PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Press Release: Condemnation Statement on Inter-Communal Fighting in Rumbek that Killed over 40 People

2 min read

By Beny Matur Mathiang and Samuel Mabior Makuek, Rumbek, South Sudan

Monday, March 16, 2020 (PW) — We, the undersigned members of Lakes State – and particularly Rumbek community do hereby issue this statement to condemn in the strongest terms possible the recent inter-communal fighting which erupted on Saturday 14th March 2020 between Agaar sections of Rup, Athoi, Kuei and Pakam which has claimed over 40 innocent lives.

Prior to this fighting, leadership of the national government in Juba was informed and made aware of this looming tension and builds up, however, there wasn’t any action to prevent it or call off the warring groups either.

We, the concerned citizens of Lakes State urge and question the duty of the national government in Juba. It is the responsibility of any government all over the world to protect lives and properties of every citizen in its country. This is not the case now in our country.

Many lives have been lost and continue to be lost every day in South Sudan especially in Lakes, Jonglei, Eastern Equatoria and Warrap states. We have lost generations to these unnecessary inter-communal conflicts across the country and particularly Lakes state for over fifteen years now!

Now that Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity is being formed, we the concerned sons and daughters of Lakes State and principally Rumbek community urge all parties to R. TGoNU for a speedy formation of states government and appointment of Governors so that these revenge killings are stopped immediately.

With heavy hearts, we are saddened and send our condolences to bereaved families whose sons have died in these continued pointless killings of one people and one community of South Sudan.

We all call for calm and restraint and to not perpetuate this conflict.


  1. Joseph Maluaal DONG – SPLM/IO member
  2. Eli Magok MANYOL – SPLM/IO member
  3. Beny Matur MATHIANG – SPLM/IO member
  4. Samuel Mabior MAKUEK – SPLM/IO member

For contact please write to or call:

  1. Beny Matur MATHIANG; e-mail: / 0922670722
  2. Samuel Mabior MAKUEK; e-mail: / 0922380380

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