The Bitter Reality of the Hard Sacrifices of Liberation Struggle in South Sudan

The sacrifices of Liberation struggle became regrettable to many victims and a curse to those who turned their backs against wounded Heroes and Heroines of this Country.
By Ariik Kuol Ariik Mawien, Juba, South Sudan
Monday, October 26, 2020 (PW) — Remember, we have different Thoughts and Views. It would have been great blessings and honor if South Sudanese government cares for the Wounded Heroes, Heroines, widows and orphans of Liberation struggle for this Country. The expectations were very unanimously high during Liberation era.
Because, SPLM taught and mobilized people, that it was fighting a just war, a war of self esteem and dignity that would definitely achieved what enemy has never granted them. This includes; balance development, economic Prosperity, standard Education and health services for all, clean drinking water, reliable power and transport services, good governance and stable security across the Country, ensure civil liberties and basic human Rights and freedoms, decent housing Program for South Sudanese people, Justice and equal stakeholders in government, politically informed and economically viable Nation in Africa.
The spirit of Liberation struggle was still alive, CPA was well implemented although not 100%, at least 70% was achieved leading to Independence of the Republic of South Sudan on Saturday July 09, 2011. On that day, dream was seemed to be true and South Sudanese people felt to be reborn once again chanting slogans in total jubilation, “free at last, free at last, yes, we are free at last”. The CPA challenges were Referendum on the disputed Region of Abyei and Popular consultations for the people of Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains respectively.
Achieving the Country was the only successful agenda of the Liberation struggle. It was only a Political Independence for those war veterans who had just changed from toned Liberation Military Uniforms to new brand political suits and unfamiliar table of public Policy making. When severely malnourished Liberators inherited the Country of 70% oil wealth and began receiving International financial grants from friends and well wishers globally for Reconstruction and economic Recovery of the war toned Country, the SPLM was seriously tempted to corrupt millions and millions of Dollars since Independence until then. As the result of this rampant corruption, the SPLM led Government became new Adam in South Sudan whose level of sins on corruption went beyond individual description.
The more interest for money began giving birth to devil and demons in the hearts of our Liberation leaders, the public goals and objectives of Liberation struggle were replaced by self interests and egos, promised Democracy was replaced by short cut attempts to power leading to wide spread rebellion, high level of ethnicity and tribalism. The government became too dictatorial, oppressive and vocal against her own citizens especially, Leaders of Political Parties, Journalists, Members of Civil Society Organizations, Analysts, Academic Scholars and Thinkers.
At this point, the Country chose direction to operates in darkness and under no criticism. Therefore, Civil Liberties and basic Human Freedoms such as Press Freedoms, freedom of speech and expression, associations, individual access to Justice, Human Rights and rights to protest and demonstrations were definitely suspended and taken away from us.
Just after two years and five months of Independence of the Country, South Sudanese citizens forgotten their long periods of struggle, instantly started hating and accusing each other on tribal basis. The leaders tasked with primary obligations of Protecting South Sudanese citizens, turned blind eyes and mercilessly victimized their own innocent people, killing and displacing thousands of them to IDP and refugee camps.
As a result of more than five years of Civil war in the Country, millions of South Sudanese already crossed to Refugee camps in neighboring countries of Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and DR Congo, thousands seeking protection internally at UN Camps/POCs, citizens were killing themselves all over the country along ethnic lines, Foreign Diplomacy starts deterriorating, economic inflation reaches 300% and lives of citizens becoming very difficult with 10 Dollar standing at more than 5000 SSP.
With this economic hardships, Wounded Heroes and Heroines struggles with one leg and arm to feed their families, widows continue to sells petty food items that worth no profit along streets of major cities across the Country to feed their families, orphans became street children, begging, stealing and facing horrible police persecution and merciless torturing, soldiers and civil servants volunteering for almost a year without salaries while few advantaged and privileged groups dominating Country’s wealth and inflation is only a story for them. Because, only people who regarded themselves as first class citizens are the Primary and legitimate custodians of hard currency generated from oil and non-oil sectors.
My dear citizens, caste system is already existing in this country with its form of policies and motto that says: ” let the rich become more richer and let the poor become deeply poorer, continue suffering, grind their teeth in supplying labour for the rich without sufficient possessions of finacial assets but, their wages must be from hand to mouth only if not dying”. It is a great shame on us as the country for our Constitutional Army to continue feeding their families on charcoals’ burning and blame them for crimes they committed and failure to protect citizens.
The top system as failed to protect her citizens, thus security sector failes too. However, the blood, bones and flesh sacrificed made by our Heroes and Heroines are regrettable and remains a curse to those who turned their blind eyes against beloved citizens of this Country. My dear South Sudanese, these are important notes to remember.
1. Never raise your anger against your Country and innocent citizens for they are clean, the dirty ones are those who divides and collides you to fight your brothers/sisters just to keep themselves and their families in power
2. Continue fighting those who dominates you and uses your resources to enrich themselves, keeping you in poverty and oppresses you from enjoying your legitimate Constitutional Rights
3. Raise your voices against your leaders and tell them that you are important Assets not useless Liability for this Country
4. Asked them to treat you well today so that you treat their children well tomorrow. Remembet, revenge is always heavy in case you don’t change the way you treat me now
5. Good films at the beginning don’t ends successfully. My leaders, you still have enough time to reciprocate bad into good things at the end, restore our trust and we will find a place in our hearts to forgive you and your children
6. First leader in every Country is always remembered like God for he/she defines and establishes the permanent Constitution, political and ideological directions of the Country
7. Wealth of the Country is defined by the population size of her citizens and availability of Natural resources. Citizens are dying and underground resources are being looted by the foriegners
8. Cultural diversity is an important Asset describing specific Country. Given our 64 tribes, South Sudan can the most colorful Country the world will admire and visit daily
9. Educated Country is considered as informed and internationally honored. Education is the poorest sector that receives less fiscal budget in the Country
10. Anything taken from rightful owner unlawfully returns to he/she who deserve it lawfully. The unclean and impure wealth accumulated will never be inherited by their children and grandchildren.
The Author, Ariik Kuol Ariik Mawien, Holds Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development and Community Studies (2018/2019) and Bachelor’s of Science in Economics (2013-2017) from Rumbek University of Science and Technology (RUST). He can be reached via contacts below: Twitter: @AriikKuolAriik Skype/WhatsApp: +211 923 650 380Cell Phone:+211 928 187 790.