May 18, 2012 (RUMBEK) - Police in South Sudan’s Lakes State on Monday 14 May arrested a female journalist working...
PaanLuel Wël
World Bank Boosts South Sudan Government Efforts to Improve Rural Roads and Increase Agriculture Potential WASHINGTON, May 18, 2012/African Press...
May 17 | Posted by David Goldman South Sudan 4th Infantry Division/Brigade fell Sudan Airforce MIG-29 jets used to bomb...
Despite tensions over migrants, a relationship that dates back to 1967 — when rebels first contacted Israeli PM Levi Eshkol...
Former Lost Boy of Sudan gets 20 years in stabbing of UPS driver Posted Tuesday, May. 15, 2012 FORT WORTH...
JUNUB THUDAN OYEEEEE Sudan Tribune: South Sudan commemorates SPLA day,42614
Wed May 16, 2012 7:52am EDT * Army chief quoted as saying will have them "in months" * UN, US...
May 16th, 2012 SPLM/A DAY: That the legacies of our heroes and heroines may stay relevant and eternal! David...
AFP – Sudan's parliament rejected on Monday a United Nations call for talks with rebels who have been fighting government troops for almost...
South Sudanese celebrate their country’s Independence. Juba wants to join the East African Community and its application is in the...