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"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.
Agereb, would you please post this link to your website: http://www.southsudanfreelnace.wordpress.com. Thank you very much, good blog.
What is the destiny of the Church here on earth ? In clear why has GOD put the Church here on earth ? To anwser this question at the Church level, it is first of all usefull to answer the same question at the level of the individual Born Again Christian. Surely many Born Again Christians have put themselves this question : why has GOD put me here on earth ?
To start, let us recall that we the elect, were chosen by GOD and created by GOD before the very creation of the world. Ephesians 1:4 clearly states that GOD the FATHER chose us in GOD the LORD JESUS CHRIST before the foundation of the world. Yes you individual Born Again Christian, you were created and chosen in GOD the SON JESUS CHRIST by GOD the FATHER even before the creation of the world. Folks, this is quite deep. While the children of Satan were created by GOD only with the creation of the world (and sown in the world by Satan), we were created and elected before the creation of the world. So we are not of the same age with Satan’s children and Satan’s children can just not match us in any way. This is surely why GOD has established us as gods over Satan’s children, making us the only light to them and the only salt to them. What we bind here on earth concerning them is bound in Heaven and what we loose here on earth concerning them is loosed in Heaven as revealed in Matthew 16:19. Yes GOD has established us as gods over Satan’s children as revealed in Exodus 7:1 when GOD says ; I have made thee a god to Pharaoh.
Now John 17:16 says that you Born Again Christian are not of this world, while John 8:23 says that Satan’s children are of this world. This is quite normal because we existed in GOD, chosen by GOD even before the creation of this world while Satan’s children were created by GOD only with this world and then handed over to Satan so that Satan could sow them in this world (2 Corinthians 9:10 says that GOD is HE that ministereth seed to the sower and Satan is also a sower like us).
If you, Born Again are not of this world, why then has GOD put you in this world ? The answer is revealed by 1 Corinthians 15 : 36-38. GOD put you Born Again Christian in this world so that you should die (yes die with CHRIST JESUS because a seed put into the earth must start by going rotten and dying), then resurrect (yes resurrect with CHRIST JESUS) and then receive from GOD a new Body which will bear a lot of fruits for GOD. Yes, as long as you were not yet sent into the world by GOD, it was not possible for you to produce fruits for GOD. So you came here on earth to die, then resurrect and receive a new Body which could bear a lot of fruits for GOD. This is why GOD sent you individual Born Again, here on earth. Ephesians 2:10 says that you were created in JESUS CHRIST unto good works, which GOD has before ordained. But as long as you were not yet come into this world, you were just unable to fulfill these good works because it was necessary for you to start by dying in CHRIST JESUS, resurrect in CHRIST JESUS and then receive a new Body able to bear fruits for GOD, that is able to fulfill all the good works which GOD has before ordained. This is why you are here on earth and this is a striking difference between we human Christians and Angels. Angels don’t need to do like GOD that is to die and resurrect before ministering unto GOD but we human Chistians, created at the image of GOD, we need to die and resurrect before being able to yield fruits unto GOD. And this earth is the only place chosen by GOD for this dying and resurrection process.
Now that we have discovered in the Bible why is the individual Born Again Christian sent to this world by GOD, let us tackle the reason why GOD has put his Church in this world.
What is the destiny of the Church here on earth ?
To answer to this let us remember that CHRIST JESUS is the HEAD and the Church is the Body. Since the HEAD has already accomplished all the past and all the future, it is wise to just look at what the HEAD has achieved and you will get a clear understanding of the destiny and mission of the Church on earth. The Body must follow exactly the HEAD because John 5:19 reveals that what things soever the HEAD doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. So what has done the LORD JESUS CHRIST who is our HEAD ? He died at Golgotha, went rotten in the grave and spent two days in the grave and early in the morning of the third day, HE resurrected. This is exactly what the Church is following. The Church was sown in year 30 at the Pentecost. But we were sown as a dead seed into the world as explained by 1 Corinthians 15 : 36-38 already shared above. So we the Church, we are died, gone rotten and we are stinking in the grave since year 30, giving a savour of death unto death to them that perish (Satan’s children) and giving a savour of life unto life to them that are saved. But we must follow the HEAD as revealed in John 5:19 meaning that in year 2030, early in the morning, there must be a global resurrection of the Church all over the world. This means that in year 2030, Daniel 2:44 will be accomplished. GOD will resurrect his Kingdom which is the Church and the Church will break in pieces all the four global satanic empires on earth and then the Church will become a Mountain filling the whole earth meaning that the Church will become a unique global Kingdom filling the whole earth.
Yes this will happen in year 2030 because Daniel 2:44 says that it will happen « in the days of these kings » and not during the rapture or the great tribulation or the millenial reign of the LORD JESUS CHRIST on earth. It will happen when the four global satanic empires are still standing on earth and having their evil kings ruling over them. Please Daniel 2:44 is clear. It is not saying that GOD will come down HIMSELF on earth to do the job but it is saying that GOD will set up here on earth a Kingdom which will do the job. So neither the tribulation period nor the millenial reign are concerned here. Read again Daniel 2:44 in thy Bible (King James or Darby) please and read this verse calmly. Who says that the Church is the only Kingdom of GOD working here on earth ? The answer is found in Revelation 1:6 and Hebrews 12:28. These verses establish without doubt that GOD has only one precise Kingdom acting here on earth on his behalf : the Church.
And the Kingdom set by GOD as stated in Daniel 2:44 is acting here on earth and not in Heaven. Exodus 19:6 says this : And ye shall be unto ME a Kingdom of Priests, and an holy Nation. So there is no doubt that it is the Church which is destroying all the four global satanic empires and it is this resurrected Church which is becoming a unique global Kingdom filling the earth and ruling the earth. Daniel 2:45 says clearly that this Stone which brakes in pieces the four satanic kingdoms all over the earth is cut out of the Mountain without hands. Which Mountain is that ? Psalm 2:6 says that this Mountain is the Holy Hill of Zion and Psalm 2:6 reveals that GOD the FATHER has set up his KING over this Holy Hill and even a child knows that this KING set up over Mount Zion is GOD the SON the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Ephesians 2:6 reveals that each Born Again Christian is sitting in heavenly places in CHRIST JESUS, meaning that the whole Church is sitting in heavenly places in CHRIST JESUS who is established KING over Mount Zion. This is why Nebucadnezzar saw in his dream, the Church cut out of Mount Zion without hands. Without hand means that this action is supernaturally monitored by GOD HIMSELF.
Hebrews 12 :22-24 says that we Born Again Christians, are come unto Mount Zion, unto the City of the living GOD which is the New Jerusalem. This explains clearly why Nebucadnezzar saw the Church cut out of a heavenly Mountain, without human hands.
Once the Church is cut out without hands of Mount Zion and is used by GOD in year 2030 to destroy all the four satanic global empires, will darkness disappear instantly from the earth ? Will all false religions, all freemasonry (I always wonder how slaves of sin and death can call themselves free), all rosicrusianism, all illuminatis cults, all other dark witchcrafts disapear instantly from the earth in this year 2030 ? Let us open again the Book of Daniel to answer precisely to this important question. Daniel 2 : 34-35 says that after the Stone cut out without hands has done the job of breaking to pieces all the four satanic global empires, the WIND will carry all this trash away from the earth. Yes read it carrefully in thy King James or Darby Holy Bible. It is the Stone that is the Church which is doing the destruction job (step one) and after this destruction job is done, the WIND that is the HOLY SPIRIT comes in and do the cleaning job (step two). Bible readers do not need additional explanation to understand that this WIND cleaning away the trash from the earth is the HOLY SPIRIT. Then after the cleaning job has been properly done by the WIND, the Stone grows and becomes a great mountain filling the whole earth (step three). These three steps are very clear in Daniel 2 :34-35. The first step happens early in the morning on the third day of resurrection that is in year 2030. But how long will it take for the HOLY GHOST to clean away all the trash from the earth ?
Daniel 7 : 21-22 says that the little horn rising up upon the head of the fourth beast makes war with the Saints and prevails against them untill GOD comes and gives judgment to the Church so that the Church takes possession of the Kingdom. This war started the very day the Church was born at the Pentecost in year 30. Since the year 30, this little horn has been trampling on and crushing the Church. As if it were not enough, Daniel 8 : 9-11 reveals that since our birth in year 30, there is also another little horn rising up upon the head of the western goat and which has been casting down to the ground some of the Stars of Heaven and stamping upon them. The Stars of Heaven mentioned here are the Church dead in the grave. Just open thy Bible for few seconds and you will discover therein that the Stars of Heaven are the Born Again Christians or the Angels of Born Again Christians. Genesis 37:9 says that the sun is Jacob, the eleven stars are the eleven sons of Jacob while the moon is Joseph’s mother. In Matthew 2:2 the wise men from the east say that they have seen the Star of the new born Messiah. Revelation 1 : 20 says that the seven Stars which are in the right hand of GOD are the Angels of the seven churches. So this another little horn coming from the west as revealed in Daniel 8 : 9-11 destroys the east, the south, the Holy Land which is the Church, casts down to the ground and stamps over a portion of the Church since our birth in year 30 at the Pentecost. How long shall be this destruction of authentic Christianity by the two little horns ? The answser is revealed in Daniel 8 :13-14. Read carefully please. The second little horn destroys authentic Christianity throughout the earth for two thousand and three hundred days. You already know as explained in Ezekiel 4 : 5-6, that a day can announce a year in the prophetic realm. This leads us to discover that the destruction of authentic Christianity by the second little horn will last two thousand and three hundred years, starting from our birth in year 30. The Church will prevail throughout the earth and rule the earth as from year 2030 but Authentic Christianity will be completely established all over the earth only as from year 2330 (30+2300). So, we will still have all the current countries on earth from year 2030 to year 2330 allthough the Church will start ruling each country as from year 2030. Daniel 8:14 says that the cleansing of the sanctuary will occur after two thousand and three hundred prophetic years and since we were born in year 30, we understand that in year 2330, the Authentic Christianity will fill the earth because all the trash of the four satanic global empires will have been wiped away from the earth in year 2330.
Here we are at last! We the Church resurrect in year 2030, early in the morning of the third prophetic day, break in pieces with our spiritual weapons the four global satanic empires and start ruling in each country of the earth but without being yet a global empire. Then the HOLY GHOST takes three hundred years to cleanse the earth from false religions, freemasonry, rosicrusianism, illuminatis cults (I always wonder how can the darkness of the law illuminate the illuminatis) and all other dark witchcrafts. In year 2330, the cleansing job is completed by the HOLY GHOST and so the Church can freely turn into a great mountain filling the whole earth that is into a unique global and Holy Empire ruling the earth. You may argue that you have not seen in the Bible the duration of the war which the first little horn is carrying against the Saints. Fool, have you not read in Daniel 8 :14 that after two thousand and three hundred days the sanctuary will be cleansed ? The sanctuary is cleansed in year 2330 meaning that any dark dominion including that of the first little horn will completely disappear either before this date or at this date. Daniel 8:14 announces that the sanctuary will be cleansed after two thousand and three hundred days, that is after two thousand and three hundred prophetic years. But which sanctuary is that ? If you are thinking about the Old Testament sanctuary described in the Leviticus law (for example in Exodus 25:8), you are completely wrong because Hebrews 10:1 says that the law has only a shadow of good things to come. So what is this good sanctuary to come which Daniel 8:14 is talking about ? Folks, rejoice and dance because 2 Corinthians 6:16 says that the Church is now the real Sanctuary in which GOD dwells. Each Born Again Christian is the real Sanctuary and the whole Church is the real sanctuary. Ephesians 3:17 and 1 John 4:12 and 2 Timothy 1:14 say the same thing ; the real sanctuary is the Church. So Daniel 8:14 is saying that the real sanctuary which is the Church will be beaten and destroyed by the two horns during two thousand and three hundred years but after this period, the sanctuary which is the Church will be cleansed and restored. And everybody can easily recognize that the destruction of the Church by these two horns started on the day of the Pentecost when the Church was born in year 30. Just open thy Bible in the Book of Acts to see that the destruction of the Church by these two horns started in year 30, with the first persecution mentioned in Acts 4 : 1-3.
Now why do we say that the Church is dead in the grave from year 30 to year 2030 ? Bible readers know that for GOD, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day (2 Peter 3:8). Since the HEAD which is the FATHER spent two days in the grave, the Body which is the Church and which is the Son must also spend two prophetic days that is two thousand years in the grave. The two little horns have been destroying the TRUTH and the Church and have been prevailing against the Church since our birth in year 30 but GOD says this to the destroyers of the Church : Destroy this Temple and in three days, I will raise it up (John 2 :19). Of course only the seed of Satan do not understand that this Temple which GOD is raising up on the third day as promised in Hosea 6:2 is GOD’s Body which is the Church. This is what GOD says in 1 Corinthians 15:36. Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die. So we the Church were sown in the world as a dead mustard seed in year 30 at the Pentecost, but in year 2030, early in the morning of the third day, we will be resurrected by GOD and will start producing grain for GOD throughout the earth.
The next question which comes now is to know what will the Church do after destroying the four satanic global empires in year 2030 and after becoming a unique Kingdom filling the whole earth in year 2330. To answer to this let us go back again to the HEAD. After resurrecting early in the morning on the third day, the HEAD revealed HIMSELF as a Glorious resurrected CHRIST to his disciples during fourty days. The Body will do the same thing meaning that as from year 2030, the Church will rule the entire earth for fourty thousand years, thus answering to the earnest expectation of the creation which waiteth for the manifestation of the Sons of GOD (Romans 8:19). Yes the Church rules the entire earth as from year 2030 but since the HOLY GHOST will work till year 2330 to wipe away all the broken pieces of the four satanic global empires, it is only as from year 2330 that the Church will completely transform into a unique global Holy Empire filling the whole earth. Ruling the earth does not mean that you are already a unique global empire. These two steps are different as you can clearly see in the Bible. We rule each country of the earth as from year 2030 but all the trash of the broken satanic empires will still be filling the earth, preventing us from building a global Empire and this will last till year 2330 when the HOLY GHOST will have completed the cleaning of the earth as mentioned in Daniel 2:35. As from year 2330 when the WIND will have completely wiped away all the broken pieces of the four satanic global empires, the Church will cancel all the current countries and transform into a unique global Empire ruling the whole earth. Are you still questioning why should the Church rule here on earth ? Oh thou fool, just open thy Bible and believe what says Romans 4:13. Romans 4:13 says that we the Church, the seed of Abraham, we received from GOD who never lies, the promise that we must inherit the whole world and this promise is through the righteousness of faith. Do you know any heir who inherits but never rule upon his inheritance? Do you need additional confirmation of this global rule of the Church all over the earth ? GOD knew that it would be very hard for thee to believe this global rule of the Church and therefore HE said this twice in the Bible :
Isaiah 2:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the Mountain of the LORD’s House shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills ; and all nations shall flow unto it.
Micah 4:1 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the Mountain of the House of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills ; and people shall flow into it.
Bible readers know that a mountain is an important kingdom while a hill is small kingdom. The House of the LORD is precisely the Church because the New Testament says clearly that the Church is GOD’s Temple. The Mountain of the House of the LORD is this unique global Kingdom formed by the Church and which is established in the top of all other heathen kingdoms of the earth, exactely as stated in the dream shown to Nebucadnezzar by GOD. The last days started with the first coming of the LORD JESUS-CHRIST on earth two thousand years ago and you just open thy New Testament to discover this. Year 2030 is perfectly located in « the last days ».
And what will happen after the reign of the Church on earth during fourty thousand years ; which reign starts in year 2030 ? Even a child knows that the answer is the rapture. The HEAD was raptured after fourty days and so the Body will also be raptured after fourty thousand years of reign on earth, which reign must start in year 2030. Is that the end of the destiny of the Church on earth? Not yet and so, let us continue.
Matthew 25 :1-13 reveals that only a portion of Christians, the five wise virgins will be raptured after the fourty thousand years reign of the Church all over the earth. Another portion of Christians, the five foolish virgins will be left behind. A Born Again Christian is a virgin daughter of Zion (2 Kings 19:21). How do we know that a great portion of Christians will be left behind during the « first » rapture as mentioned in Matthew 25 :1-13 ( we put « first » because as you know, Enoch and Elijah were raptured before this rapture we are talking about here )? To answer to this let us go back to our Bible. Our Bible says this in Ecclesiastes 3:15 ; That which has been is now ; and that which is to be has already been ; and GOD requireth that which is past.
In the past, GOD used king Solomon to reveal to us the fourty thousand years reign of the Church here on earth. Are you still questioning why should the Church rule here on earth ? Oh thou fool, just open thy Bible and believe what says Romans 4 : 13. Romans 4 :13 says that we the Church, the seed of Abraham, we received from GOD who never lies, the promise that we must inherit the whole world and this promise is through the righteousness of faith. Do you know any heir who inherits but never rule upon his inheritance?
The fourty years glorious reign of Solomon announce the fourty thousand years glorious reign of the Church on earth. Bible readers know that GOD also says that HE counts a day for a year as mentioned in Ezekiel 4:5-6. Here we can use what mathematicians call transitivity. A day can be counted for a year and a day is also a thousand years in the prophetic realm. This means that a natural year can prohetically announce a thousand years. That is why Solomon reigned for fourty years, announcing fourty thousand reign of the Church on earth. 1 Chronicles 17 :11-14 shows that Solomon represents and announces the Church ; he builds the Temple of GOD (and Christians know that GOD’s Temple is CHRIST’s Body which is the Church), the mercy of GOD will never be taken away from him and this is exactly the case for each Born Again which is elected by GOD before the creation of the world, he is the son of GOD as is any Born Again Christian. So how did end the reign of Solomon after fourty years ? At the end of his reign, Solomon turned away from GOD, married many heathen women, dived into idolatry. This is exactly how will end the fourty thousand years reign of the Church on earth. This marvelleous and very brilliant fourthy thousand years reign of the Church on earth will end in inter marriages with pagan seed of Satan and idolatry. This is why the rapture which will occur after fourty thousand years of Church’s reign will be a bitter surprise for a great majority of Christians ; the foolish virgins. When you are reigning and ruling on earth, you tend to enjoy and when you are living in permanent enjoyment, you easiliy forget to watch and pray (keeping oil in thy lamp) though you are a Born Again Christian. This is what the LORD JESUS CHRIST announced in Luke 18:8 when HE said ; Nevertheless when the SON of Man cometh (on the clouds of course), shall HE find faith on earth ?
So when the wise virgins are raptured after fourty thousand years of Church’s reign on earth, GOD will punish the rebellious Solomon, the five foolish virgins, by splitting the left behind Church into two kingdoms ; on one hand the kingdom of Judah representing all the gentiles who were sinful Christians and are left behind and on the other hand the kingdom of Joseph representing all Jews who also were sinful Christians and are left behind. Just read 1 King 11 :11-13 to understand this. From these two kingdoms will spring forth millions who will repent with sackloth ; these are the two witnesses revealed in the Book of Revelation.
Many of the Christians left behind, made of both Jews and Gentiles (the two witnesses revealed in Revelation 11 :3-4) will repent before GOD with sackloth and get back to CHRIST JESUS. This tribulation Church made of backsliding Christians who have sincerely repented with sackloth will be empowered by GOD to damage all the rebellious civilizations awakened by Satan throughout the earth, with catastrophic judgments, signs and wonders as revealed in Revelation 11: 5-6. This damage will be accomplished on a global scale upon all rebellious nations by the tribulation Church, and this during three years and half, starting from the rapture of the wise virgins. After the three years and half, the dragon which is Satan will be given power over the tribulation Church and he will kill all those tribulation Saints and lay their bodies openly under the sun, refusing them grave. During three days and half their bodies will be let under the sun while the antichrist and Satan will be ruling the earth. Do you here realize how demonic are the rebellious nations of the earth ? They will enjoy having under their noses for three days and half, millions of stinking bodies of tribulation Saints. After these three days and half, all the tribulation Saints will be resurrected and raptured by GOD as revealed in Revelation 11 :11-12. This is the « second » rapture occuring three years and half after the « first rapture ». Finally, after antichrist and Satan have ruled the earth for three years and half starting from the killing of the tribulation Saints, an Angel of GOD will come down from Heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain. He will bind Satan an shut him up in the bottomless pit for a thousand years (Revelation 20 :1-3). And then the LORD JESUS CHRIST will come from Heaven and settle on earth with all the Church including the wise virgins wich are raptured just before the opening of the tribulation period and the tribulation Church which is raptured at the middle of the tribulation period and all the Old Testament Saints. And from there on, the LORD JESUS CHRIST and the whole Church will reign on earth for a thousand years. Folks, do you realize how important it is to reign over the earth ? During this millenial reign of GOD and the Church on earth, there will still be billions of Satan’s children on earth, waiting eagerly for the liberation of their father the dragon. These children of Satan will see all the good deeds of GOD on earth and even enjoy all the good living conditions set on earth by GOD during the millenial reign but this will not prevent them from longing after the liberation of their father Satan. They will just not repent. Folks, understand this and learn a lesson. It is not because you do a lot of good to Satan’s seed that it will repent and seek GOD. So all through the millenial reign of GOD and the Church on earth, Satan’s children will secretly conspire permanently in their lodges of darkness, waiting for their father the dragon to be loosed. Just read Psalm 2 :1-2 to discover this permanent conspiration carried out against GOD by Satan’s seed. Folks, understand that even if you tremendously improve economic, political and living conditions for all the rebelious nations of the earth, this will not lead them to any repentence before GOD. They will instead long permamently after their sole objective; crowning Satan their father as king over the earth. So do not dream that when we apply justice and do good all over the earth, Satan’s seed will be grateful for that and turn back to JESUS CHRIST. Faith in JESUS does not spring from the earth, it comes from Heaven only.
When the thousand years of millenial reign are expired, Satan being loosed out of the bottomless pit will immediately gather all his billions of children around the planet and they will together compass the Church and the city of Jerusalem (Revelation 20 :7-8). At this juncture, GOD will just send fire from Heaven to devour Satan and his billions of children (Revelation 20 :9). Here will end the mission of the Church on this current earth.
Such is the destiny of the Church here on this current earth which will flee away and disapear as mentioned in Revelation 20:11.
Shalom to all the nations of the earth.
Reverend Apostle JOSEPH TOUBI.
may, 2019
I am following your articles with great interest during this current crisis in South Sudan. How can I contact the administrator of this blog directly for permission to use some pictures or quote your excellent contributors? I represent a non-profit helping South Sudanese in diaspora. My blog is projectbazia.com. Please go there to see what I do for South Sudanese and other African youth newly arrived in the USA. Thank you.
you can contact the admin via paanluel2011@gmail.com. Do feel free to quote and use the materials on the blog.
For Immediate Release
January, 4th, 2015
I want to alert the public about the hoax published by a rebel website of Upper Nile Times which alleged that “Juba Ambassador denounces his government”. Such a hoax was fabricated by the rebel-terrorists of Riek Machar running the Upperniletimes.net to inflict mental anguish among the supporters of the government.
The public should to know that the rebel-terrorists of Riek Machar are prone to cheap propaganda which has no meaning simply to quench their thirst for terrorism. Commonsense has it that there is no Ambassador that can denounce the Government he is representing.
I am therefore informing the public to consider the article published by the upperniletimes.net as a hoax fabricated to perpetuate terrorism.
For Contact:
Amb. Gordon Buay
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