AU Communiqué on South Sudan ADDIS ABABA (6 Dec.) The African Union announced yesterday that it was deeply concerned that...
PaanLuel Wël
By Mading de Manyok - Sanctioning South Sudan is another big threat toward peace and stability in the region and...
Can the U.S. Forge a Relationship with South Sudan The U.S. ushered the nascent country into independence; now, we’re struggling with...
South Sudan’s raging conflict: Britain must view the crisis with a wider lens One year of conflict, 1.9 million people...
Lest We Forget The Hundreds of Thousands Who Perished in Salva Kiir's Juba Genocide!! By Adwok Nyaba Today, December 15,...
South Sudan Nuer students and entire communities in Addis Ababa agree to commemorate the December 15 Juba massacre on time...
PRESS STATEMENT: THE JIENG (DINKA) COUNCIL OF ELDERS OF SOUTH SUDAN Tomorrow, 15 December 2014, marks the first anniversary of...
By Deng D'kuol, Australia Since the beginning of the ongoing crisis in the RSS, on the 15 Dec 2013, electoral...
PRESS RELEASE BY JIENG COUNCIL OF ELDERS The majority of the regional, international observers, friends and spectators of current events...