The Generational Truth Path: Charting the Path of Generational Legacy in South Sudan

CDR Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, CDR Arok Thon Arok and CDR William Nyuon Bany
By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan
Wednesday, 04 October 2023 (PW) — Our ancestors, like us, experienced both triumphs and challenges throughout history. Although many of them have passed away, they have left behind a legacy, a record of their deeds, be it good or bad, documented by their families, the public, or both.
The legacies individuals leave behind on the canvas of this world, for the next generation to inherit and continue crafting history, can be likened to footprints. These footprints are measured on the scale of humanity, where a lifetime’s worth of actions are weighed and evaluated. No one, no matter how powerful, can claim sole ownership of this planet. Even kings and queens are subject to the forces of nature.
At the heart of every generation lies the continuity of blessings and the responsibility of passing the torch to the next. It is a universal truth that we are all visitors on this planet, including those yet to be born. Each individual writes their own history, directly or through the influence they have on others. The challenge is to be among the select few who contribute positively to the ongoing generational cycle, rather than becoming an obstacle that disrupts the natural order.
Don’t be one of those who violate the golden rule of creation and continuity, leaving a mark of rigidity and ignorance on your legacy. Be a steward of your own destiny, but never forget the supreme Creator, who has the power to create and destroy. You can be a keeper of your brothers and kin, but remember that humans are composed of fragile flesh and bones that can wither away when the Creator’s corrosive powder of discontinuity is applied.
Do something that brings happiness to those around you, and your name will find a place in the Ancestry Good Book of Records, preserved for the upcoming generations to admire. Conversely, if your actions rob your neighbors of happiness, rest assured that your name will grace the Ancestry Bad Book of Records, destined for scrutiny by future generations.
Regardless of how much individuals yearn for control and ownership, we are all mortal beings. So, make the most of your days, so that the next generation can emulate your legacy. Work tirelessly to ensure that you can pass on your legacy while you are still alive, and safeguard it so that it may be cherished after you are gone.
The perspective shared above holds critical importance for generational well-being. Therefore, I am eager to share “THE GENERATIONAL TRUTH PATH” and offer guided mentorship on how directional support can help people make choices between these two paths.
The author, Awuol Gabriel Arok, is a Policy Analyst and Poet. He has earned an IMPA from Tsinghua University in China and a Bachelor’s Degree in Developmental Studies from the University of Juba in South Sudan. Awuol Gabriel Arok was also a former Columnist with The Dawn Newspaper and wrote a column called “The Motivation Bell”. He has written an unpublished book titled “The Wisdom Horn”. He contributes to various websites and social media platforms, addressing issues related to societal socio-economic and contemporary politics through peaceful and developmental campaigns. Some of his notable initiatives include “Your Tribe is My Tribe”, “Giving Heart Foundation”, “Wisdom Testament”, “Classic Leadership Forum”, “Grace the Women Foundation”, and “PeaceNet”. Awuol Gabriel Arok can reached via his email Address:
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