Stop Conjuration of Spirits—Kujur Spell Against A Comrade: A Call of Duty in South Sudan

Gen Chol Michael Maker
By Chol Michael Maker – the SPLM diehard cadre, Juba, South Sudan
Tuesday, 09 August 2022 (PW) — We were told from childhood through Dinka folklore tales that Tiet (the magician) can make you turn into a snake and may give you the strength to fight with a lion. But nowadays, it’s about riches and leadership seats.
By the time we were still busy in the liberation struggle, some comrades would travel distances solely to look for a sheikh or a sorcerer/sorceress who would give them healing powers and a charm that is believed to serve as a bullet deflector.
Yet when we rested a bit, they came up with new tricks for winning favours through the same or similar Kujur masters. One can own anything they wish to possess if they sacrifice a beloved blood relative; a sibling, or an offspring, and they get in return anything they desire in life, which includes but is not limited to beautiful women and lucrative jobs.
Thus, when one begins to walk down a path from which he cannot return—the magical path of a sorcerer—then make sure everything will never be the same again or be mentally prepared for your dynasty to fall apart if you prefer living in denial.
I have retrospectively survived all the attempts to fall victim to the hands of those nocturnal owls (Agumwut), but Nhialic Madhol (Almighty God) has fought my battles as He kept on showering His blessings on me and my family.
We are pronounced safe spiritually as we get healed from the sorcery fights. Some of us have long been walking in a minefield, but through the Lord’s mercies, we are able to survive the curses of juju and witchcraft.
I sincerely hope the ongoing scheme of fighting ourselves through magicians’ sortilege and spells as evinced by a series of enchantments will be a short-lived struggle between kith and kin and all will be a story.
Finally, I am aptly optimistic that everything will be amicably resolved if we give ourselves a second chance to reconcile with each other and give the essential services expected of us by the very people who will in the end usher us to the thrones.
Besides, a death hex bewitched by one own comrade is the incarnation of hatred which is being practised in a prequel to the cult that will consume us if we all resort to Jok instead of Nhialic.
Wa ping long da!
The author, Chol Michael Maker, is a concerned SPLM die-hard who can be reached via his email address: Chol Michael
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