The Rapidly Deteriorating South Sudan Economic Troubles (Part 3)

By Simon El Hag Kulusika, Lusaka, Zambia
Friday, September 25, 2020 (PW) — In this last part of our discourse on the subject matter indicated above, I beg to shed some light on Farm Blocks (FB)and Livestocks land Blocks (LsLB) the latter is the author’s innovation. The concepts of FB and LsLB are simple; ventures that aim to make agriculture and livestocks the backbones to social change, economic growth and development.
But there is the hard side of the ventures: there must be skilled labour, available lands, good infrastructure and adequate finances. An FB is a large block of arable land suitable for large, medium and small scale farming. They are managed collaboratively. Crops include cash crops, eg sunflower, rice, suggar, groundnuts, sessime, soyabeans, cotton…
This can be for domestic use by industry or for export to earn foreign currency. There can be foods crops, maize, sorghum, beans, sweet and iris potatoes, vegi… For domestic use to ensure food security.or for export. LsLB is a large land for rearing cattle,goats and sheep for milk, meat and live export. Abundance of milk will result in establishment of dairy factories to produce related products.
Meat will encourage meat canning industry. Live animals can be exported to generate foreign currency and stabilise exchange rates. FB and LsLB will enhance the development of the two sectors which are rudimentary at present. People still rely on subsistence farming and herding communities continue to rear ccattle and goats for dowry and petty cash with no economic consequences.
This must be changed if SS is to move forward.To create a viable FB or LsLB there must be reliable infastrure: roads/ feeder roads, water, lands with suitable soil, electricity, schools, health facilities, skilled labour. The availability of good infastrure will attract investors.
The FB and LsLB should be established in each state and the national government and state governments will be the main players in the implementation of the ventures in partnership with local and foreign investors. They together must draw plans for the purposes of making FB and LsLB viable.
This must include estimated costs.these will run into billion of pounds. The President may establish a national council or a corporation to draw plans for the ventures and to manage same. The staff should be experts with relevant expertise in agriculture, livestocks, industry, irrigation, finance and international trade, etc.
The benefits are enormous, acceleration of agricultural development and moving farmers from subsistence farming to economy of scale. Improvement of quality of livestocks to enhance their marketability internally and externally leading to social transformation. Job creation that will ameliorate the intensity of unemployment in rural and urban areas.
Betterment of income and the accumulation of wealth across the board especially for rural population. Provide advancement in schools and healthcare for all. Improve transportation and communication that will enhance mobility and integration. Lay foundation for democratic governance through equal participation as economic deprivation is progressively reduced through fair distribution of goods,services and income.
Importantly, these FB and LsLB will stimulate the establishment of manuturing and industrial plants given reliable energy and investments. The ventures will bear fruits if people accept the idea and there is political will to implement. In this case there should be intensive campaigns of sensitisation across all states to explain to rural dwellers the economic benefits of the ventures to their ccommunities rather than for the purposes of enriching the elites in cities and towns.
This will enable the planers to identify suitable lands for agriculture and livestocks. Make part of the ventuures rather thsn crying lots for their traditionslly owned lands.Another impediment is the costs. This have to be met by national government with financial support from international institutions and foreign investors.
Assuming that SS will go these bodies with clean hands. That is what equity demands.An FB and LsLB should not be less than 25,000 hectares and not more than 150,000 hectares to be viable economically and manageable. Farmers and herders outside the blocks should also receive supports from government to help them provide services and products to the blocks for mutual benefits.
I am writing as a layman and the experts in the fields have the final say in this complex developmental activities. But we must try to get SS from the current economic troubles. We must forward together: Thanks.
The author, Simon El Hag Kulusika, Prof, ZAOU, can be reached via his email address: or Lusaka phone + 260973711250