny be infuriated by my simple brotherly rebukes? Why would he make a big deal out of that? Is Ateny now not ashamed that he communicated what isn’t President Salva Kiir’s position? South Sudanese need peace than they need states and therefore Ateny shouldn’t have expressed his empty rhetorics when he hasn’t assessed what would transpire.

Does he have guts to even walk around? Is he ready to acknowledge that he lied several times including on Five Million dollars expression meant to create negative image for General Paul Malong for the purported Killing of Dr. Riek? Does Ateny know that there were Pressures under the sun that can compel any sane person to act according to the desire of the subjects including pressures stemming from patriotism? Does Ateny know that doing what is right is a massive generator of the pressure? 

By utterance of his recent catch-phrase, “No Pressure under Earth, under the Sun would compel President Salva Kiir to sign an order revoking the creation of 32 unnecessary states”, although partially meaningless, Ateny was indeed mocking those that had called for decrement in the number of states. Ateny should reflect and acknowledge that Pressures originating from one’s love for his people are powerful and should have compelled President Kiir to concede on any hard-to-overcome hurdle in the peace process. 

However, President Kiir should concede more for the good of South Sudan and Ateny should be told that talking for the sake of talking is lunacy! Till then, yours truly Mr. Teetotaler!

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