Tonj Youth Union Worldwide Condemns Communal Conflict in Tonj East County, Warrap State, South Sudan

Tonj youth members in Kenya
By Tonj Youth Union Worldwide (T.Y.U.W) leaderships worldwide, Juba, South Sudan
Friday, February 19, 2021 (PW) — In collective effort, Tonj Youth Union worldwide (T.Y.U.W) condemned the ongoing conflict in Tonj east county, warrap state. Under the youth based initiative of serving Tonj from disintegration, the leadership of high level youth of Tonj from all over the world saw the needs of uttering peace message that may help calm the situation that kills and wounded several youth who armed themselves as result of selves defend in the district of Tonj with eastern Tonj in particular.
Based on the consultative meeting conducted worldwide, the educated youth and who are Tonj citizen do hereby condemned further escalation of communal violent that cause displacement and several deaths between gelweng youth who are from Luacjang over Ananatak youth within Tonj east county. The sad losses that incurred across the divide carry our collective responsibility to condemned the acts individually and collectively both locally and internationally within the fact that, peace among our brothers and sisters all over Tonj is our collective responsibility/obligation.
The insecurity incident from all over South Sudan with Tonj in particular involved all of us whether in leadership or outside leadership simply because we are working in the implementation of the transitional government of national unity( TGoNU) at the grassroots levels of Boma, Payam, county all the way up to the state administration. Across several years, Tonj youth union worldwide observed that the only way where the unity of former Tonj state remain intact will be by all us talking bold step in denouncing communal conflict that never united Tonj under the able leadership of intellectual youth with common understanding of worldviews and for sure the initiative require some extra obligations accordingly.
Generally, South Sudan communal conflict causation with Tonj in particular are as result of cross border mercantilism of both heavy armed and small light weapons that got into South Sudan and into civilian from neighboring countries therefore complicate the disarmament processes and such this situation needs the intervention of the high level Tonj youth union worldwide in reconciling and at same time condemning theongoing situation.
Secondly the partisans of communal conflict are as a result of cattle rustling procedure that attract inter-communal conflict for instant the ongoing violent amongst eastern Tonj community are cow related incidents.Simultaneously, the observation of rampant death sentence for example people who losses people during the intra-conflict and who felt justice had never been executed contributed to irreconcilable processes unless law must be applied to warrant the retaliation attempt.
South Sudan council of states with Warrap state in particular should conduct the disarmament processes and this should be done by prioritizing community policing and door to door campaigns of knowing your next door neighbor initiative that can disarmed the civilian with heavy machine guns that outnumbered the government intervention. Similarly, the stategovernment should incorporate chiefs, these are people who knows people at the grassroots level, secondly, traditional chiefdoms condemn lawlessness among youth and these reducethe rate of crimes.
Chiefs have capacity to warrant the grassing rights as well as the preservation of waters catchment areas equitably, equitable sharing of pastures promote peace as competition for greenness pastures are reduced and eventually the herders ownership saga that segregate and cases of defeat resulted into violent. In nutshell Tonj youth union worldwide observed that several conference from all over warrap state will never bring stability unless the community who are the stallholders of society centralized the initiative and resolve the conflict at communal based.
This can/should be done by centralizing peace processes in uniting community under the leadership of Hon. governor who will rules the state besides other leadership in the category of civilian leadership, traditional leadership of chief, civil society leadership under the NGOs that are operating in the border region and eventually in contact with youth leadership in the example of ( T.Y.U.W) besides other South Sudanese.
In conclusion the governor of Warrap state the right Honorable Lt, Aleu Ayieny Aleu must set the system that unified different counties of warrap state. Additionally, he must work in bringing back the peace procedures by opening up schools and health centers in bringing the unity of warrap state into order with Tonj east in particular.
The state government should additionally empowered county assemblies by empowering commissioners to executed crimes at the individual levels and by creating enabling environment for work in the adequate provision of security personnel at the smallest units of the administration.
Honorable governor should encourage the intra-commissioners meeting outside the state in promotion of the peaceful coexistence between and among the members states and finally involved individually in implementation of peace among South Sudanese not only in the state at hand but equally throughout the frontiers of the republic of South Sudan and beyond, end.
Tonj Youth Union worldwide (T.Y.U.W) is a youth initiative bringing youths from all over the former Tonj state or former Tonj district under former British rule together in shaping ideas from all over the world. The initiative is in Australia, USA, Canada, still but to be confirmed in Britain, east African nations of Kenya, Uganda and about to be confirmed in Ethiopia, the union is currently under the interim leadership of Dut Augustino Ageidit in about to be confirmed position. One can contact the admin through the email address
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We the “youths” of greater Tonj in both three counties resptectivily Tonj East county, Tonj South county and Tonj North county are condemning butchering of our civilians mostly our agemates…we need peace to rest and justice should take its cost to resettle all problems amongst communities.