PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.



By Dr John Garang de Mabior: 17/11/1999

1. Greetings in the name of the New Sudan and our martyrs. I salute the heroic struggle of the Sudanese people. I salute our youth, students, workers, farmers, professionals, trade unionists, and NDA activists. These are the forces of the Intifadha that overthrew the Aboud dictatorship in October 1964 and brought down Numeiri in April 1985. I greet all the marginalized Sudanese everywhere in the countryside from Nimule to Halfa, from Genneina to Kassala, in the streets of our Capital and in camps for displaced people around the capital. Special greetings to our women, who are the “marginalized of the marginalized”. I greet you all in the name of the New Sudan. I wish you all a peaceful beginning of the New Millenium without Turabi and the NIF.

2. Our country has never witnessed peace and stability, as it has been at war within itself for 33 of its 43 years of independence. Sudan is a microcosm of Africa, characterized by religious, cultural and ethnic diversity. Yet all Khartoum governments have emphasized only two parameters of our reality, Arabism and Islamism, as the basis for the unity of the Sudan. In 1983 Numeiri decreed Sharia as the supreme law of the land, while in 1989 the NIF took over power in a military coup and declared their objective as establishment of an “Arab-Islamic state”. In May 1998 the NIF passed into law an Islamic constitution and the Sudan formally became a theocratic state.

3. This is the fundamental problem of the Sudan, the failure to manage our rich diversity, and instead to impose one religion, one culture and now one minority political party (the NIF) on a large and heterogeneous country. As a result the majority of the Sudanese people became marginalized. With the rise of the NIF to power, all Sudanese became marginalized, whether Arab or African, rich or poor, Muslim or Christian. The Rashaida, for example, are marginalized and have taken up arms against the NIF. Except for less than 5% of the population that are members of the NIF, I would say that more than 95% of the Sudanese people are marginalized.

4. The SPLM/SPLA was formed in 1983 to address the fundamental problem of the Sudan, to abolish the Old Sudan and establish a New Sudan; a new political dispensation; a Sudanese socio-political entity; a transformed Sudan in which all Sudanese are equal stack-holders regardless of their race, tribe, religion, or gender; a democratic Sudan where religion is constitutionally separated from the state; a Sudan in which governance is based on popular will, the rule of law and respect for universal human rights.

5. This means that there must be fundamental change that addresses the root causes of the Sudanese problem, for otherwise there can never be peace and stability in our country. In order to achieve fundamental change, the NIF must be removed. We will use a combination of all forms of struggle including the Intifadha, armed struggle, and negotiations leading to peaceful dismantling of the regime. The SPLM/SPLA advocates the convergence of the two principal forms of struggle, the armed struggle and Intifadha, as the most effective way of removing the NIF regime.6. Recently there has been talk about the NDA negotiating and reconciling with the NIF in a national conference. I would like to clarify SPLM/A position on this issue. The SPLM/A is committed to negotiations and peaceful resolution of the conflict. However, such negotiations must lead to the dismantling of the NIF regime. In South African the contribution of armed struggle was marginal. Apartheid was negotiated out of power. Hence, from the point of view of the SPLM/A, NDA negotiations with the NIF must lead to “peaceful dismantling of the NIF regime”. We cannot reconcile with the fascist NIF regime. The NIF regime cannot be reformed or improved, it must be removed.

7. Furthermore, the struggle of the people must not be compromised in the pretext of peaceful settlement. There must only be one peace initiative and this is IGAD. However, a modality must be worked out whereby other initiatives, such as the Egyptian-Libyan initiative could find expression in the IGAD process. The NDA is also an interested party in the Sudanese conflict, and their interest must find expression in IGAD.

8. In 1995 we rejuvenated the NDA and issued the Asmara Declaration. The Asmara Declaration is a minimum programme of the NDA to remove the NIF regime and transit to the New Sudan. The NDA is a suitable organizational form for achieving the objectives of the Sudanese people. The unity of NDA is therefore very important and it has become synonymous with the unity of Sudan. I urge all forces that advocate fundamental change to organize under the umbrella of the NDA, and transform it into a viable weapon of struggle against the NIF regime and for achieving the New Sudan.

9. Yesterday, Beshir talked of a foreign invasion and called for mobilization to counter this imaginary threat. There is no foreign invasion from America or from anywhere else. Moreover, the SPLM/SPLA would not support any invasion of our country. This lie is a clear indication of the crisis within the NIF. The NIF has failed. It is divided within itself. They are fighting against each other for power, not for the interest of the people. The Situation in the Sudan is ripe for fundamental change. The NIF must go and will go.

10. Another clear indicator of the crisis in the NIF is that Turabi sent me a letter recently. He asked me to make a dramatic move. What dramatic move can I make? It is Turabi that must make a dramatic move. I call on Turabi to relinquish power, to hand power back to the Sudanese people. The NIF has also talked of handing over confiscated property. I call on Beshir and Turabi to hand over the confiscated rights of the Sudanese people.

11.  Finally, I would like to assure all the Sudanese that the SPLM/A is fully committed to democracy, justice for all, and to the unity of our country on the basis of New Sudan. The struggle must and will continue until the NIF regime is removed and the New Sudan established. The struggle and revolution of the New Sudan is spearheaded by a coalition of the forces of the Intifadha in our cities and the marginalized peoples in the countryside. I want to assure them all that the NIF regime has reached a crisis point of no return. The NIF must and will be removed. This is the decisive historical moment for the forces of the Intifadha and the armed struggle to converge. And this time the victory of the Sudanese people will not be hijacked. The removal of the NIF regime must end in the birth of a united and strong New Sudan.  John Garang.




  1. All Members of the SPLM Leadership Council
  2. All SPLM Regional Secretaries
  3. All Commissioners of SPLM Secretariats
  4. The Chief Justice and all Members of the Court of Appeal
  5. All Deputy SPLM Regional Secretaries
  6. All members of the SPLA General Military Council (GMC)
  7. All SPLA Deputy Chiefs of Staff and GHQ Directors
  8. All Front Commanders and All Front Chiefs of Staff
  9. All Commanders and D/Commanders of other Organized Forces (Police, Prisons, Wildlife)

10.  All SPLM County Secretaries

11.  SRRC Executive Director, Deputy and the five Regional Directors

12.  All members of various SPLM Delegations to IGAD talks since 2002

ATTN: Attention of the Following Comrades who shall constitute the Meeting Organizing Committee

  1. Cdr. James Wani Igga (Political Affairs Commission)
  2. Cdr. Nhial Deng Nhial (Foreign Affairs Commission)
  3. Cdr. Deng Alor Kuol (Bahr El Ghazal Regional Authority)
  4. Cdr. Elijah Malok Aleng (SRRC)
  5. Cdr. James Kok Ruea (Peace and Reconciliation Commission)



  1. Reference my 001/11/2004, dated 14/11/2004, to all units concerning rumours emanating mostly from Nairobi and elsewhere, and reference Message 013/11/2004, dated 19/11/2004, from the Deputy Chairman and COGS, Cdr. Salva Kiir Mayardit, concerning the same issue and in response to my above message and in which it is stated that the problem is not over.    The Chairman here expresses appreciation for the efforts of officers and various community leaders in Yei or who went to Yei to contain the situation. Cdr. Salva Kiir’s willingness to listen to these officers and community groups is also likewise appreciated.  The problem needs to be resolved urgently and in a wider meeting more than the SPLM Leadership Council, so that we enter the new era of peace united and strong to face the challenges of the coming peace period.
  1. Also Further to my 002/11/2004 concerning the Memorandum of Understanding entitled “Declaration on the Conclusion of IGAD Negotiations on Peace in the Sudan” signed by the SPLM/A and GOS on Friday, 19/11/2004, in front of the UN Security Council in Nairobi, and which I sent to all units for information.  This is a serious commitment by both the SPLM and GOS in front of the UN Security Council and we must fulfill this obligation to conclude and sign the Comprehensive Peace Agreement by 31/12/2004, and this needs to be discussed in a wider meeting.
  1. Also reference my 003/11/2004 concerning UN Security Council Resolution No. 1574 on Sudan passed unanimously by all 15 members of the Security Council, in which they demanded that the Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement must be completed and signed no later than 31/12/2004. As came in my message this is a serious demand by the UN Security Council that the Parties must conclude and sign the Peace Agreement no later than 31/12/2004.  This is another important development that the various structures of the Movement will need to review in a wider meeting.
  1. In view of the developments and their important and urgency, I am here in this message calling for a combined meeting of various structures of the SPLM/A involving all those addressed above.  The meeting shall have two main objectives as follows:

(a)   To address and resolve the problem in Para (1), above, so that the SPLM enters into the coming period of peace united and strong, and with its historical leadership intact, united and confident to face the many challenges of peace as we continue the struggle by other means (peaceful means)

(b)   To brief and consult on this last phase of the peace process and to give guidance to the SPLM negotiating team as we complete the IGAD negotiations. As you will recall at the beginning of the negotiations after signing of the Machakos Protocol and subsequent agreements, I called for several consultative meetings similar to the one I am calling now, which were held at various times in New Site and Rumbek. As the peace process comes to an end, and it must be ended by 31/12/2004, it is necessary to end as we started after signature of the Machakos Protocol with this major Consultative Conference.

  1.  The Technical Committees negotiating the Comprehensive Ceasefire and Implementation Modalities Annexes will sit from 26/11/2004 and members of these committees are required to be in Nairobi one day earlier.  The principals, Ali Osman Taha and I will arrive in Nairobi on December 5th to complete whatever issues the Technical Committees will be unable to resolve, and by December 20th the final Draft Agreement should be ready awaiting signature by 31/12/2004 at the latest.
  1. In view of the situation in Para. (1), above, and in view of the timetable for negotiations in Para. (5), the above combined meeting of our structures must be held urgently, and so it will take place from 28/11/2004 to 30/11/2004. The venue of the meeting will be Rumbek, and Bahr el Ghazal Regional authorities are here directed to prepare to host this conference in terms of accommodation, security, etc.
  1. In addition to efforts of the Regional authorities, the following SPLM structures are to mobilize resources for this event:  (a) Foreign Affairs Commission, (b) Peace and Reconciliation Commission and (c) SRRC.  These structures are to make the necessary coordination with Regional authorities and among themselves to make the meeting organizationally and substantively successful
  1. The meeting will be Organized and managed by the following SPLM structures: (a) Political Affairs Commission, (b) Regional Authorities, (b) Foreign Affairs Commission, (c) SRRC and (d) Peace and Reconciliation Commission, and any other members that may be co-opted and designated by the Organizing Committee, which shall be composed of the above five members and others co-opted.
  1. All the above mentioned categories of those who will attend the combined meeting are to be ready for airlift, and the pick-up points for air transport will be designated and coordinated by the above Organizing Committee. The return trips after the meeting will also be organized to the same pick-up points.

10.  The above is for your information and necessary action. Because of the importance of the meeting and despite the unavoidable short notice, all those designated are urged to try their best to reach the nearest pick-up point in time. Any questions concerning travel and other arrangements for the meeting are to be referred to the above Organizing Committee.

11.  Finally, I want to alert members of the NLC to be on standby for an emergency meeting of the NLC.  They are not part of the present meeting, but after we sign the final Comprehensive Peace Agreement an NLC meeting will be mandatory, because according to the Power Sharing Agreement of 26/5/2004, members of the NLC will ratify the Peace Agreement and will become members of the Interim National Assembly. Meanwhile members of the NLC are to send their names and any other relevant particulars to administration of the NLC so that membership of the NLC is updated, as there are members who have died or defected.

12.  The above is for your information and necessary action.

Message from Dr. John to Comrade Salva

Signed: Cdr/Dr John Garang de Mabior




13.  All Members of the SPLM Leadership Council

14.  All SPLM Regional Secretaries

15.  All Commissioners of SPLM Secretariats

16.  The Chief Justice and all Members of the Court of Appeal

17.  All Deputy SPLM Regional Secretaries

18.  All members of the SPLA General Military Council (GMC)

19.  All SPLA Deputy Chiefs of Staff and GHQ Directors

20.  All Front Commanders and All Front Chiefs of Staff

21.  All Commanders and D/Commanders of other Organized Forces (Police, Prisons, Wildlife)

22.  All SPLM County Secretaries

23.  SRRC Executive Director, Deputy and the five Regional Directors

24.  All members of various SPLM Delegations to IGAD talks since 2002

ATTN: Attention of the Following Comrades who shall constitute the Meeting Organizing Committee

  1. Cdr. James Wani Igga (Political Affairs Commission)
  2. Cdr. Nhial Deng Nhial (Foreign Affairs Commission)
  3. Cdr. Deng Alor Kuol (Bahr El Ghazal Regional Authority)
  4. Cdr. Elijah Malok Aleng (SRRC)

10.  Cdr. James Kok Ruea (Peace and Reconciliation Commission)



  1. Further to my 004/11/2004, dated 23/11/2004, to all units concerning a combined meeting of various structures of the SPLM/A, involving all those addressed above and which is scheduled to take place from 28/11/2004 to 30/11/2004 in Rumbek. The pick-up points for the airlift of those to attend the meeting shall be as follows: –
  1. A.    Bahr el Ghazal
  1. All Aweil and All Gogrial Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from the following three pick-up points: (a) Malual-Kon, (b) Marial Baai, and (c) Akon.
  1. Twic, Abyei, Wau and All Tonj Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from the following two pick-up points:  (a) Turalei and (b) Tonj Town.
  1. All three Yirol Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from Yirol Town.
  1. Cueibet, Mvolo and All Rumbek Counties are near the venue of the meeting and will move there using local land transport.
  1. Equatoria
  1. 1.     All East Bank of Equatoria Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from the following two pick-up points: (a) Ikotos and (b) Kapoeta plus one flight for the C-in-C. 
  1. All Central Equatoria Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from Yei Town plus one flight for the COGS.
  1. All Western Equatoria Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from the following two pick-up points: (a) Yambio and (b) Tambura.
  2. C.   Nuba Mountains and Southern Blue Nile
  1. All Nuba Mountains Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from the following two pick-up points: (a) Kauda and (b) Julud.
  1. All Southern Blue Nile Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from the following two pick-up points: (a) Kurmuk and (b) Bugaya
  1. D.    Upper Nile
  1. All Northern Upper Nile Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from the following three pick-up points: (a) Urienyo, (b) Liet and (c) Payuer.
  1. All Eastern Upper Nile Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from the following four pick-up points: (a) Pagak, (b) Mading, (c) Pochalla and (d) Boma.
  1. All Central Upper Nile Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from the following six pick-up points: (a) Padak, (b) Mabior, (c) Akobo, (d) Waat, (e) Fangak  and (f) Ayod.
  1. All Western Upper Nile Counties shall have one flight that will collect delegates from the following three pick-up points: (a) Leer, (b) Leel and (c) Pariang.
  1. E.     Nairobi.  All those in Nairobi will have one flight.
  1. T he flights will begin on 26/11/2004.  In the meantime those attending the meeting are to move to the pick-up point nearest or convenient to them. The date of the flight and any other details will be communicated to you by the meeting organizing committee.  Any questions are to be directed to the organizing committee – Ask Cdr. James Kok Ruea who will coordinate the flights.
  1. The above is for your information and necessary action.



It has been five days since General Beshir dissolved his parliament and declared a state of emergency.  The SPLM/SPLA has closely monitored and studied the situation since then, and on the basis of a concrete analysis of the bizarre situation in Khartoum, and taking fully into account the suffering and interests of the Sudanese people and aware of our historic responsibility, the SPLM/SPLA makes the following statement.

The events of 12/12/1999 are an affirmation that the crisis in the ruling Congress Party have reached a point of no return, maturity and mark the beginning of the end and demise of the NIF and its regime. The SPLM/SPLA therefore welcomes these events as they put the struggle of the Sudanese people on a new and positive threshold.  In this regard, theSPLM/SPLA appeals to the Sudanese people to remain vigilant and to use this crisis within the NIF to effect fundamental and full change in our country.  The SPLM/SPLA asks the forces of the Intifadha in Khartoum and other cities to remain alert and on standby, and to be prepared to converge with the SPLA and NDA forces and with patriotic forces in the national army, so as to effect fundamental change and establish a transitional government of the New Sudan.

The struggle that erupted within the NIF on 12/12/99 is essentially a struggle for power between Hassen al-Turabi and Ali Osman Taha. What has happened so far is the tip of the ice burg.  The struggle within the NIF will deepen.  There is a stalemate, and as long as Hassen al-Turabi remains at large the stalemate and paralysis within the NIF and Government will continue. The situation obviously requires decisive resolution, in favour of Turabi, or in favour of Beshir, or in favour of the Sudanese people.

The situation in the Sudanese (Government) army will be critical in the resolution of the crisis in Khartoum.  There are at least three factions in the Sudanese army, these are:

(a)   There is a Beshir/Ali Osman faction, which stage the coup of 12/12/99 and which is now in control of the Government.

(b)  There is a Hassen al-Turabi faction, which is in control of the NIF National Congress party, and which may stage a counter coup against the Beshir/Ali Osman faction.

(c)   There is a non-NIF faction, by far the largest group within the Sudanese army.  This group may also stage a coup against the two NIF factions.  The appetite for a coup by this group has been wetted by the events of 12/12/99, as what was not possible before is now possible.

The SPLM/SPLA will closely monitor these three factions in the Sudanese (Government) army, and will act in the interests of the NDA, in the interest of the New Sudan, and in the interests of the Sudanese people.

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  1. I think, PaanLuelwel team are doing great job by bring the updates and latest news, current development in both Sudanese States. they are neutral and factual. they owed great Respect and dignity. I had never read Bias. Please keep us updates. I can not take the meal without visiting the Sites.

    1. Dear DavidSon De Kuol,

      We at the PaanLuel Wel: South Sudanese bloggers, have received numerous congratulatory and appreciative messages from various quarters but we can surely say that your message that “I can not take the meal without visiting the Sites” stand out vividly. We appreciate it and hope to double our effort and maintain our neutrality and partiality in the news we gather or articles post.

      Stay well bro,
      PaanLuel Wel Team.

  2. Quran (4:104) – “And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they (too) suffer pain as you suffer pain…”

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