PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

There’s no peace without music: Jangjuol fight back with music

By Dennis Hodges

Jangjuol has “energized all music lovers and ethnicities and nations” since he been making music and his basement in 2006, but he is much more than just a basement sensation. Janguol was forced into war as a child solider at the age 7.  He, and many other South Sudanese child solider escape, but many of them died on the long journey to find refugee camp.

Sadly but true Jangjuol stop at nothing to reach a safe place for him and his fellow Sudanese brothers. While In the refugee camp Jangjuol received a blessing from an angle sponsorship. He later moved to the United State of America. It was there he found the passion and outlet for his past, through music.

Now after releasing his first album Tears of Freedom, Jangjuol is ready for a breakthrough. He doesn’t want just any breakthrough – he want a breakthrough as being himself, that’s singing in his native tongue (Nuer) and being a South Sudanese artist. He want to reach everyone in the South Sudanese, African community and around the globe.

He believe his music has a place in today’s African industry. “Why can’t a South Sudanese artist be a house hold name,” stated Jangjuol.  If there’s a place for an ex child solider from Sudan, Jangjuol want to be that person.

More Fact about him:

Jangjuol opened up for South Sudan’s most known artist Emmanuel Jal for his We want Peace tour, back in 2014, Salt Lake City, Utah. Janguol also performed for Salt Lake City World Refugee Day in 2014, where over 300 plus people came out to enjoy the event.

  Media Outlets;

Jangjuol has been in Atlanta’s own BEmagazine (Hip Hop, Urban and Style), where he was mention as the international artist of the month, in 2014.

He also traveled to Mpls. Mn, for an interview – where he reached and broke the record of most listeners.

 WHERE CAN YOU STAY CONNECTED? Below are the social media pages-

Instagram- Jangjuolofficial 

Facebook- Jangjuol 

YouTube- Jangjuol 

Link from his latest video

More info: 

Jangjuol stay in Salt Lake City, Utah.

He’s working on new album and videos.

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