PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Programme for African Leadership London School of Economics

Programme for African Leadership

-To support ethical leadership for development

The London School of Economics launches an innovative three week leadership development programme in March 2012, designed specifically for high-achievers from across Africa. Participants will attend an intensive executive training course in London where they will benefit from high quality teaching in relevant subjects including globalisation and development by staff from the LSE and elsewhere. Participants will later be invited to an annual forum in Africa to help refresh their skills and form leadership networks across the continent. This programme, for Africa’s most dynamic leaders, will provide access to high level academic thinking and policy ideas from around the world in order that leadership lessons are taken back to organisations and communities.The Programme has been generously supported by LSE alumnus, Firoz Lalji, and his wife Najma.

Programme for African Leadership

3 weeks

*Start date:*
19 March 2012

LondonSchoolof Economics

You will develop strong analytical skills and an understanding about what makes a good leader. You will understand the essence of inspirational leadership and develop your own leadership style **
*Entry Requirements:*
Applications are welcome from those working in a leadership position from within the following sectors:

-National and inter-governmental organisations
-Corporate sector

Of particular interest to the admissions selectors will be your personal statement. Applicants should ideally have a good degree from a UK university or a non-UK equivalent.

Applications must consist of the following:

-application form; this includes a personal statement explaining how this programme could be of benefit to you, your organisation, your community and what you could bring to the programme.
-Curriculum vitae.
*References:*two references will be required and /must/ accompany the application – one academic and one from your current employer and should particularly focus on your leadership credentials.If you do not have an academic reference, one reference may be provided by a non-related professional.

Full and partial bursaries will be available. All applications will be given equal consideration.

*Person Specification:*
We expect that the majority of successful candidates will show:

-At least 5 years of leadership experience in any field
-A proven commitment to their own personal and professional development -A track record of leading and managing change and improvement processes
-Experience of developing other people
-Some study or training in leadership or management
-A plan for how she/he will utilise theirprogramme experience, andhow this will bring benefits for their organisation or community


*Applications*should be sent to the following address by 30^th September 2011
Department of International Development
(Programme for African Leadership)
LondonSchoolof Economics
Houghton Street
LondonWC2A 2AE

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