PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Juba, South Sudan: The capital city of the unknown gunmen

By Majur Mading, Kampala, Uganda

Tribute to Isaiah Abraham
Tribute to Isaiah Abraham: The Dark Ages of South Sudan Liberation

January 26, 2016 (SSB)  — Juba has become a hub of murder, where people are killed and the blame goes to anonymous gunmen. This practices of rare killing by shadowy gunmen which use to kill only poor people with unknown reason.

These strange killing have disoriented people and now South Sudanese citizens are living under fear from their own government. It is bad to hear that sentence of unknown gunmen all the time which haunt the people to endlessly.

These unfortunate killing in the capital city shocked the citizens and it made the life of innocent citizens miserable. South Sudanese are suppose to openly calling government so as to address such issues as oppositions accused the ruling government and their intelligence for initiating such attacks of unknown gunmen.

The phenomenon of these has create fear mania in people mind and give the sense that people have being monitor silently by an evil eyes security agency. South Sudanese are now back to living of fearful life in their own country, nobody known’s when, and where you will be killed by any unknown gunmen in any corner of Juba and the iron behind these killing is nobody knows who the performer is in the government.

If you are in Juba, it is for sure that you will dare to close your eyes, because you not ever open it up the next day and this is how people are living in Juba at these moments and if this would never put to an end by the government of South Sudan than it could be hard for people to live peaceful but we can expect for more number of causalities of unknown gunmen in Juba and elsewhere in the country at large.

If this happen in your own government, do you think there will still people who will support you in time to come with these brutal of unknown gunmen in Juba? This situation cannot be better  explain in South Sudan than the word of unknown gunmen and it is difficult to deny this brutal killing which was organize by those few wealth and powerful elites at the top of government and people never heard about any government  officials one day that had killed by unknown Juba gunmen.

The ruling government is not performing it functions to protect the citizens than blindfolding the citizens with their empty promises and government official are too busy enriching their pockets to govern effectively with these brutal killing for their secret not to be known.

South Sudan is being hijack by thugs and these thugs are disaffected and unemployed youth, only God knows what those who are ruling government are taking the country and this is a concrete example of how systemic perpetuates a host of problems in South Sudan.

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