SSOMA Kicks out SSUF/A as Gen Paul Malong Dismisses Sunday de John from SSUF/A

September 26th, 2020
Public Statement for immediate release: Dismissal of Gen. Paul Malong Awan as Chairman and Commander-In-Chief, South Sudan United Front/Army
In a sitting by members of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the South Sudan United Front/Army on September 23rd, 24th 25th, 2020 it was resolved that Gen. Paul Malong Awan’s role as Chairman and Commander-In-Chief of the South Sudan United Front/Army is terminated effective immediately. This expulsion is in accordance with Article 5.11 (d) of the Constitution of South Sudan United Front/Army (SSUF/A). This decision was reached after thorough deliberation.
As per the said deliberation, sufficient grounds were provided as the basis on which his role as a leader could be vitiated and was resolved that:i. Gen. Paul Malong Awan has no well-developed policies, strategies and programmes and that his rebellion was only informed by personal sentiments and should cease stagnating the progress of the Movement. ii. Gen. Paul Malong has never shown any vibrancy on leadership and management skills, he could not manage less than thirty (30) people and this has warranted for depletion of the Movement’s pool of powerful leaders and cadres as he embraces the weak and so this must end. iii. South Sudan United Front/Army is revolving around Malong. He only wants members to be around him to further his personal objectives as he awaits the successful outcome of their toil and take credit for that. iv. Gen. Paul Malong Awan has been caught by the cartels and despots that are working for the downfall of the Movementand therefore the Movement must be rescued. v. Gen. Paul Malong Awan is frustrated and is ready to trade the Movement for anything that comes his way. This has been reflected in his apparent desperation as he chases the government of South Sudan in all Gen. Paul Malong Awan is practicing tribal and nepotistic corruption, this is seen in appointment of relatives and tribesmen/women.vii. He is running SSUF/A not only dictatorially but as family enterprise. viii. He is working excessively in undermining the partners in the South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) onthe basis of them being Non-Dinka. This is in contravention of the principle of nationhood, one people, and one nation as enshrined in the SUF/A basic documents including its ample Manifesto.
The National Executive Committee has resolved that SSUF/A will always be part and parcel of SSOMA in conformity with all its basic documents, objectives, policies, strategies and diversity. This is in the spirit of nationhood and is in pursuit of achieving a common goal of stable democratic South Sudan.
The South Sudan United Front/Army commits to Rome Peace Process as part of SSOMA without any tendency to break away from SSOMA in the spirit of self-seeking as was the case with its former leader and is destined to achieve sustainable peace through addressing the root causes of the conflict.
I finally call upon the entire SSUF/A membership worldwide to remain calm.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Emmanuel Sunday John
Interim Chairman and Commander-In-Chief
South Sudan United Front/Army.
Cc: Community of Sant’Egidio.
What has transpired to Dr. Emmanuel Sunday de John suspension and my opinion on it.
I have been receiving phone calls and messages from our members of SSUF/A who are out of Nairobi and our people from lakes state and Yirol in particular where both Dr. Emmanuel Sunday and I hailed, to at least give them clear picture of what has led to Dr. Sunday’s suspension and his subsequent break away from SSUF/A.
Besides his senior position in the party as a member of National Executive Committee, Dr. Sunday held positions of spokesman in the office of Chairman of the party, ICT and Communication Secretary.
His suspension came as a result of the leaking of some classified documents belonging to the party to government security organs in Juba. The same classified documents were sent back to the Chairman by our informants in Juba.
On 20th September, 2020, Our Chairman, Gen. Paul Malong called an abrupt meeting comprising of some senior members. I was one of the attendees. In this meeting, he disclosed to us that some classified information belonging to us was leaked to Juba by one of our members, Dr. Sunday. he showed us the documents, we were all shocked. Because this was a security breach of the the highest level which could tantarmount to treason.
Sunday himself admitted that he didn’t share documents with any member accept the chairman. We the members recommended that investigation be made to ascertain the truth, however chairman rejected our proposal saying that he couldn’t betrayed himself, which is logical. On the other hand Sunday accused Chairman himself to have made up the issue to rid him or people around Gen. malong he purported to be against him might have done so. The atmosphere was very high so we decided to suspend the meeting.
On the following day, Sunday’s suspension was issued by the chairman in accordance with powers invested in him. Chairman called general assembly meeting and asked whither Sunday should be dismissed or maintained. The majority of the members recommended suspension and the investigation to happen. Gen..Malong accepted this time. All members acknowledged the great contribution Dr. Sunday made in the party, but with some reservations.
Initiative made by the committee.
Cognisant to the fact that Dr. Sunday has not yet been proven guilty, the investigation committee stated his membership in the party and position as a National Executive Committee (NEC) member remain intact until facts finding is completed.
On the contrary, two days later, Dr. Sunday made his mind to form his own faction of SSUF/A. Which he has already hypothetically formed. Therefore the committee is rendered hopeless in its pursuance to the path of finding the truth and maintaining Dr. Sunday.
As a comrade and brother to Dr. Sunday, his decision was based on emotion and I further implore him to reconsider its reversal. His exit is a big setback to the party he helped with all his energies from from the beginning and more so to himself ,and his future political endeavours.
Such wrong and uncalculated political moves were made before by other five members of SSUF/A declaring themselves as alternative leaders or independent factions but ended up in dust bins.
Despite many internal conflicts between Sunday and SSUF/A members who are at the same time Malong’s relatives which I have witnessed. I beg my brother Dr. Sunday to retreat and allow us to continue with investigation and possibly reunion.
To our brothers from lakes states and Yirol in particular, I assure you that Gen. King Paul always has you in his heart and often acknowledges owing you saved his life in 2017. He had also been a good friend to us as a community. therefore, I request you to cease from tribal sentiments as we addressed the issues at hand. However each one of us is entitled to his own political opinion and varied reasons to join any political organisation.
May God almighty give us wisdom during this difficult time. Amen.
Lt. Col. Emmanuel Majur, SSUF/A