Dr. Francis Mading Deng: Prolific Author, World Diplomat and the Intellectual Giant of our Time

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, South Sudan, Juba
Monday, September 06, 2021 (PW) — I have been a keen follower and reader of Dr. Francis Mading Deng’s books, and in a while, I have been thinking over ways South Sudanese can honor him for his brilliancy and dignitary presentations. It is not an easy task to pull a trolley full of many titles and prefixes without sliding into the wrong path.
Dr. Francis has never been challenged by any form of negativity, he is an Informed Scholar, Diversified Historian, Brilliant academia, and a Smart Public Figure. Bravo! Something interesting and appreciable happened in 2021, it was about his book “Invisible Bridge” published by Africa World Books.
The book has spread its magical fragrance across the globe. It comes as a gift from relatives, friends, and colleagues in Australia, to their cherished ones through Africa World Books. Without the slightest coating, the book is currently trending.
The book has fulfilled one of my wishes suggestions for Dr. Francis Mading Deng’s grand contributions toward our history, literacy, social, economic, and political identities in his over 40 books.
1. Tradition and modernization, 1971
2. The Dinka of the Sudan (1972, Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc.
3. The Dinka and their songs, 1973
4. Dynamics of identification: a basis for national integration in the Sudan (1973)
5. Africans of two worlds, 1978
6. Dinka Cosmology (Sudan studies) (1980)
7. Security problems, 1981
8. Dinka Folktales: African Stories from the Sudan (June 1984)
9. Seed of Redemption, 1986?
10. The man called Deng Majok, 1986
11. Tradition and Modernization: A Challenge for Law among the Dinka of the Sudan (1987)
12. Cry of the Owl (Lilian Barber Press, Inc., 1989)
13. Bonds of silk, 1989
14. Human Rights in Africa: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, ed. with Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im (1990)
15. Identity, diversity, and constitutionalism in Africa, 1990
16. The challenges of famine relief, 1992
17. Protecting the dispossessed, 1993
18. War of Visions: Conflicting Identities in the Sudan (1995)
19. Sovereignty as Responsibility: Conflict Management in Africa, 1996, Francis Deng, Sadikiel Kimaro, Terrence Lyons, Ira William Zartman
20. Between a Swamp and a Hard Place: Developmental, 1997, David Chamberlin Cole, Francis Deng, and Richard Huntington
21. Preventive diplomacy, the case of Sudan, 1997
22. The Forsaken People: Case Studies of the Internally Displaced, co-editor with Roberta Cohen (1998)
23. Masses in Flight: The Global Crisis of Internal Displacement, with Roberta Cohen (1998)
24. African Reckoning: A Quest for Good Governance, co-editor with Terrence Lyons (1998)
25. Partners for Peace: An Initiative on Sudan with General Olusegun Obasanjo, 1998
26. A Strategic Vision for Africa: The Kampala Movement, with I. William Zartman (2002)
27. Talking it Out: Stories in Negotiating Human Relations (Kegan Paul, 2006)
28. Identity, Diversity, and Constitutionalism in Africa Now (2008)
29. Customary Law in the Modern World: The Crossfire of Sudan’s War of Identities, 2009
30. Frontiers of Unity: An Experiment in Afro-Arab Cooperation, 2009
31. Critical Choices: The United Nations, Networks, and the Future of Global Governance, 2,000
32. A strategic vision for Africa, 2002
33. Sudan’s Civil War: The Peace Process Before and Since Machakos, 2004
34. Talking it Out: Stories in Negotiating Human Relations, 2006
35. Sudan at the Brink: Self-determination and National Unity, 2010
36. Bound by Conflict: Dilemmas of the Two Sudans, 2015, Francis Deng, Daniel J. Deng
37. Bound by Conflict: Dilemmas of the Two Sudans (International Humanitarian Affairs. with Kevin M. Cahill M.D. (FUP)) (1 March 2016)
38. Visitations: Conversations with the Ghost of the Chairman, 2020
39. Invisible Bridge: An African Journey through Cultures, 2020
40. Blood of Two Streams: Gender Balance in Parental Legacy, 2021
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Awuol Gabriel Arok is a Policies Analyst and a Poet, he holds IMPA from Tsinghua University and Bachelor’s Degree in Developmental Studies from the University of Juba, South Sudan, and is a former Columnist with The Dawn Newspaper under the column “The Motivation Bell”. He is the author of the unpublished book titled ‘‘The Wisdom Horn’’, he contributes to Websites and Social Media platforms on Issues concerning Social, Economic, and Politic s and through his peaceful and developmental campaigns such as ‘‘Your Tribe is My Tribe’’, ‘‘Giving Heart Foundation’’, “Wisdom Testament”, “Classic Leadership Forum”, “Grace the Women Foundation”, “PeaceNet Initiative” and “Award for Development”. He can be reached via his email Address:jjmkamzeearokson@yahoo.com