The Late Hero Isaiah Abraham: 8th Year’s Reminiscence of Realist Think Tank

Isaiah Diing Abraham Chan Awuol Chan who was assassinated on Wednesday, December 5th, 2012, at his Gudele House in Juba city, South Sudan. All fingers are pointing at the government's secret services that have been known to kidnap and torture media personalities in South Sudan. Isaiah Abraham was never shy of expressing his deep displeasure with President Kiir administration.
By Daniel Abuoi De’Jook Alith, Sydney, Australia
Friday, December 04, 2020 (PW) — Relatives of the most renowned South Sudanese political commentator who attracted huge folks through the numerous articles he wrote on Sudan Tribune web site, since the genesis of the Government of South Sudan in 2005, have organised memorial services in Sydney Australia to mark forty days of Late hero Isaiah Diing Abraham Chan Awuol (popularly known as Isaiah Abraham), on the Saturday 16th March 2013 at St Mary’s Memorial Hall.
Although histragic assassination took place on the 4th of December 2012 in the hands of deleterious gangs, lack of venue and collision with similar events in other states of Australia made it happen after three months later. The gathering was hugely attended by members of Bor community from all its sectors with some few patriots and nationalists from other parts of South Sudanthat were emotionally touched by the untimely and saddened ending of late opinion writer’s life, and unanimously decriedthe assassination of the critical writer a great loss to the young nation.
Every speaker after the other spoke loudly and angrily with pointed fingers of accusation to security agencies in South Sudan with the government on the top list. The gathering condemned the act with scornful speeches directed towards anybody with ill intention that had involved in ending the life of this high intellect just to relieve themselves from hatred against him.
The motive behind the killing is solely for his analytical writings against government of the day’s underperformances. One wonders why those agents of doom suddenly terminated the precious life of this adored opinion writer who often balances his writings on any piece of article he ever produces, by honestly spelling out areas that the government of the day did outstanding job and those that she does need more effort added on.
To great civilised nations, such writings could have not led to loss of life by the author but would instead have benefited the government in reconsidering or checking her performances against the analysis of the developmental oriented political commentator. In every nation around the world, there exist columns in both private and national newspapers where opinion writers post their constructive critique of the government of their nations.
Those ideal pieces of articles are great assets to the governments that are led by skilful leadersbut considered a threat by the governments under ineptfigures. They fail to base reflecting on them as corrective totheir national policies. Why such educative writing resulted to death in South Sudan, the country in which such brilliant ideas are badly needed for the betterment of building the young nation whose founding father one time termed never saw tarmac road since the day of creation.
Having paid much attention on every speaker during the memorial services held in Sydney, this author satisfied with collective condemnation of such evil act that terminated Isaiah’s life, after comparing it to volume of speeches delivered by high profile politicians during Christmas prayers on 25th December 2012 at Ngumu Church in Nairobi. The act was just a result of quilt minds that hate something beneficial to populace of the Republic of South Sudan whose living standard is impacted by mass corruptions from unethical top government officials.
FBI Team findings:
Just a week after the tragic murder of Isaiah Abraham, US government wasted no time to dispatch a team of three FBI experts to South Sudan that commenced their investigative task on arrival. Few days later, promising news of suspects’arrest was reported on Sudan Tribune web site as well in official newspapers across South Sudan with their identities withheld.
One wonders what happened since then until nowthe revelation of suspects’ identities neither occurred nor did steps taken from there to date about the case are known to relatives and masses. This prompts the sceptics to query what was the reason behind the initial involvement of FBI in the case when no update made to public since the alleged arrest of suspects?
The government of the Republic of South Sudan must come clean by producing suspects and bring them to book or otherwise, the civil society shall hold the government accountable to the murder of this charming political commentator and others before and after him should the government maintains silence. One wonders as to why the government of South Sudan does not take serious the security of its citizens as such large numbers die daily in the hands of what is alleged to be agents within national security.
If not the security agents that kill then, when shall they bring to book those behind cold blooded murders in South Sudan? To thisend, the suspicion remains upon government and its security agents unless they produce the killers of Isaiah Abraham and many more before and after his demise.
To the public, it is high time now that the South Sudan civil society passes the verdict upon the government come the next general election on 2023 by electing the president that takesserious the protection of civilians from alleged security agents or any armed groups posing threat to their lives, falsely termed as unknown gun man.
The current government have terribly failed to protect the masses and now the anger has reached the breaking point to an extent of not bearing the pain any more for the killing of innocent citizens. The South Sudanese now resolved to form the government that must make known the “unknown gunman” that claimed thousands of lives in Juba City.
So fellow countrymen, let us not be deterred by such brutal killings and intimidations by the agents from national security to stop feeding our dear masses on facts via official web sites or newspapers across South Sudan and Diaspora. To all respected opinion writers, let us not give up the second liberation for democracy and development to take off in our precious nation that is rich in minerals and nature’s gifts.
Long leave the heroes and heroines lost in the struggle for the creation of this beautiful Republic of South Sudan for liberty, justice, freedom for all regardless of ethnicity and tribes and democracy under the rule of law! Your souls will always guard this young nation for ever and ever! Amen!
The author, Daniel Abuoi De’Jook Alith, is the concerned South Sudanese residing in Sydney Australia and could be reached through This Author holds Masters of Urban Management and Planning and Bachelor of Social Science from Western Sydney University, Australia.
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