PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

#Mamarasakit: Faithfulness is vital for stable marriages in South Sudan

5 min read
Betty Yom Mageer

Betty Yom Mageer

By Betty Yom Mageer, Nairobi, Kenya

Sunday, September 13, 2020 (PW) — Faithfulness is significant for sustaining marriage in South Sudan and the whole world. There’re many challenges facing marriages in South Sudan but one thing is vital for marriage to last for lifetime on earth. And that’s faithfulness if the people can take it seriously in their marriages.

If you want to kill and eradicate true love, trust, partnership and understanding in marriage. Then, the best way to achieve that is to be a chronic cheater who is an expert in the fields of lies and unfaithfulness. And if you want to suiciding your good marriage then, you become the most unfaithful woman or man on earth and you’ll succeed in destroying your marriage.

But if you desire a better marriage that’ll last for lifetime, then you get into agreement with faithfulness and you’ll never regret anything in your matrimony on this planet. Furthermore, there are many women and men who take faithfulness completely for granted and when their marriages later on start falling apart, they wonder why?

Yet it is the unfaithfulness which is paying off. In life you reap what you sow, if you sow mango’s plantation, then you shouldn’t expect to harvest sugar’s plantation because that’s against the rule of agriculture and nature. The same thing is true with marriage too. If you invest in unfaithfulness in marriage, then you should know that you’ll get the same unfaithfulness you’ve invest your time, faculty and energy on it. 

Moreover, don’t deceive yourself and expect to get faithfulness in return while you’re pursuing unfaithfulness in matrimony whether you’re a man or woman. 

Unfaithfulness is unfaithfulness and faithfulness is faithfulness. They two should never be confused either intentionally or unintentionally in life. Furthermore, fidelity help builds a strong partnership in marriage. Fidelity help in creating unity and trust between the couple in marriage. 

Fidelity make partners happy and united in marriage. Faithfulness help to minimize the meaningless argument and fight in the family between spouses. Additionally, fidelity make partners trust each other and with trust, they can build great marriage in life. 

Fidelity help lovers to be faithful to each other in marriage. Fidelity help to create harmony and peace in the family between the couple. Moreover, fidelity help to prevent adultery and divorce in marriage. Furthermore, in South Sudan and the world today, there are many challenges facing marriages in many families. 

There are many couples who are not happy with their partners and marriages. Why are they unhappy? They are unhappy because of many challenges facing marriages and the major challenge is infidelity in marriages. There is nothing good in infidelity, no reward and happiness. it is just pain, regret and destruction in matrimony. 

Additionally, fidelity help to keep away sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in many marriages amongst the couples. When infidelity is done by either of the partners in marriage. They sexually transmitted diseases (STD) do not segregate when it comes to who to infect and who to sympathize with in marriage. 

They sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are very dangerous to the health of woman, man, unborn children and the family as a whole. There is no discrimination in infection and STDS affect both partners irrespective of who went to search for it and bring it to the other.

Additionally, both woman and man are all capable of committing infidelity. There is no single gender that can be blame for infidelity alone in marriage. Although, the rate varies from gender to gender. But both woman and man are capable of committing unfaithfulness in marriage. 

Moreover, infidelity also affect children psychologically and emotionally in the marriage.Children can feel and detect it if there’s no loving chemistry between their father and mother. They can feel and see it when there are always endless arguments and fights in the family.

They can feel and see it when there is no communication and trust among their parents. They can feel and see it when there is no healthy partnership and loyalty in the family between the couple. They can see and feel it when one of their parent always stay away from home for long time and avoid spending his/her time with the family especially for the reasons that aren’t entirely related to any employment’s activities.

Finally, the couples in marriages in South Sudan and the entire world need to maintain faithfulness in their marriages for the motive of maintaining their marriages. They need to do it for the goodness, durability and sustainability of their marriages and families. They need to do it for the happiness and partnership in their marriages.

They need to know that infidelity is a dangerous killer of marriages. They need to know that fidelity is not a sign of be weak either in womanhood or manhood. They need to know that you don’t accomplish anything in unfaithfulness in marriage.

They need to know that faithfulness is the soul of a wonderful and everlasting marriage in life. They need to know that faithfulness is key in maintaining an excellent marriage and unfaithfulness is the hammer for breaking up a fantasticmarriage in life.

So let keep away unfaithfulness in marriages and embrace faithfulness, love, trust and loyalty in marriages in South Sudan and the world and together we’ll build great marriages, healthy children and families in South Sudan and worldwide.

The author, Betty Yom Mageer, is a women rights activist and can be reached via her email:

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