PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Analysis of the First Cabinet of the Republic of South Sudan

9 min read

By PaanLuel Wel, Washington DC, USA.

The first cabinet of the new Republic of South Sudan is finally out, with 29 national ministers and 27 deputies or assistant ministers, making a total of 56-cabinet members besides the President and his deputy.

The main interesting aspect of this cabinet is the fair distribution of core ministries that were once allegedly preserved exclusively for the Dinka Community. These so called Dinka Ministries are now dispersed as follow: Defense (Nuer), Finance and Economics (Equatoria), Interior (Equatoria), National Intelligence (Shilluk), Justice (Nuer) and only Foreign Affairs has remained with the Dinka. President Salva Kiir should be commended for this feat!!

Of the 31 old ministers and the 29 new cabinet members, 11 have been recycled, 8 retained in their old ministries, 3 demoted, 9 dropped altogether from their ministerial portfolios while 9 are either new faces or those salvaged from the Government of National Unity of the CPA-era.

Among those who have been retained in their old ministries are John Luke Jok (Justice); Michael Makwei Lueth (Parliamentary Affairs); Ms Awut Deng (Labor); Jemma Nunu (Housing); Dr. Marial Benjamin (Information); Paul Mayom Akec (Water & Irrigation); Ms Agnes Lasuba (Gender); and Madut Biar Yel (Telecommunication & Postal Services).

Of those recycled or transferred to different ministries are Nhial Deng Nhial, Deng Alor Kuol, Gen. Oyay Deng Ajak, Kosti Manibe, Garang Diing Akuong, Dr. Michael Milly, Gier Chuang Aluong, Stephen Dhieu Dau, Dr. Cirino Hiteng Ofuho, Ustaz Joseph Ukel Abango and David Deng Athorbei

The three unlucky ministers demoted from their full ministerial or higher positions into deputies or lower ranks are Dr. Majak Agoot (South Sudan National Security); Mary Jarvis Yak (Human Resource Development) and Dr. Priscilla Nyanyang (Minister without Portfolio).

Those unfortunate ministers dropped from their full cabinet positions into the dustbin of GoSS are Pagan Amum (Peace and CPA Implementation); Dr. Luka Monoja (Health); Dr. Ann Itto (Agriculture); Anthony Makana (Roads and Transport); Isaac Awan Maper (Environment); James Kok (Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management); Abdallah Albert (Wildlife Conservation and Tourism); Nyaluk Gatluak (Animal Resources and Fisheries); and Makuac Teny Youk (Youth, Sports and Recreation).

For some like Pagan Amum and Dr. Anne Itto, though, the sun has not yet set on them since they are going back to their respective positions at the prestigious SPLM secretariats and they may never be far from the center of power or the ears of the Big Man. Calling the shot, they still will!

Among the new interesting faces in this new cabinet are John Kong Nyuon, Gen. Alison Magaya, Dr. Betty Achan, Dr. Adwok Nyaba, Afred Lado, Agnes Poni, Emmanuel Lowila and Atem Yaak Atem (Man far away from war) among others.

Below is the detailed summary of the analysis of the new cabinet of the Republic of South Sudan:

(a)   List of National Ministers

s/n National Ministries National Ministers Region from State from Previous ministry Party from
1 Ministry of Cabinet Affairs Mr. Deng Alor Kuol Bahr el Ghazal Abyei/Warrap Foreign Affairs SPLM
2 Ministry of Defense and Veteran Affairs Gen. John Kong Nyuon Upper Nile Jonglei New Face  SPLM
3 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mr. Nhial Deng Nhial Bahr el Ghazal Warrap Defence SPLM
4 Minister, Office of the President Mr. Emmanuel Lowilla Equatoria   Central Equatoria New face SPLM
5 Minister for National Security, Office of the President Gen. Oyay Deng Ajak Upper Nile Upper Nile Investment SPLM
6 Ministry of Justice Mr. John Luke Jok Upper Nile Jonglei Justice SPLM
7 Ministry of Interior Gen. Alison Manani Magaya Equatoria Western Equatoria New Face/GoNU NCP
8 Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs Mr. Michael Makwei Lueth Upper Nile Jonglei Parliamentary Affairs SPLM
9 Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning Kosti Manibe Ngai Equatoria Western Equatoria Cabinet Affairs SPLM
10 Ministry of Labor, Public Service and Human Resource Development Ms. Awut Deng Acuil Bahr el Ghazal Warrap Labour and Public Service SPLM
11 Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Mr. Garang Diing Akuong Bahr el Ghazal Northern Bahr Ghazal Energy and Mining SPLM
12 Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Dr Barnaba Marial Benjamin Upper Nile Jonglei Information SPLM
13 Ministry of Health Dr. Michael Milly Hussein Bahr el Ghazal Western Bahr el Ghazal General Education SPLM
14 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Betty Achan Ogwaro Equatoria Eastern Equatoria New Face SPLM
15 Ministry of Roads and Bridges Mr. Gier Chuang Aluong Upper Nile Jonglei Interior SPLM
16 Ministry of Transport Ms. Agnes Poni Lokudu Equatoria Central Equatoria New Face SPLM
17 Ministry of General Education and Instruction Ustaz Joseph Ukel Abango Bahr el Ghazal Western Bahr el Ghazal Higher Education, Science and Technology USAP
18 Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Dr. Peter Adwok Nyaba Upper Nile Upper Nile New Face/GoNU SPLM
19 Ministry of Environment Mr. Alfred Lado Gore Equatoria Central Equatoria New Face/Presidential Advisor SPLM
20 Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning Ms. Jemma Nunu Kumba Equatoria Western Equatoria Housing and Physical Planning SPLM
21 Ministry of Telecommunication and Postal Services Mr.Madut Biar Yel Bahr el Ghazal Northern Bahr el Ghazal Communication and Postal Services SPLM
22 Ministry of Petroleum and Mining Mr. Stephen Dhieu Dau Upper Nile Upper Nile Commerce and Industry SPLM
23 Ministry of Electricity and Dams Mr. David Deng Athorbei Bahr el Ghazal Lakes Finance and Economic Planning SPLM
24 Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare Ms. Agnes Kwaje Lasuba Equatoria Central Equatoria Gender, Child and Social Welfare NCP
25 Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Mr. Joseph Lual Acuil Bahr el Ghazal Warrap New Face SPLM
26 Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation Mr. Paul Mayom Akec Bahr el Ghazal Lakes Irrigation and Water Resources SPLM
27 Ministry of Wildlife Conservation and Tourism Mr. Gabriel Changson Upper Nile Upper Nile Culture and Heritage UDSF-M
28 Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries Dr. Martin Elia Lomuro Equatoria Central Equatoria New Face Democratic Forum
29 Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports Dr. Cirino Hiteng Ofuho Equatoria Eastern Equatoria Office of the President SPLM

(b)   List of Deputy Ministers

s/n D/National Ministries D/National Ministers Region from state from Previous ministry Party from
1 Cabinet Affairs Mr. Wek Mamer Kuol Bahr el Ghazal Warrap  none SPLM
2 Defense and Veteran Affairs Dr. Majak Agot Atem Upper Nile Jonglei Head of South Sudan National Security SPLM
3 Foreign Affairs Ms. Grace Daterio Equatoria Western Equatoria  none SPLM
4 International Cooperation Prof. Elias Nyamlel Wako Bahr el Ghazal Western Bahr el Ghazal none SPLM
5 Justice Mr. Paulino Wanawila Onango Equatoria Central Equatoria none SPLM
6 Interior Mr. Salva Mathok Gengdit Bahr el Ghazal Warrap Presidential advisor SPLM
7 Finance Mr. Marial Awou Bahr el Ghazal Lakes none  SPLM
8 Finance Ms. Mary Jervas Yak Bahr el Ghazal Western Bahr el Ghazal Human Resource Developmen SPLM
9 Labor, Public Service and Human Resource Development Mr. Kwong Danhier Gatluak Upper Nile Unity none SPLM
10 Commerce, Industry and Investment Mr. Kengen Jakor Upper Nile Jonglei none SPLM
11 Information and Broadcasting Mr. Atem Yak Atem Upper Nile Jonglei none SPLM
12 Health Dr. Yatta Loli Lugar Equatoria Central Equatoria none SPLM
13 Agriculture and Forestry Mr. Beda Machar Deng Bahr el Ghazal Warrap none SPLM
14 Roads and Bridges Mr. Simon Majok Majak Upper Nile Unity none SPLM
15 Transport Mr. Mayom Kuoc Malek Bahr el Ghazal Warrap none Democratic Forum
16 General Education and Instruction Ms. Rebecca Joshua Okwaci Upper Nile Upper Nile none SPLM
17 Higher Education, Science and Technology Ustaz Gabriel Kuc Abyei Bahr el Ghazal Abyei/Warrap none ANC
18 Environment Mr. Philip Palet Gadin Upper Nile Jonglei none SANU
19 Housing and Physical Planning Ms. Mary Nyawulang Upper Nile Jonglei none SPLM
20 Telecommunication and Postal Services Ms. Bettrice Khamisa Wani Equatoria Central Equatoria none SPLM
21 Petroleum and Mining Ms. Elizabeth James Buth Upper Nile Upper Nile none UDSF-M
22 Electricity and Dams Ms. Rhoda David Alak Bahr el Ghazal  Warrap none USAP
23 Gender, Child and Social Welfare Dr. Priscilla Nyanyang Joseph Bahr el Ghazal Lakes Minister without Portfolio SPLM
24 Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Ms.Sabina Dario Okolong Equatoria Eastern Equatoria none SPLM
25 Animal Resources and Fisheries Ms. Nadia Arop Dudi Bahr el Ghazal Unity none SPLM
26 Water Resources and Irrigation Mr. Ali Keti Ochie Upper Nile Upper Nile none SPLM
27 Wildlife Conservation and Tourism Mr. Obuch Ojwok Equatoria Eastern Equatoria none SPLM

Regionally speaking there 10 full ministers and 10 deputies from Greater Bahr el Ghazal; 9 full ministers and 11 deputies from Greater Upper Nile; and 10 full ministers and 6 deputies from Greater Equatoria. In terms of full ministerial portfolios, these translate into 34.5% for Greater Bahr el Ghazal, 31% Greater Upper Nile and 34.5% for Greater Equatoria.

And with Greater Bahr el Ghazal having 33%, Greater Upper Nile 35% and Greater Equatoria 32% of the total population of the Republic of South Sudan according to the last national census, it is inferentially accurate to estimate that Greater Equatoria region has taken the lion share of the full ministerial posts while Greater Upper Nile have been minimally underrepresented.

This, however, is not the case when you consider the combined cabinet numbers—both full ministerial positions as well as the deputies. In that case, Greater Equatoria come up with lesser percentage of her rightful share while both Bahr el Ghazal and Upper Nile take slightly more than what they deserved. This is nevertheless the balancing act to compensate ministerial allocations with assistant ministers.

(C) Summary of the cabinet distribution at the Greater Regional Level

s/n Name of Region No. of ministries No. of Deputy Ministries Total cabinet share Percentage share Regional Ranking
1 Greater Upper Nile 9 11 20 35.71% 2
2 Greater Bahr el Ghazal 10 10 20 35.71% 1
3 Greater Equatoria 10 6 16 28.57% 3
Total ————————- 29 27 56 100% ————

At the states’ level, Jonglei state has 5 national ministers and 5 deputy ministers; Upper Nile state 4 ministers and 3 deputies; Unity state ZERO ministers and 3 deputies; Warrap state 4 ministers and 6 deputies; Western Bahr el Ghazal state 2 ministers and 2 deputies; Northern Bahr el Ghazal state 2 ministers and ZERO deputies; Lakes state 2 ministers and 2 deputies; Western Equatoria state 3 ministers and 1 deputy; Central Equatoria state 5 ministers and 3 deputies and Eastern Equatoria state 2 ministers and 2 deputies.

(d)   Summary of the cabinet distribution at the State Level

s/n Name of State No. of ministries No. of Deputy Ministries Total cabinet share Percentage share State Ranking
1 Jonglei 5 5 10 17.85% 1
2 Unity 0 3 3 5.36% 10
3 Upper Nile 4 3 7 12.50% 4
4 Warrap 4 6 10 17.85% 2
5 Lakes 2 2 4 7.14% 6
6 Northern Bahr el Ghazal 2 0 2 3.57% 9
7 Western Bahr el Ghazal 2 2 4 7.14% 6
8 Western Equatoria 3 1 4 7.14% 5
9 Central Equatoria 5 3 8 14.29% 3
10 Eastern Equatoria 2 2 4 7.14% 6
Total ———————— 29 27 56 100% ————-

These numbers indicate that, on the one hand, Jonglei, Warrap and Central Equatoria states have been allocated more seats in the cabinet relative to other states within their respective Greater Regions, population size notwithstanding. While, on the other hand, Unity and Northern Bahr el Ghazal states have been proportionally marginalized in comparison to other sister states within their respective Greater Regions, notwithstanding the population size.

Is the new government a lean and a broad-based one? Whether or not this was the lean and broad-based government that President Salva Kiir promised the citizens of the Republic of South Sudan is everybody’s guess!! Suffice to say that, of the 56 ministers and deputy ministers appointed, only 4 full ministers and about 5 deputy ministers are non-SPLM members. There is no single SPLM-DC member in the entire new government.

Lastly, gender is another vital aspect of the new government we must analyze, particularly the constitutionally mandated 25% share for women in the national government, cabinet included. Of the 29 full ministers and the 27 deputies, there are 5 full national ministers and 10 deputies that are females. Does that satisfy the 25% women share? You bet! It is 26.79% of the combined appointees!

All in all, although there are some few issues here and there, President Salva Kiir has done a commendable job this time round. He deserves our heartfelt congratulations for not commencing the daunting task of (re)building the new nation on a wrong footing! Congratulations Mr. President and your team for the new and first government of the Republic of South Sudan!

Lastly, I would like to thank Mr. Gordon Buay (Canada) and Mr. Peter Karlo (USA) for their invaluable assistances in tracking down and identifying the states and regions the cabinet members hail from. Any error or misrepresentation thereof is of my own making, however.

You can reach PaanLuel Wël at (email address), PaanLuel Wel (Facebook page), PaanLuelWel2011 (Twitter account) or through his blog account at:

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