PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Truth

By Tearz Ayuen

What’s truth?

What good is truth?

Who wants to hear the truth,

The whole truth,

And nothing but the truth?

Who says the truth?

What happens to those who speak the truth?

Why don’t people want to hear the truth?

Where is the truth?


Truth is a quality or state of being true

It is a fact or belief that is accepted as true

Truth is that which is true

Or in accordance with facts or reality


Truth is of great value

It is precious

It is water, air and love

Truth is a key, it unlocks locks

It breaks codes and chains

It breaks barriers

Truth heals wounds

It builds, maintains bridges that connect people


Truth is not told by anyone

It is not told by eyewitnesses

Truth is never told by the popes, imams, paupers,

Members of Parliament, boys, girls or scientists

Neither is it told by detectives nor journalists

Truth is told by the truth itself


Truth hurts, it is a thorn penetrating through a skin

Truth is ugly, no one falls for it

Truth is sulphuric acid, none wants to swallow it

Truth is a charging al-Qaeda suicide bomber, everyone runs away from it

Truth is a highly dangerous armed mad man, everyone hides from it


He who says the truth is shunned in the society

In a broad daylight, he’s gunned down by hired thugs or police

A set up is hatched and when he gets caught, he’s jailed, castrated and hanged

Or he is tortured badly and left to die

And his/her relatives are intimidated, harassed and imprisoned


Though no one wants to tell the truth,

Everyone wants to hear the truth


But truth is kept out of reach of you and me

It is a permanent resident of government’s safe

Truth also lives under the carpet of a state house

It is in shackles, in private cages, serving unspecified term

It is kept in the dark, in the basement of a courthouse

Truth lies in your partner’s handbag

It’s somewhere in the ceilings of your house

Truth has money value, it is sold

Its buyers are rich businesspeople, politicians and religious leaders

Upon buying it, they flush it down the toilet


However, truth is indestructible

It’s immortal

No matter what happens to the truth, it will always come to light,

With much more catastrophic effects

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