PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Chol Deng’s Insulting and Cheap Arguments about Thony Community!

By Kur Wel Kur


Dear Chol Joshua,

I read your article, which carried biblical scribes’ voice (style) about the Messiah; when Herod inquired Christ’s birthplace. They verbatim quoted the Bible:

“And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor that shall rule my people Israel.” {KJV}

I must acknowledge that you did an outstanding job. The habit of trying to convince one or groups of persons set us apart from the rest of animals; I believe you achieved it with no doubts.

However, I believe in your article, you stated some insulting statements, if not all statements! Together, we will examine the statements you made in your article. Somewhere in your article, you wrote this:

“… Looch was executed unjustly back in the day when the British were the colonial masters, it is said that all the Chiefs from Bor agreed to let him be executed…”.

Execution of some innocents affected all people of South Sudan. Khartoum regimes executed Chiefs of high profiles  in Bor. Someone or person(s) betrayed them; so brother, mentioning a single chief, places you on the same level with those who scan around for cheap evidences to support  their arguments. Off course, I do condemn those who falsely accused others to meet their deaths. But we cannot do anything about it because such behaviours exist even today, our valued relatives died during the liberation because some idiots accused them of one thing or the other; however, we blamed their deaths on the struggle, and no doubts that their blood as a sign of demarcation, smeared our borders and resources, so Looch’s blood streams in the same vein.

Your good intention that turned bad due to low-priced arguments in your article spared you not; this quote appeared in your article:

   “…Thany contributed 300 boats to SPLA with 600 volunteers to row them for 15 days…” and “…those who could dive for 6 hours…”

Cholda, you insulted Thaany more than anyone because you localised them as helpers or victory road cleaners, while for sure, they gave the precious and last prices like the rests in the course of the struggle. They died in combats. However, if we can think cheap like you do; then mentioning people like late Akol Bol whom SPLM/A depended heavily through his gift of treating broken bones, will deter you from presenting petty evidences. My message to you and those who liked or shared your article is that, our individual’s contribution amounts to our collective contributions, which gave us a country. So the more we stop selfishness of counting our contributions, the least we have no other revolution.

In your article, you uttered this:

“… no one could accept to wrestle with the champions of Thony such as Noonliel, Nyalueth Abiar and the rests, because they were so powerful and people used to scare them not to come near, because there were attitudes developed that a person defeated by Monythaany will be overlooked…”

You aired untrue statement because a son of a then, paramount chief, a legendary wrestler, Achiek Mabior Ngueny wrestled with ‘Mony thaany’ (Thaany ke Akuaak), Malou Tuoot. Achiek’s statuses of being the greatest and strongest wrestler and the greatest chief’s son didn’t bother him.

And so did Garang Mathiang, when he wrestled with Beekadit!

So where in our homeland did you find your statement?

The tones in your article portrayed many assumptions; you mentioned everyone claimed relation with Ajang and Ajith, besides all wish a photo with them. Brother, you know that it’s not true because not everyone is a wrestling fan! Greatest and strongest wrestlers came and went in entire Bor community, and people didn’t migrate to forge relationships with those wrestlers. For your information, Ajang is not a great wrestler, Achiek Mabior owns respect of his generation and Majhok Jokriir owns respect of this generation.  To earn respect as a wrestler outside the wrestling field is important and it comes after many tests. Just in last couple of months, Majuoc Nyandiar from Jueet wrestled with Ajang Garang; Ajang won but he slapped Majuoc’s face! An act meant for inexperienced and naive wrestlers; an incident, which can cause death!  So brother, in this sense, are Thaany marginalised?  I believe, they’re not, because Thaany have protection of other communities in their respective payams, for example, Thaany ke Pariar enjoy protection from Nyicaak or from the whole Abii or Kolnyang payam and so do  Thaany ke Malek and those of Malual agorbaar, they have Gualla to protect them.  Those of Akuaak communities, Baaidit backs them in their difficult times.

Chol Deng, the empty sympathies such as those in your article convey nothing to Thaany but a continuation of insults or belittling. For your benefit, reading your article to grasp its gist, no doubts that you need updates about Thaany and relationships of other communities (Athooc versus Gok, Athooc-Gök versus Twi or Jieng of Eastern Bank versus Jieng of Western Bank).

From outset, Thaany had and are having their equal share in South Sudan through their hard work not through sympathy, like what you tried to convey in your article. Makwei Deng Majuoc commanded SPLA in liberation war and after the war, he occupied the history books of South Sudan, centrally and squarely as a first chief inspector of police. Honourable Makwei Deng governed our wellbeing and kept us safe from criminals. Makwei is ‘monythaany’. Akim Deng Majuoc is a deputy mayor of Juba, our capital city; Akim Deng is’ monythaany’! So brother, smearing your article with biblical tones and verses will add nothing to the evolution of Bor people, Thaany in particular.

Secondly, Athooc versus Gök; when it comes to considering others as people of low classes, Athöi and Gaak don’t spare one another. I don’t know where you come from, Athooc, Gök or Twii? But I guess you know where this paragraph heads. Athöi and Gäk went to the scope of creating sayings/idioms about themselves, for example, “a divorcee from Gök will make a good wife in Athooc, while a divorcee from Athooc will have nowhere to stay as a wife!” The surface meaning of this saying from Athöi’s perspectives, reflects this: “Gäk don’t care for women”! And on the same coin, Gäk despise Athöi, even cows, which originate from Athooc. You normally hear people verbally abusing cows, calling them ‘Athöi ke hök’!  To cut it short, Athooc-Gök versus Twii or Jieng of Eastern Bank versus Jieng of Western Bank. They despise themselves. So my brother, singling Thaany as a victim shows nothing but your opinion about them.

Closing this rebuttal, I would like to advise you that someday if you want to appreciate some people for their hard work and generosity, you must state concrete evidences and not insults.  The tones in your article revealed nothing.

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