PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Lou Ariik Youth Association (LAYA): Press Statement on the Conflict in Lou Ariik Area, Tonj

Press Statement by Lou-Ariik Youth Association (LAYA) on the Conflct in Lou Ariik Area, Tonj

Tuesday, 01 October 2024 (PW) — We are deeply saddened by the ongoing conflict in Lou Ariik Area, which resumed on September 26 and 27, 2024. Tragically, this conflict involves relatives who share common villages and belong to the same community.

The violence has already claimed lives of about 20 people or more, and many others have sustained serious gunshot injuries. Unfortunately, there is no medical assistance available for the wounded on either side, as all routes to Lou Ariik are severely compromised by the ongoing floods. We appreciate the intention of the International Committee for Red Cross (ICRC) to airlift the wounded individuals to town centres for immediate medical attention on humanitarian grounds.

Lou Ariik Youth Association (LAYA) expresses its heartfelt condolences to the families, relatives, and friends of those who have lost their loved ones as innocent victims from both sides of the ongoing conflict in our area.

What is most distressing is the lack of response from the government—there has been no medical or humanitarian support provided by county, state, or national authorities. The community feels abandoned and left to fend for itself, with many displaced individuals, including women, children, the elderly, and people with special needs, suffering in an area heavily affected by floods.

Alarmingly, one family appears to be the target of a cleansing campaign while Tonj community & Govt watch helplessly. The conflict predominantly affects the Londit section of Lou Ariik, which includes: Muoc, Bil, Malok, and Longkap subsections.

Currently, Akook Village within Longkap subsection, primarily inhabited by one family, is under siege from the aforementioned subsections, suggesting an alarming intent to eliminate this family from the land. We strongly condemn this action.

For the past 8 to 9 years, this conflict has persisted, with various sections of the community pitted against Akook Village. Despite this, there has been no meaningful intervention from the government to uphold the rule of law and protect all citizens, particularly the family under attack.

We urgently call upon the government and all peace agencies to take immediate action to restore meaningful peace in Lou Ariik. Previous peace initiatives have faltered, as the parties involved often take sides instead of confronting the truth of the situation. It is our hope that no one wishes to witness Lou Ariik population destroy itself without any assistance.

Ariik Mawien Gum

Chairperson – Lou Ariik Youth Association (LAYA) – Juba

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