by Steve Paterno In South Sudan, ethnic or inter-ethnic conflict is as an old phenomenon as the rival communities themselves....
PaanLuel Wël
Shell plans oil pipeline construction from South Sudan to Ethiopia NewsDire The Royal Dutch Shell is planning to construct an oil pipeline...
The Lou Nuer Youth in Murle territories rejected inappropriate labeling of their anticipated self defence against the Murle community in...
“You see, they may be drunk, but that is how we liberated this country.” By Dr. Jok Madut Jok In...
Miracles, expensive cars, exorcisms and bodyguards: religion is big business in Nigeria. Reporter Seyi Rhodes and director Matt Haan travel...
By The Editorial: While much of Asia, Australia, Africa and Europe have already ushered in the New Year 2012; from...
New rebel group established in South Sudan calls for confederation with north Sudan Tribune December 30, 2011 (JUBA) – A new rebel...,41143 BREAKING NEWS: Lou-Nuer armed youth enter Pibor town December 31, 2011 (JUBA) â€" Armed members of the Lou-Nuer ethnic...
Mr Ive has been behind many of the iconic gadgets of the last 15 years Jonathan Ive, Apple's head of...
By Richard Dawkins Afterword by Richard Dawkins.pdf 89K View Download Nothing expands the mind like the expanding universe. The music...