The Rapidly Deteriorating South Sudan Economic Troubles (Part 2)

Simon El Hag Kulusika, Lusaka, Zambia
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 (PW) — This is a follow up opinion article on the subject matter indicated above. It was claimed that the immediate tasks of TGONU is to pay workers wages and salaries. To adopt measures to reduce inflation and depreciation of the pound.
It was also claimed that such measures could be effective if export of oil is regularised and outputs increased that should lead to earning substantial amount of money to meet domestic demands and support foreign reserves necessary for sound international trades of South Sudan.
These are immediate and short – term actions that have to be taken by the TGONU. To make the economy more efficient short, medium and long – term policy actions and plans must be put in place.
1. Government must develop reliable energy sources :hydro- power, solar power, gas power, or other renewable energy sources. Reliable energy sources such as electricity will encourage the establishment of manuturing and industrial plants, such as factories for detergents, cooking oil, textiles, sugar, footwears, kitchen wares, furnitures, stationerys, bicycles or tricycles, cosmetics, alcohol beverages, safe milk and it’s byproducts, meat and cheap polterys, etc all these are none existence or if there are any, they are poorly managed due to absence of energy and lack of skilled workers. South Sudan is depending on imports from neighbours and far afield with all risks and expenses.
2. It’s not safe to depend on one sources of income or revenues,eg oil as is the case at presence. Government must diversify South Sudan sources of revenues. These should include minerals, such as gold and various gemstones. They are not to be exported as raw materials but to add value to them. This sector requires regulation and control.
3. Other sources of revenues include forestry , agriculture and livestocks industries. As regards agriculture and livestocks industries, the government should establish farms blocks and livestocks land blocks. A block may consist of between 25,000 to 150,000 hectares. It can be owned by government or investors.
Within each block there will be multi ‘purposes farms or ranches as the case may be. Such farms can be small, medium or large scale, to produce cash crops as well as food crops. The ranches to be used for rearing cattle, goats and sheep for milk, meat and for live – exports.
If these expensive ventures are soundly managed they will lead to economic development,reduction of unemployment and poverty. To make these blocks efficient and productive SS needs expertise, technicians, and skilled workers. Let alone huge investments: local, regional and international.
How these blocks work will be our next discourses. I believe they are the best means for overcoming the economic troubles of SS coupled with good educational and healthcare policies. Thanks
The author, Simon El Hag Kulusika, Prof, ZAOU, can be reached via his email address: or Lusaka phone + 260973711250