PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


South Sudan and Greater Equatoria in particular has been marred by insecurities since the independence of our new nation.  Many innocent lives have been lost; properties have been illegally seized and occupied, and Greater Equatoria continues to face injustices and insecurities. ­­­­­­

We can cite several of these incidents.  Western Equatoria State continues to struggle with the atrocities committed by the Lord Resistant Army (LRA). Eastern Equatoria State recently witnessed violent confrontations between the Ma’adi and Acholi communities, which had been living in harmony for generations. Similarly, Central Equatoria State has witnessed multiple issues of insecurities such as previous Bari and Mundari conflict; and the recent land dispute of March 5, 2012 in Kemiru area of Juba County, where innocent citizens including women and children were killed.

The continuous inter-ethnic conflicts in several areas in the newly independent African nation, which has resulted in the loss of innocent lives, are unacceptable. Furthermore, the continuation of such conflicts tarnishes the image of the new nation and its people, who have struggled for more than fifty years to gain their independence. Therefore, regardless of whether the culprits are our brothers from Greater Bahr El Ghazal, Greater Equatoria, or Greater Upper Nile, the Equatoria Sudanese Community Association-USA (ESCA-USA) leadership condemns in the strongest possible terms the atrocities and insecurities resulting from such conflicts and misunderstandings; and more so, the recent events in Kemiru village of Juba County.

Although, the authorities at the national and state levels are working hard to minimize and eliminate insecurity in our beloved nascent nation, we still believe more can be done to ensure the safty the citizens of South Sudan and their properties.   We urge our leaders at the national and state levels to move swiftly to bring these culprits to justice.

Although our leaders at the national and state levels have our utmost support, we still hold them accountable for any shortcomings, especially loss of innocent lives particularly of women and children, as well as forceful seizure of properties.  Hence, ESCA-USA leadership stands ready to help in any way possible; however, will not accept anything less than safe, secure, and free South Sudan.

Our heartfelt condolence to victim’s families, and our thoughts and prayers are with them during this tragic time.  May the lord rest their souls in eternal peace.

God bless you

God bless Republic of South Sudan

Kwaje Lasu, RCP, MPH



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