#Mamarasakit: The role of women in the search and achievement of long-lasting peace in South Sudan

Betty Yom Mageer
By Betty Yom Mageer, Nairobi, Kenya
Friday, October 23, 2020 (PW) — Women shouldn’t sit back, give birth and raise children that they know their lives will be claim by senseless wars from generations to generations in South Sudan. women should be the ones championing strongly the beauty of peace and stability in our nation than men. Women should be vanguards in the search of durable peace in South Sudan. Because they know the dejection that come with deaths of innocent souls in the pointless wars on earth. They know the despondency that come with war and they should be at the forefront championing peace and unity in South Sudan. Women are the ones who know and feel the pain of giving birth to a child. Women are the ones who know the sorrow of losing a child.
Furthermore, according to the Wikipedia, women in South Sudan: The population of females and males in 2020 are as follow: 6,824,253 and 6,785,749 respectively. So women are the majority in South Sudan yet they’re the silent majority in the search and achievement of lasting peace, Why? The attainment of a lasting peace in any country worldwide is a collective responsibility of all the citizens of that particular nation. The achievement of everlasting peace, harmony and stability is a collective will of everyone in the country. Everybody in a nation has a greater and equal role in the accomplishment and maintenance of durable peace in the nation. There’re no those who should do the heavy task of working tirelessly to achieve and maintain lasting peace in South Sudan. Everyone in our country has a role to play in the search and achievement of durable peace and stability in South Sudan.
Moreover, in our country, men are the ones working tirelessly in the search for the lasting peace in our country. They’re the ones who’re doing over eighty per cent of the work to achieve and maintain peace in South Sudan. And this lead to the question, where’s the role of millions of South Sudanese women? What’re South Sudanese women doing to help in the realization of lasting peace in the country? Why are many women silent and don’t want to raise their voices and be heard in South Sudan? What’s making women to be quiet when the situation demand that they raise their voices and concerns about national peace? Why do women keep quiet yet there’s no lasting peace in South Sudan?
Or do lack of durable peace in South Sudan not affect them? Are women okay with lack of peace in South Sudan? Or do they think that it is men’s obligation and responsibility to search and achieve peace in the country? Furthermore, I’m fully aware that there’re very few women in South Sudan who’re playing a crucial role in the search for the durable peace. However, the percentage of women who’re working to help in the accomplishment of lasting peace in South Sudan is really small compare to that of men. There’re those who’ve been raising their voices and concerns about lack of durable peace in the country and who’ve pretty demonstrate their desirability in the search for lasting peace and political stability in South Sudan and that’s commendable.
Additionally, they majority of South Sudanese women are silent and we don’t know why? Our brothers and men are humans like us and we shouldn’t leave everything to them to shoulder alone and especially this national duty of searching and achieving lasting peace in South Sudan. We need to know that in the search of a durable peace and stability in the country, it is a responsibility of every living citizen. We the women of South Sudan shouldn’t leave this national burden to our male counterparts. It is unfair to let the men of South Sudan carry this heavy responsibility of the fulfillment of lasting peace in South Sudan. We need to help them in whatever way we can as women of South Sudan.
Moreover, women need to know that you don’t need to be in the government in order to talk and help in the search and achievement of lasting peace, harmony and political stability in South Sudan. You don’t need to be a director, undersecretary, minister, vice president and president in the government of South Sudan for you now to start talking and championing peace, harmony and political stability in the country. You need to do what you can, where you’re and with what you’ve in order to help in the accomplishment of the lasting peace, harmony, love, trust, unity and political stability in South Sudan. Women of all walks of life in South Sudan can start championing about peace, unity, love, trust and political stability at their families, clans, tribes and communities.
They need to start by preaching messages of peace, unity and harmony to their brothers, husbands, relatives, friends and children in their families and communities. They need to start convincing their tribe-men, tribe-women, husbands, friends, children and relatives that war should be stop completely so that there’ll be lasting peace and unity in South Sudan. They need to convince their loved ones that enough is enough and it is time for peace, unity and national development in South Sudan. They need to tell their communities that hostilities and animosities will never help our country in any way whatsoever. They need to convince and warn their husbands, brothers, friends, childrenand communities about the dangers of pursuing deadly conflicts in the country. They need to warn their loved ones against meaningless tribalism, nepotism, discrimination, hatred and division in the country.
They need to tell their loved ones and communities that South Sudan is a nation with rich diversity and there’re lovely sixty-four tribes in the country who’ve equal rights and liberties without dissimilarity. Conclusively, women need to start championing lasting peace with their male counterparts. It is anational assignment and there should be no spectator. Each and every woman must do what she can in the search and achievement of durable peace in South Sudan. We shouldn’t be onlookers in the search of this precious commodity call peace in our nation. We shouldn’t let our brothers and men carry this heavy burden and responsibility alone while we sit idle yet we demand equal share and representation in the nationalgovernment. We need to work together with men in the search and achievement of durable peace in South Sudan.
The author, Betty Yom Mageer, is a women’s rights activist and can be reach via Email: bettyyom2009@gmail.com