The suspension of Hon. Juol Nhomngek is an appropriate illustration of the Dinka axiom: ‘Moth Cuar Ku Tit Rot!’

Emmanuel Sunday de John2
By Sunday de John (M.D), Nairobi, Kenya
Sunday, April 30, 2023 (PW) — I follow all, if not most, of the events in South Sudan as a citizen with a keen interest in governance and the political system. Hon. Juol Nhomngek, a youthful, outspoken member of parliament who is straight-forward and speaks the truth, has recently come under fire for revealing the theft committed by Speaker of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly Jemma Nunu Kumba.
Concerns regarding the rule of law and the battle against corruption in South Sudan have been raised by the suspension of Hon. Juol Nhomngek Daniel, a Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) member, by the Rt—Hon—speaker of the Assembly. According to reports, the suspension occurred after Hon. Juol revealed the Speaker’s unethical tactics. Hon. Juol is one of the lawmakers who have filed a petition to remove the Speaker from office.
The Speaker is accused of extorting money from the Ministry of Finance for a false generator purchase that turned out to be a gift from the Egyptian government, among other administrative and financial irregularities. The attempt to suspend Hon. Juol is thought to be a ploy to stave off the impending prospect of impeachment because of the Speaker’s numerous scandals.
According to sources, Hon. Juol’s letter of suspension allegedly cited resolutions without foundation in law. The Speaker did not follow due process of law, and the suspension letter for Hon. Juol did not state why he was being suspended. The action is perceived as an assault on the legislature’s independence and a breach of Hon. Juol’s rights as a member of parliament representing his constituency of Cueibet.
Hon. Juol, a member of the opposition Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-In Opposition (SPLM-IO), is known for criticising the Speaker’s corrupt practices. It is believed that the Speaker’s decision to target Hon. Juol was made to maintain the status quo and intimidate the opposition. The Speaker’s actions violate the peace accord and warn other opposition organisations now in negotiations with the government to reject any peace deal that would be arrived at since it would be broken or violated, given the indefensible character of the government representatives. The Speaker is causing discord and political instability in the country by doing this.
Clearly, the Speaker is accused of embezzling funds, and she should address this issue before chastising other lawmakers. The Speaker’s decision to suspend Hon. Juol shows blatant abuse of authority and a lack of responsibility. The suspension will probably be contested in court, and legal authorities have already pointed out that the resolutions mentioned in the letter lack a solid legal foundation.
The decision to suspend Hon. Juol shows that the political class is not committed to eradicating corruption and fostering accountability. The suspension of a lawmaker who calls attention to corrupt behaviour is a glaring example of how the administration fails to advance accountability and forthrightness. Additionally, it is an assault on the right to free speech and the legitimacy and independence of the legislature.
The South Sudanese administration has come under heavy fire for its lack of transparency and responsibility and for failing to combat corruption. Since the country gained independence in 2011, billions of dollars in public funds are thought to have been misappropriated or stolen, placing the country at the bottom of Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index.
The South Sudanese government must make the fight against corruption a top priority and encourage accountability and transparency in all governmental institutions. The suspension of Hon. Juol Nhomngek Daniel shows unequivocally that the government is not serious about combating corruption and fostering accountability. Its willingness to condone wrongdoing is widely recognised. The administration is too hesitant to address problems of this nature. It is not yet prepared to take decisive steps to combat corruption and ensure that lawmakers may conduct their legislative duties without fear of reprisal.
However, Hon. Juol’s suspension is uncommon in South Sudan. Political unrest and bloodshed have resulted from a long history of corruption and a lack of accountability in the nation. The absence of political will to combat corruption has resulted in underdevelopment and poverty. The country’s already precarious political environment is expected to worsen due to Hon. Juol’s suspension.
The promotion of accountability and the fight against corruption in South Sudan are important tasks for the international community. Because of this, I implore them—especially the donor community—to impose accountability and transparency as requirements for all foreign aid to the country.
Although their charitable donation is made in the name of impoverished South Sudanese, it goes directly to the mouths of big fish like Nunu, who have no remorse regarding corrupt practices because they know how to manipulate the highest authority. Notwithstanding, Nunu Kumba has been a terrible omen for the country, as she has been rotated for occult rather than merit-based reasons.
In their quest to help South Sudan become prosperous and to curtail corrupt practices and their agents such as Jemma Nunu Kumba, the international community should support the revival and re-establishment of independent anti-corruption bodies and offer technical assistance to enhance the judiciary’s capacity to combat corruption. This should also be a prerequisite for donations.
Reiterating my previous statement, the promotion of accountability and the fight against corruption are essential for fostering peace and stability in South Sudan. Political class priorities should be fighting corruption and fostering candidness and accountability in all governmental institutions. Hon. Juol’s suspension shows unequivocally that there is no political commitment to advance transparency and accountability.
In conclusion, the Rt. Hon. Speaker of the Assembly’s decision to suspend Hon. Juol Nhomngek Daniel, a member of the TNLA, is a blatant example of the misuse of authority and lack of accountability in South Sudan. The action is perceived as a political ploy to intimidate the opposition and uphold the status quo. The Speaker’s move violates the peace accord and fuels unrest and political instability in the nation. Promoting accountability and the fight against corruption in South Sudan are important tasks requiring the international community’s involvement.
When Hon. Juol caught the thief, he was never cautious about his safety; hence, he never remembered “Moth Cuar Ku Tit Rot,” which could have been appropriate for his case.
Till then, yours truly, Mr. Teetotaler!
The author, Dr Emmanuel Sunday de John Along (M.D), is the chairman of the South Sudan United Front Progressive (SSUF/P), and can be reached via his email: Emmanuel Sunday de John Along <>
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