PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Tears of horror

2 min read

Tears of horror

By Atok Dan

As tears trickle down my cheeks,

my face horrifies in aloofness

My face fickle with tears of death

I dare not to say it,

but dare to sympathize on horrors of others

We called each other generation of horrible experiences

Generation of starved skeletons

Generation that survives on the legumes in camps

With unfathomable expressions on our faces,

We still live in abundance love

We still share half empty glass of murky waters

Even on the edge of death bed

Our faces still seen unflappable

We still laugh though survive on alms

Even on the roots of wild elms

They called us generation of legumes

They called us children of beans

We emerged strong but a generation that exploited generosity

We were not just blues, yellows or even green

But our collective identity remains red

We fought battles but not battles of cattle

We fought hunger with anger

We hooded the horn for battle but at childhood

We did it more than our parents but perennially

For those in danger, we extend our hands of gratitude

For those in risked, we risked to rescue them

For those that underestimated us, we overjoyed them with enthusiasm

Without tires on our feet, our tiny feet traveled deserts, valleys, mountains and swamps

Without clothes on our backs, we sacrificed our hard black skins to cold and heat

Our melanin were baked more blackish

Our teeth and hands were molded into hammers for breaking hard objects

We sleep walk slipping off rough roads like a patient in agony in sick bed

Atok Dan is a media specialist working in Juba, South Sudan. He is reached at atokbaguot

Atok Dan

Radio Production Specialist

USAID/Economic Governance Project in South Sudan

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