Heskey Deng It’s shameful for government officials to dig the grave for their Country, which means when it gets ill;...
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By Heskey Deng The University of Juba is home to many of the country's leading scholars in dozens of fields,...
South Sudan after Paanthou Crisis by Steve Paterno Diplomatically When the...
Eric Reeves May 11, 2012 Every day it becomes clearer that unless Juba buckles before Khartoum’s extortionate demands, on a...
To stop the war on South Sudan, the U.S. should send weapons By Andrew S. Natsios, Friday, May 11 ...
New York, May 8, 2012-The Sudanese security services must immediately release journalist Faisal Mohamed Saleh, who was arrested at his...
MAY 8 2012 The new African country, founded in part to escape from the northern government's violence, is showing some...
The political elite have drained the country's potential and resources and turned it into a failed state By Mohammad Fadhel,...