Open Letter: Why I Won’t be Part of the Liturgy for the Enthronement of Archbishop-Elect, Moses Anur Ayom, of Jonglei Province

Bishop Peter Joh Mayom: Dear my brother Elect-Archbishop Moses Anur, my name should not be in the liturgy for Enthronement if you are not respecting and waiting the Court.
By Dr. Peter Joh Mayom (PhD), Bishop, Diocese of Malek, Bor
Sunday, January 24, 2021 (PW) — Dear brother my brother Elect-Archbishop Moses Anur, I greet you in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I write this note to informed as a brother in the Lord and a long term colleague since in Group 11 Pinyudu Refugee Camp in 1987-1990.

I longed to see Christians in Jonglei not to be divided because of the Church issue. Anything that may result into peace, stability and Unity to the people of Jonglei should be one run after, but not anything that bring division or conflict.
The reason why I contacted you with Reverend John Panchol by that time was that the gaps of divisions amongst the people of Bor in particular is being widening by the Church. As the result of that, God pricked my heart to communicate to you to see the big picture or important of the unity of Christians in Bor if other are not seeing it.
I sensed that, the issue has a capacity to divide the Bor Diocese and after it finished with Bor Diocese it will than divide Bor County and it will eventually dividing up the Greater Bor.
Is that what we want? Surely, I am not part of that!! You may not agreed with me for your own reasons, but the time will tell as long as the ECSS is not seeking peaceful ways of settling the matter.
We the ECSS has been violating our own constitution and Canons and again we are trying to undermined the decision of High Court in the Land without considering the provision of Romans 13:1-8. Undermining the stayed of the case from the High Court is a contradiction of the highest order, misleading and it is a promotion of violence, which is not the act of the Church.
If ECSS leadership knew that the Church case should not be handle by the Secular Court then the Church should have not attended the Court and summit their petitions justifying their position on the matter of defrocked. If Primate knew that Church has it own constitution and Canons, he should have breached directive of Canon IV and Canon V on the trial and Procedures of Tribunal Court in regard to Akurdid’s defrocked. (Take time to read those articles and you will get to know that we are not being trustful. Yes, Akurdid has violated Constitution and the Canons and should be defrocked lawfully, but not unlawfully).
While writing like this message pointing mistake of the Primate in those Canons, some people will blindly concluded that I am supporting Akurdid. I am not supporting him, but what I want is to defrock Akurdid lawfully, but not unlawfuly.
Also a decision to stayed the case by High Court was just a temporary injunction, but it seem you and the rest are not abiding by that decision and thus why people continue soliciting funds in Juba, Uganda and Kenya without waiting the final decision from the Court.
Also asking my name to appear in the liturgy of the enthronement that has been stayed by the High Court to take place on 30/01/2021 is an obvious violation and I do not want my name to be included in that liturgy. Any way go ahead without my name on the liturgy as the Dean.
I hope you know that the continuity of plan without waiting the decision of the Court is the violation of Court Order and that case divide people of Bor outside and inside the Country as well. Why do you want to be subject of division? The Congregation in which people are collecting money in the name of enthronement in Juba, Uganda and Kenya comprises of those that support Akurdid and Badi. In that even my brother, what do you expect from those people to do? Divided in Juba, Kenya and Uganda like the way people divided themselves in Bor into Akurdid’s and Badi’s Camp!! So if you continue doing that, the conflict will expand outside and will be hard to handle it.
We need to address the conflict before you are enthroned. Relax!! Nobody will replaced you, but make sure you are being used to division Bor people!! I did not say that you should be enthroned or not to be Archbishop, but if the plan proceed the plan it has been planned then be assured that it will be difficult to unite people and “I WILL NOT STAND WITH YOU ANYMORE BECAUSE UNITY AND LIVE OF PEOPLE IN BOR MATTER TO ME.”
Do not assumed that the approval of those dioceses by the Synod this year 2021 will be away to bring those people back into Unity of Jonglei and Bor. This is the time to listen to the descending voices.
In the aftermath of that if you proceed, the first affected people will be Diocese of Bor and Athooch Diocese will not be spare either. I did not mention Malek because simply we have already been divided over up long time.
In as much as I penned this note to you, I therefore rest my case and the ball is at your court.

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