South Sudan Parliament: Urgent Motion on the Transfer of National Capital from City of Juba to Ram-Chiel
Urgent and Important Matter Motion; on the Transfer of National Capital from
City of Juba to Ram-Chiel
By Hon. Tulio Odongi Ayahu – SPLM Party List Eastern Equatoria
Rt. Honourable Speaker,
Hon. Members of the august House,
In pursuit of articles 46 Conduct of Business Regulations 2011 of the National Legislative Assembly. Kindly allow me to present before the august House this urgent and important motion on the Council of Ministers’ resolution 2nd September 2011 on transfer National Capital from Juba to Ram-Chiel. Mr. Speaker, they the Executive have gone ahead to implement the resolution without regards to the National Legislative Assembly’s approval.
Rt. Honourable Speaker,
Hon. Members of the august House,
Whereas the Transitional National Constitution article 50 sub-article (4) and (5) affirms that:
The City of Juba shall be the National Capital of South Sudan and the seat of the National Government. Its territory and administration shall be defined and regulated by law.
Without prejudice to sub-article (4) above, the National Government may relocate the National Capital to any other location within the territory of South Sudan
Also Article 51 of the Transitional National Constitution states that: the National Government shall have the following organs:
(a) the Legislature;
(b) the Executive; and
(c) the Judiciary.
Rt. Honourable Speaker,
Hon. Members of the august House,
Mr Speaker Sir, how come a single tier of the National Government Organ – the Executive decides to implement the major constitutional matter to transfer the National Capital from Juba to Ram-Chiel and treats it as if it is an exclusive Executive dispensation without regards to National Legislature. Mr Speaker Sir, I am concern why correct procedures for tabling bills to Parliament are not followed in this case?
Article 50 sub-articles (4) of the National Constitution proclaimed Juba as the National Capital therefore this has superseded any other legal competence of any other level of government in the land. What makes it difficult for the Executive to implement this provision of the supreme law by tabling to parliament a bill to define the territory and administration of Capital?
However, if the opinion of Ram-Chiel or others areas were to be considered among the best options; has the executive prepared a bill of establishment to Parliament for the choice of the new National Capital, which shall give lawmakers clear merits and demerits based on feasibilitystudies, than proceeding with implementation without regard to legal processes?
The reasons of transferring the capital to Ram-Chiel can be highlighted in the Council of Ministers Resolution of 2nd September, 2011. According to the press statement by the Minister of Information, revealed that the resolution to relocate the capital to Ram-Chiel came as a result of the Bari Community categorical refusal to give land for the establishment of the National Capital city? Has the Hon Minister comprehended how this statement opened up ‘flood gates’ of revulsion against a segment of its community around Juba; accused them for refusal to give land for National Capital and consequently, blamed for being responsible for the transfer of the capital city to Ram-Chiel? Which land in the South Sudan Mr Speaker can be void of community’s ownership or rather to say a no-man’s land?
Subsequently, this statement should have never come as to mean government has succumbed to local community pressures. Looking back to hindsight, we have finally disposed the Southern Sudan Interim Constitution especially the clause inserted during the CPA which says “Land belongs to the community” this was a tactical argument by the SPLM delegation during the peace talks in order to deny GOS the rights of ownership of South Sudan land which is now irrelevant. Currently, the Transitional National Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan article 170 sub articles (1) and (2) have redefined the land ownership and land tenure as follows:-
(1) All land in South Sudan is owned by the people of South Sudan and its usage shall be regulated by the government in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and the law.
(2) Notwithstanding sub-Article (1) above, and the provisions of Article 28 of this Constitution, the government at all levels, may expropriate land in the public interest as shall be prescribed by law.
Article 171 sub-article (2)
(2) Without prejudice to sub-article (4) below, the land tenure system in South Sudan shall consist of:
(a) public land
(b) community land and
(c ) private land
Mr Speaker, can there be clarity by the Government negotiators on the processes of the previous dialogues and negotiations with Central Equatoria Government or therefore the community around Juba on the status of the present capital – Juba? Hon. Speaker Sir, at this moment in time, must some of those arguments still legally valid; given the changes in the TCRSS specially the separation of ownership of land and land tenure? Shall we assume rightly that the constraints responsible for those deadlocks between the government levels and communities have now lapsed with enactment of the TCRSS?
Honourable Speaker,
Hon. Members of the august House,
Mr Speaker Sir, given the Government priorities, has the transfer and building of the National Capital a priority of the RSSG at this moment in time; amidst high expectations by the population of the newest country that yearns for what our able President H. E. General Salva Kiir Mayardit stated in his address to the Joint Legislature as vital Government priorities; education, agriculture, health, physical infrastructure, clean water, rule of law, electricity being engine of production where by cottage industries shall shrive among other factors of production. The Nation needs to invest consciously on alternative sources of revenues than squandering the little we receive on unproductive primacies.
Oil is a major Republic of South Sudan revenue earner. In the last FY 2011 Budget, oil revenue stood at 98% and non-oil disappointingly at a meagre 2%. With this rich knowledge of fiscal constraints, from where shall the money to service the building of the new Capital comes from? The flow of this resource may never been forever we must invest the proceeds accrued from it for productivity so that we continue to rip the benefit to the future. Therefore Parliament needs to know the implicative breakdown of the revenues and expenditure in this project which may run in billions.
Also Article 59 (g) on competences of the Council of State reads: The Council of States shall be competent to approve changes in state names, capital-towns and boundaries;this opinion has not been forwarded to the Council of States for perusal and approval. Does the Executive also plan to ignore this legal procedure on the bicameral competences and therefore progressed with impression of single track implementations without tabling a bill for the Change of name from Juba to Ram-Chield?
Mr Speaker Sir, Hon. Members of the august House; I therefore table to the august House this motion to deliberate and to ensure that the National Constitution be upheld, eventually come up with resolutions among others the following.
The National Transitional Constitution has been circumvented by the decision of the Executive who decided to proceed to implement Council of Ministers resolution 2nd September 2011 for the transfer of the National Capital from Juba to Ram-Chiel, without Parliamentary approval. Parliament should request the Executive to evoke Article 171 sub-article (2) and to implement the provisions which is jealously guarded in the Constitution article 50 sub article (4) by tabling a bill that defines, demarcate and warranting the establishment of the National Capital.
The Transfer and Building of new National Capital has never been a priority of the Government at this period in time when the Nation still relies entirely on oil revenues from Greater Upper Nile. Hence the Nation need to implement basic services like education, health, hydro-electric power as engine of production, infrastructure and most of all food security for the people of this new Nation. Therefore Parliament should request the Government to prioritize its work plan on programs that benefits the people and those that shall continue to generate income to this great Nation. Also try to restrain executive from rushing on massive expenditures on unproductive programs.
Parliament to differ any approval of funding to the plan to relocation of Capital city until the end of the Transitional period and to relocate the money if any to most urgent national priorities.
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