PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


6 min read

A young South Sudanese girl poses with the flag of South Sudan

By Naih D’Akol, Kampala, Uganda

Thursday, December 24, 2020 (PW) — I wish president Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit (SKM) sneak out of his J1 office one day and move around streets of Gudele, 107, Suk, Malakia, Malakal, Konyonyo, Munuki, Referendum, Thoura, Rujal Mafi, Suk Jebel, Kator, Shirikat, Gumbo etcetera, to witness first hand what it is like outside there in Juba City.

He would then know exactly what it means that the economy has collapsed beyond repair soon because he will get the hyperinflated prices of the subsidiaries, he will hear that the civil servants have not been paid for the last God-knows months, he will then come face to face with hardworking daughters and sons of this nation that their nationhood is not supporting with few resources available.

Reminder :I remember some months back earlier USD 4 million was approved for the diversification of the economy to buy gold, African gum (initial Arabic gum) and others. Things which up to now are being illegally mined in Kapoeta, Renk and Mount Buma with impunity. Who is keeping that money now? Are we seeing any diversification of our economy happening or is it too soon? Answers please.

Ask yourself was this even a step? To me it wasn’t at all. A nation like South Sudan which has once tested and tasted production of crude 500,000 barrels daily, if for sure ideas from ideologues on diversification of economy were to be heard, considered and implemented, would have been done before the country got itself into this mess.

It has always been said and taught many times that oil/petroleum is a non-renewable resource. This means that one day it will be depleted and the next generations if they will be there will have nothing like what few egocentric laeders are enjoying now.

Diversification of economy in Garang’s eyes: Dr. John Garang De Mabior during war times had always preached before his demise after signing Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005 that we can use oil money to fuel Agriculture. All those days when he was making those speeches on new Sudan, he always had all these current cum political elites near him, so they heard well first hand but heed not to it. Their actions can tell you better.

Perhaps that was what New Sudan ideology entails which we thought SPLM was to be pursued till date baptised or including the popularised “Taking town to the people”. 

However, as it is being debated by many political authors and scientists in South Sudan’s books, ruling party SPLM may be running without it’s head, I mean the direction was lost long ago or the ideology which is the guiding the ruling party to gear them to services delivery is long gone. This is still debatable though. But the fact, insofar as things have been, I think the late icon of the struggle in the jungle for two decades’ rebellion Dr. John Garang whom I think was the brain has gone with the ideology.

Now, what next?As we head into the festive season of Christmas which is overhyped yearly by the Christians and “Kiiristians” to use the words of  Jon Pen, I still see ourselves in “KiirIsis”, you can call it crisis if you want. 

Imagine till now we don’t know whether this said election will one day happen to check the leaders imposed on us daily via decrees and the ” we’ve to eat”, “we fought for this nation” and “it’s our turn” phrases.

Till now we don’t know why those many conferences for peace are held when at last the recommendations are rejected and not adhered too. Aren’t we a joke in that context? Who is fooling who? Or it the small money collected from the remnants of revenues at the borders or the petrodollars that they’re smearing into their many jagged bigs hands?

You have all heard of our big tycoons fight in Dubai, the Juba-Rumbek highway washed off by rain water and the unending hotel bills demanded from the unethical, unscrupulous, poops and demeaning dunderheads who call themselves our leaders.

As we head into 2021, get use to these disturbing trends of the poor politicking goons who see themselves as demigods and us as sons and daughters of a lesser God like Prof. PLO Lumumba say, but to be exact and eloquent enough we see in them mannequin for boutique display just. Just to showcase the beauty of clothes at the shop but cannot deliberate or decide on anything of the shop or the business itself. That is the analogy about them and that is how they are now.

This also calls for the youth to soldier on and harden their hustle. Believe you me, South Sudan with her 12 million populace and like many other nations still has bright future in youth. I mean the real youth, not the ones yoked and tied down in chains, manacles, shackles of doom by their unhealthy and wealthy uncles or godfathers.

Big up to every youth who wake up every morning with plans (Not Gatluaks or Nyaluaks) at hand to execute in one way or the other to pay his bills and put food to the table or the bread winners of their families. This country survival is in your hardworking hands.

Festive Season with empty stomach:With hope and scope of what next on, “I wish all of you merry Christmas and happy new year”. This is the wish filling up the air as it spread from the corners of riches in Hai Amarat to the thin paths of poverty stricken Junubin across the country. Take heart and  accept nothing from your MPs or governor but work together with whoever that understand your efforts and struggle because today is not the end.

Tomorrow is coming with better things that I wish you to be part of. It may not be next year but with God’s grace we will surely see the better tomorrow.
For serenity,Safety & Security for posterity and during this festive season, allow me to say security is a “major key” in words of DJ Khalid. Enjoy with your kin and with, have fun but make sure you go home early and be your brother’s & neighbour’s keeper at this hard times. 

In conclusion, our J1 SKM need to get time for sure this season and see the people he claimed to be leading. It is not hard if at all you care. Again please the gesture of humanity of leadership as I saw in that photo of Peter Mayen (Minister of Humanitarian affairs) circulating online where he is feasting, devouring, eating Mullah Kombo served with Kisrah with some hunger smashed old men is not what I mean. 

.Naih ©2020

Naih D’Akol is an Agriculturist by profession and a poet by passion. He currently resides in Uganda where is working. Please reach him via

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