Executive Appointments in the Era of Political Dilemma: What Next for Young SPLM’s Cadres?

Learning in Disgust Through States’ Executive Appointments in the Era of Political Dilemma: What Next for Young SPLM’s Cadres?
By Longar Mathiec Wol, Juba, South Sudan
Friday, March 05, 2021 (PW) — Dwight Eisenhower once said “if a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power”. In the last few weeks we have seen states executive being appointed into positions in accordance with article 1.16.1 of Revitalised Agreement. Though the appointment brought joy and relieve to the suffering masses of South Sudan with hope that it will reduce the publicexcruciation, the same generated mixed reactions too. Some celebrating as usual and rest disappointed and moody as normal.
On my side as individual and concern citizen the appointment of states’ executive is steps toward right direction and worth praising. Therefore, I whole heartedly congratulate the parties to the agreement on their efforts to bring durable peace.
As I mention above, the formation brought about mixed reactions to the public. In the last few days, I have been going through and observing some of these reactions either in verbal conversations or in social media, but one thing stand out; the complains from SPLM IG members. Reference to appointment lists and specifically the non SPLM appointments, the energetic young people appointed have been on display; this made some SPLM members to question SPLM modality of appointing it members into positions with some remain perplexed.
The young people have been complaining to why the largest proportion of SPLM appointment exclude young people though this is stipulated in Revitalised Agreement under article 1.4.5 that recognizes that 70% of the national population is youth. Does that means they don’t believe in young people abilities to lead or what could be the reason behind. In the list of many oppositions,many young people’s names pop up here and there leaving SPLM cadres wandering to whether SPLM way of doing thing still be viable at this political dilemma.
While the young cadres and despondent members bevying in small groups to brainstorm on appointment, you can easily notice and feel the hopeless nature of some members, some interrogating to whether this long line with nepotistic nature in appointment system on display from senior SPLM members will give room for the young cadres to exercise their leadership traits. Some when as far as suggesting mass migration from SPLM to various political parties while some remain baffling to whether that would be the right move, but one thing is for certain that SPLM leadership should not be surprise to see dubious or aberrant activities and behaviors among members.
When there is always a question left unanswered there comes a time when it will get answer, whether right or wrong; SPLM should not be astonished that it wasn’t warn in advance.
In one of the heated discussion I had with one of the opposition member, the political belligerent young man asked me a very simple question that deserves simple answer. This simple question causes emotional commotion in my head. The guy asked of what is the benefit of joining a political party? Observing his attitude and his presume preferred answer; he seeks answer like, we join political parties to serve and benefit out of loyalty through reward like appointment. Albeit, I beat around the bush giving irrelevant answers in brilliant moves and attempts to jink or dodge speeding toward his personal inference.
I knew in my conservative mind the correct answer the guy was looking for, but refused political surrender and defeat, that is the state of political fragility and reality most SPLM members who had been loyal to the system, but never had chance to exercise their leadership ability have been subjected to. When you look at the positions within the government and SPLM as ruling party has privilege and control over so many positions, but distribution mechanism, nepotistic and doing the same thing same way and expect different outcomes is what is destroying the party. Recycling of old facesat this political distress is not helping us, all members should be given equal chance based on their qualifications not on uncles and godfathers recommendations.
In my verbal survey from SPLM cadres on why always appointmzees to most of SPLM positions. I hope I am not taken out of context of hating old people, I love them so much, because my dad is also an old man. Back to the point, the chorus from some of the members had been that this political development in the country needs experienced politicians which is common in these old people forgetting that the older you become the more the level of your decision making mechanism drastically decline.
Bear me witness, let wait for the reconstitution of the parliamentsince the states executive appointment had been concluded. We will both recognize our weakness when the motion is table in that August house. These old guards will remain mum in the house and in most of the sessions for some few reasons:
➢ The level of literacy, apprise and research skills is low and it more likely that they may not have concrete information to defend their party position from being defeated on the floor of the house. It is already in the public domain and knowledge that 47% of national Members of Parliament (MPs) are illiterate. To few of them who had privilege to have successfully completed their higher education might have graduated in 50s, 60s, 70s; an era where research was not given too much attention and valued. Most of them never had chance to experience or have gone back to class or undergo today modern research.
➢ Majority of them are temperamental, anything the do has prequisite of violence when they smell or sense political defeat which is outdated style in modern democracy and politics. Violence to these men and women is one in the top of their list as means resolving problems. I sometimes don’t blame them because, majority of them like some of us were born in war, grew up in war and become politicians in war torn state. Having that violence in their finger tips is obvious that the performance will be relatively indigentcomparing to young and competent members of oppositions, who are energetic and well exposed to the world of research and information;
➢ Majority of them are full of assumptions and ignorance, some of the crisis that had generated into violence in the past, 80% plus of them would have been prevented or contained if proper conflict resolution mechanism exists,but due to assumption and ignorant they occurred. That level of I know without action had occupied the brains of these old men and women that might take generations to be washed and changed.
The above reasons show young people have right to claim their rightful positions in non violence way in politics. There is no way you can delay us from exercising our political muscles now when the young people from opposition camp are exercising and you expect us to sit with our arms folded and watch. That may not happened and if it happens then we are riding on the game of future political defeat, because these young guys from oppositions will continue to gain popularity and get use to political corners and maneuvering while we are watching and when you retired you expect us to compete with them.
That is crazy, a big lie and political miscalculation, we either be given a chance or join them in open stage for competition. We can’t sit idle and watch anymore. As it is in old adage, if you can’t defeat them, you join them. That is an option left to young cadres though still under study the outcome might be shocking. But believe me or not we either speak in masses or silently immigrate, because when political parties are allowed to commit as many mistakes as they wish and few individuals allow to speak up against those mistakes, then these few individuals become victim of impurities in system and result into insignificant changes.
In politics what matters the most is not the payment, what matters is recognition which SPLM is lacking. SPLM does not recognize, reward or appreciate members efforts in many circumstances. SPLM in most cases praise the political returneesor proselytize and people who had inflicted heavy damages on SPLM. That beg many questions in people’s minds to whether we all need to rebel first or be members of opposition for SPLM to recognize our ability.
I guess so, because the green flag is already up for you to decide to either leave or remain at your own risk. Since the line is too long for the people with uncles and godfathers leave alone people without in a party where qualification had been shelved decades ago; what do you thinkwill convince and give hope to these despondent energetic young people. I will be glad if SPLM remembers Jonathan Swift when he said “the notion that party is the madness of many for the gain of a few” must stop, because the scenarios have changed.
Political party must always have stand and that stand guides itscourse of action and operations. According to Ronald Regan “apolitical party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency, or simply to swell its numbers”. SPLM nature of pleasing the oppositions will cause more damage to SPLM like never seen before in history of political parties. As young cadres learn in disgust through states’ executive appointments in the era of political dilemma.
The question remains lingering in mind is what next for the young cadres of SPLM? In a nation where everything is personal take it personal or interpret it in your own way to fit your personalinterest at you own risk, but Steve Schmidt has never been anyclearer when it comes to this political drama when said “Myfidelity is to my country, not political party and that the country comes first”. Finally, SPLM membership should not be equated to burial or absent of truth, truth exists before SPLM and shall continue to be, discouraging it amount to grave mistake and we should not be surprise to be call insane, because that exactly what the place where lies reigns represents.
The author, Longar Mathiec Wol, is a Concern SPLM Member who can be reached via his E-mail address: longarmathiech@gmail.com
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