By Wenne Madyt Dengs (A poet and Journalist)-My life lies under my armpitI have emaciated because of no emancipationI cry...
PaanLuel Wël
For Immediate ReleaseAfrican States: Reject Immunity for Leaders141 Groups in 40 Countries Speak Out(Johannesburg, August 25, 2014) – African countries...
By Kur Wel Kur I offered myself a liberty of saying many people in Jonglei State or in South Sudan know...
South Sudan IGAD TalksSuggestions for Reviving the Stalled Peace Process – Part IBy Paul MuortatCollege AdministratorBA History, MA Peace StudiesMawan...
Riek Machar: "I won't sign it unless the following agreed":1. 4×2 presidential term limits.2. federalism system must start immediately in...
By Mamer D. Jur, Australia I would like to inform my community that I am really worry about the future...
By Mapuor Malual Manguen Lakes State in chaosOn August 25, 2013, the National Legislative Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution requesting...
August 18 South Sudan Budget Review (edited pdf)***********Ebony Center Policy ReviewCritiquing Key Novelties and Weaknesses : A Review of South...
THE DOWNING OF UNMISS AIRCRAFT IN UNITY STATE It has come to the attention of the SPLM/SPLA that an UNMISS aircraft...
By Mabior Garang de MabiorI used to think that gurtong could be trusted (see what I did there?)...but it seems...