Ruweng State Brief History By Deng Chol Mijak, Iowa, USA January 9, 2016 (SSB) ---- Ruweng State was born or...
In exercise of powers conferred upon the President under Article 165, (I) & (b) of the Transitional Constitution of the...
Gen. David Uri Ben Uziel: The First Israeli Who Entered South Sudan and Contributed Tremendously to the Independence South Sudan...
What is Government in the View of Dr. John Garang? Dr. John Garang Talking to the SPLA Military Officers about...
The Constitutional Amendment for the creation of 28 states in South Sudan (PDF)
R.I.P Diktoor Kemeri: Tributes to the True Patriot of Junub Thudan R.I.P Dr. Gribani Kameri Jango: The True Patriot of Junub...
David Yau-Yau, the Murle militia leader who led a military rebellion against the gov't of South Sudan leading to the...
" is our survival that is at stake. Therefore, survival itself, if nothing else, will force us to fully implement...
By Philip Thon Aleu, Juba, South Sudan The Russian made Antonov B-12 cargo plane, registration number EY-406, crashed in Juba, killing...