Many thanks for your thoughtfulness TSSC for organizing this special event to allow us formally to express our well wishes...
PaanLuel Wël
Please join us to bid farewell to Mrs. Jehan Deng as she embarks on a new journey back home with...
By Heskey Deng Machol Gay Marriage is Soundless in South Sudan I’m extremely much offended by U.S. President Barack Obama's...
Someone forwarded me this article-–Dr. Luka Biong Deng’s doctoral dissertation–which I found interesting and informative; hope you may enjoy it...
While the Jonglei Peace Initiative Program (JPI) is hailing its latest peace workshop in Canada to "equips Diaspora participants with tools...
Chagas, a tropical disease spread by insects, is causing some fresh concern following an editorial—published earlier this week in a...
Sudan pulls troops from disputed Abyei region, United Nations says CNN By By Jared Ferrie, for CNN Juba, South Sudan (CNN) -- Sudan...
Secretary general of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement, and Chief Negotiator of southern Sudan Pagan Amum speaks during a press...