By Manyuon Dhieu Chol, Nairobi, Kenya February 3, 2017 (SSB) ---- As culture is a set of social codes governing...
Rebuttal to Thuongjang Cidmende, by Jok Gai Anai (PDF) By Jok Gai Anai, Juba, South Sudan The Proposed Nilerian Script December...
By Wënnë Madyt Dengs, Juba, South Sudan Ruined by the SUN, by Wënnë Madyt Dengs Lino, Those lilies where my...
Book Title: Politics of Ethnicity and Governance in South Sudan: Understanding the Complexity of the World’s newest Country, by John...
Morphophonemic Reforms in Thuɔŋjäŋ Orthography: An Excerpt from “Thuɔŋjäŋ Cïdmënde” Morphophonemic Reforms in Thuɔŋjäŋ Orthography: An Excerpt from “Thuɔŋjäŋ Cïdmënde” (Click...
Dr John Garang's PhD Dissertation: Identifying, selecting, and implementing rural development strategies for socio-economic development in the Jonglei Projects Area,...
By Joe Mabor, Malaysia October 22, 2016 (SSB) --- What attitude do you have towards reading? Do you want to...
Garang’s Boys: John Garang’s Orphans Beyond his Natural Household This is an excerpt from Ambassador Steven Wondu's book: "From Bush to Bush:...
By Simon Deng Kuol Deng, New York, USA Demo-cracy or Demo-crazy? Abstract October 14, 2016 (SSB) --- The Democratic peace...
By HON AROP MADUT AROP (MP), Juba, South Sudan July 26, 2016 (SSB) --- In part one of my previous...