Happy Independence Day: Marking 10th Anniversary of July 9th, with no Celebration in South Sudan

By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan
Sunday, July 11, 2021, (PW), After decades of civil war in the Sudan, Southerners struggled for liberty generation after generation to achieve their freedom, but was it freedom from what? In our history, the list of Arabs bondage was so long. It was a freedom from marginalization, human slavery, Islamization, Arabism, lack of development in Southern Sudan, poor governance, lack of services delivery, dictatorship, unfairness in education, lack of health centers, killing of Southerners intellectuals, and declaration of the Sudan as an Islamic state.
But Dr. John Garang de Mabior’s generation including me, my father, and my children managed to faced brutal regime in Khartoum from the barrels of guns to paved a way which led to final Comprehensive Peace Agreement, (CPA) in Naivasha, Kenya, in 2005, and 9th, January 2011, and finally 9th July, 2011 as an Independence Day which generations of South Sudanese must celebrate every 9th July throughout lives history, but we are now saying, “Happy 10th Anniversary without celebration” in our Country, we celebrate in fear, we celebrate at homes, we restricted ourselves on our own making, and became slaves in unfree chain of conflict without proper causes.
Today we have not yet opened a new chapter since South Sudan gained Independence Day from the Sudan on 9th July 2011 as a result Agreement in 2005 to ended Africa’s longest civil war. We remark at the independence ceremony of South Sudan as to prepare services delivery and social development as we fought for many years, but the new country has no change; miserability of civil population, death, and displacement of people are rapidly.
In Juba, the new and the old Sudan have no comparison because we don’t have civil right defenders, and it has linked to misery on the part of ordinary people especially during follow up of Independence Day in July 9, 2021, and disputes over resources, rebel groups against the government, citizens desiring survival are the press down the progress of the nation and we are saying “Happy Independence Day of 10th Anniversary with no celebration in South Sudan”.
I say no happy Independence Day, because we are not yet got our independence within and among ourselves and for a good fight, I was among those who accused Khartoum government, imagine for the poor management of public affairs/abundant resources and life of citizens, inequality, and lack of proper distribution of resources to all corners of the Sudan. Likewise, we are the bondage of our own bondage and blockage toward our social development.
Despite the widespread misery endured for 21 years in the bush, the misery overshadowed the nation now with its people is so great and it was created by their own sons and daughters, the leaders of the day who created this very painful, and unforgettable situation in South Sudan. And on the top of all these pains, they say, “this is a special day, congratulation to the people of South Sudan for achieving their Independence”! Somebody says shame on them! Which Independence Day?
What do we meant if we say Independence Day without food, without safety and security guarantee, without services delivery, without unity, peace, love, and tranquility, without salary, yet we have resources more than civil population, and if we decided today to distribute money to individuals in the households all over South Sudan, the balance will still be enough for the development? Do people eat grass or sand? Why are leaders eating money alone? Who did not participate categorically in all events for gaining independence of this country?
I have been advised three years back by family to leaved critical thinking and writing on public affairs, but activists are part of public adjustment; it is South Sudan where activists are regarded enemies to ruling government but elsewhere, activists are mirrors for the government to rule well. Negatively, a country of one President and Five-Vice Presidents may be against President in ideas, viewpoints and decision making, and over five hundred law makers without a tangible change to be seen by the citizens.
This move was an accommodation method or for accumulating wealth because they took arms against everybody in the country in term of resources, and not even a government. If that’s the case of survival than everybody will look after rebellion to be consider in ranks and files of the country.
Therefore, the third of population in South Sudan have fled their homes, and the ongoing crisis beyond political settlement has shutdown huge promises of the ruling party, (SPLM) to the people, but to reserve on the main road of social development in the country, it is better to determine to address challenges of conflict and regain our total freedom to celebrate 9th July every year on the streets of all states, counties, hotels, villages, and in homes without fear and threats from another South Sudanese.
The author is a co – founder of National Mental Health Care Organization; He holds bachelor’s degree in social work and Social Administration from SSCUST, Bachelor Degree in Theology from CLT in Kalispell, Montana USA, and a fellow researcher. He can be reach at david.matiopgai@gmail.com
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