Gen. Taban Deng Gai is one of the Development Icons among the Ruling Elites in South Sudan

a jovial Preisdent Salva Kiir and SPLM-Io Chief Negotiator Taban Deng
Rethinking the Nexus of Gen. Taban Deng Gai as one of the Development Icons among the Ruling Elites Under the able Leadership of H.E President Salva KiirMayardit, the President of the Republic of South Sudan.
By Peter Wol Majok, Juba, South Sudan
Friday, June 26, 2020 (PW) — In leadership skills, Africa as a third world continent and South Sudan as a young nation, it is always up to the lucky one in position of power to decide what path you want to take, what legacy you want to leave behind and what kind of individual reputation you want to acquire, all of which you can be remembered for.
The history of revolution of the SPLA/SPLM is very precise to each and everyone understanding. The people who immensely contributed with no reservation, the people who sabotaged the progress, the game players and neutrals, the pro-Arabs and the Western opportunists to which the country is now built.
But Gen. Taban Deng Gai in all the trying moments and temptations, took a rare choice, a universal path, fight with objectivity and avoid being preoccupied by pessimism as he remained constantly steadfast, supportive to the President of the Republic of South Sudan in peace building efforts and connected to women and youth organizations during the war of liberation and throughout the six years of interim administration and into the independence of the Republic of South Sudan proclaimed in 2011 and after the 2915 Addis’s Ababa peach accord.
The late SPLA/SPLM leader, Dr. John Garang De Mabior once asserted that if he could get as much as five times the caliber of Taban Deng, the movement would be faster in carrying out its activities and arriving to its objectives earlier than expected. This was in recognition of Taban diligent services in Panyidoand throughout the liberation war with the Arabs in the north. Even now, the Vice President in-charge of infrastructure cluster continues in the same spirit as a development agent and in true support of youth and women initiatives.
His belief in development has been a long term strategy and can be traced back to his leadership track records during and after the war of liberation to an independent South Sudan. He is now extremely enthusiastic to the Ramciel Project one of his national agenda for development. Over the recent past, his Al Jazeerahard talks video revealed significantly some advanced maturity in politics, love for a better South Sudan and its territorial integrity.
He demonstrated that the encroachers on to the South Sudan rightful territory should not be allowed to falsely claim the ownership for the sake of it being rich in oil and other minerals along the border to Sudan. This is how a leader represents its people, this is how a leader convinced the citizens to support him. War manufacturing and warmongering have never done us any good and all it brings is destruction, disruption, death and disunity.
The four-time consecutive United Nations General Assembly South Sudan member State Speaker, had shown on several occasions shown willingness, commitment, transparency and love to serve his country and advance its prospects to the next level in a development viewpoint inclusive of youth and women groups because no country can thrive on the development path without the involvement of young, energetic, educated men and women.
The intransigence to omit such groups, made it harder and almost impossible for any development to take place in the last fifteen years of self-determination status on the world map.
Although the inbuilt ambition, aspirations, support and willingness of Gen.Taban Deng Gai to transform the deformed South Sudan infrastructure into a modern landscape, his efforts seem overshadowed and frustrated by other events and political actors in the country, region and the world as whole.
Now as I speak, the Vice President in-charge of the infrastructure cluster has not abandoned the spirit of development, he firmly maintains his development plans as the only agenda for reform, stability and unity across South Sudan.
For those who want to know further Gen.Taban Deng Gai and his long standing development agenda to strengthen the shrinking economy of South Sudan, please kindly visit his UN general assembly videos, audios and text speeches and other videos and speeches delivered locally to give fair judgment of what I am inspired to believe as a young person and an impoverished citizen of this country, who also deserves to add voice to the sticky issues of South Sudan, the country we all love to live.
The betterment of South Sudan lies in the hands of women and youth interventions who have South Sudan at heart and who take South Sudan first before the political affiliations because the future and nation building of South Sudan is at the midst of our responsibilities not the outsiders. Gen. Taban is a bonafide icon of development and a fan of youth and women inclusion into development programs.
The writer is a concerned citizen and a master’s candidate of MAF at the University of Juba, School of Management Sciences. Reach him via WhatsApp Number:+211915655171 or via Email Adress: