"Because of this gross violation, I have decided not to be part of the government that will not see participation...
profiles of prominent leaders and people
Isaiah Diing Abraham Chan Awuol Chan who was assassinated on Wednesday, December 5th, 2012, at his Gudele House in Juba...
What is Government in the View of Dr. John Garang? Dr. John Garang Talking to the SPLA Military Officers about...
The Eulogy of Our Beloved Late Dr. DING COL DAU DING (MBChB; DPhil (PhD); BSc (Hons)): Nov 21st 1975 – Oct...
The Biography of Our Beloved Late Dr. DING COL DAU DING (MBChB; DPhil (PhD); BSc (Hons)): Nov 21st 1975 - Oct...
My Dear South Sudanese, Dr. Ding Col Dau Ding with Dr. John Garang in the UK November 26, 2015 (SSB)...
Condolence Message on the death of late Samuel Aban Deng (PDF)
R.I.P Diktoor Kemeri: Tributes to the True Patriot of Junub Thudan R.I.P Dr. Gribani Kameri Jango: The True Patriot of Junub...
From Indiana to South Sudan: A proud immigrant's wrenching journey home Julia Duany, a South Sudanese-American returnee, walks the campus...
Dr. Diing Chol Daau Diing, a son of Dr. Chol Daau Diing, graduated with a PhD in Neuroscience at the age of...