PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Have our Churches Become Night Clubs?

7 min read

By Heskey Deng

Has the church become a night club? Fashions room, advertisement place or Nyankuron Youth Cultural Center, known for South Sudan Miss Malakia beauty contestant in Juba, unanswerable, what is wrong with our girls? Are they perplexed or barmy?, I wouldn’t figure out their hitch, why they wearing night or party cloths in the church; girls, who did you want to magnetize?  God, or current ex-friend or innocent believer {s}, who came to tables his own quandary to the God, and you known already, an eye has no limit regardless you are in the church, why do you interrupting prayers?

In fact, I will continue speak my minds on what I seen with my two naked eyes, I don’t care whether you likes it or not, and I will not stop criticize, although people intimidate me, I don’t care, of course in three week ago, I travelled to Uganda, after I arrived in Kampala safely, I thank almighty God for Journey, and that was Friday on that time, but I plans to multiple thank to God on Sunday, join thousands of congregation to knees together.

Definitely on Sunday, I wake up early and I address neatly like a young lawyer, on my way to church, I was told the church services began at afternoon hours {don’t mind of time} in Kampala but not all the churches, {MonyJiang church}, where the praying are carry out in Dinka dialogues.

Without ado, as time approaches, I took public vehicle to town, then from town to Kobwa estate, where the church is located, and this where you can find everyone, you have knew before whether your old contacts or folks, colleagues and relatives but that was not my assignment, I arrived late, praying were already started in couple of five minutes and church was filled up, no space for late comes to sit, many people were standing outside,  at entry, I just did catholic symbol of praying, but thank to Sunday usher, who detected my visitor faces, she took me where I can sit, though I sat among a girls, sharing the bench, I prayed again, after aperture my eyes, I found myself in India ocean, it was like I am dreaming, but  I don’t blame the usher.

I was off, confused because I didn’t sit next with such girls before, they were all swore mini-skirts, that make them to sat, putting one leg on another, like they were instructed to write figure 4, with line T-shirts, 1 meter blouse with no sleeves, which draw potatoes and half naked at hip, displayed inner wore and chest open, also eyelashes and lips decoration with pink colour, tattoos everywhere like that of Musician Lil Wayne, line-up earrings and more others which I can’t even know their names, if anyone know, like bro Tearz Ayuen, he can help me.

Although, I know, wearing of Jeans, short chemise {thigh naked} has become part of the South Sudan cultural heritage, its hasn’t  been wearing in the church, just wear wide trousers, skirts and blouses that will not admirable to any congregation {s}.

On that matter, not only Dinka church, where girls dressed inanely, evenly Equatoria churches, young ladies are extremely behind the bar, in Juba, Kampala and Nairobi,  all churches are really polluted, sorry for using that wrong term.

I draw thin, though I was fat, situation change my body with endless sweating,  watering my handkerchief, even brush aside my praying aspiration, they interrupted it, I just remained like little brat in “Passions move”, no singing and coughing, my throat was dry off and my heart pounding like African drum, and bad part of it, thousands of congregation eyes on me, I became suspicious, when I glimpse people talking and laughing, I though they are bullying me, while the idiotic girls are so happy, chewing gum, talks gobbledygook, which are not concerning with church, how their weekend was, boyfriends, which they rest try to influenced one of them to quit her child age dream boyfriend and catch up with working guy {don’t try to ask me the names of girl, man, is secret, I don’t need war}, but thank to that pretty one, she reacted with big NO!, love is not about money, I’m comfortable with him, behind somebody’s back, I speak indoor, God bless you, I wish, all girls will be like her.

All in all, three hours of church services, has become longest to me and visitors of that Sunday, even the day preacher was on the same boat, his nerves are stagnated,  eyes are controversial with what he have preaching,  with a lot of misspoken, instead of God, Girl {tongue-in-cheek}….which left congregation dead in laughing but I remained peg,  He also bend down, saying future is not clear, while searching for space to aims, his eyes straight to front sitting ladies’ waist, with intention of snapping a twat, the fact is, collar can’t change a man, he still have human genre.

Well, I dying off with such devil act, done by a girls in all the churches in South Sudan, theirs dressing didn’t gratify me, and maybe some few congregations, if I was God on that day, I would have eliminated or hurtle them into pieces because they are not qualify to live, they are human demons {like militias in South Sudan, who are against peace and stability}, who are sent by Satan to terribly interrupt the bless shepherds of God. By the way, I sounded like I am criticizing their victory dressing, “give me break, I am not”, but the truth have to be shared. Even though I {we} know critic is not realistic thing in life, still it is a way of self-orientation.

Surely, it comes to believed that, everyone is “Masura”  Silva X song , even our germinating boys, who fools themselves as they are “Nigga” of day today, turned the church as dating or engagement, they attended the church, with aspired of girls, they just standing outside waiting for the girl..

Truly, the south Sudanese girls are really confused, even my sister and girlfriend, they want to be like American, Kenyan, Nigerian and Ugandan girls according to their nasty minds, but they failed to understand, how long does it taken for foreigner girls to reached where they are today, they are educated, they are independent economically, socially and politically, they are not beggars like them, why do they waste their time pretended? Girls Just Maintain your identity, don’t photocopy somebody life style, it like, you are chasing the wind, if you are poor, don’t get terrified, wait, your time will come to show up.

In home affairs, I don’t want to talks about, but I thinks; you can’t get minister for kitchen now, maybe few, but it’s zero percent to meet them, only out-look girls are surrounding the bachelors, as my friend Agutmangok declared early that, today you can’t find inner-beauty girls, who can cook, washing clothes and doing other house affairs but just to smart house for her daytime ally-friend {like lost boyz’wife rented in Kenya and Uganda, cheating her husband, she is faithful waiting, while accommodated another man in a house} they are all liars {Kigeugeu}, cheaters, and useless at the same time, any way my cordial to all the single man include me, we are done, only your mother’s luck will pass you.

In realistic, if they dressed outside of the church, like dancing, wedding place and night club in Juba, where they are well-known, half-naked dressed at De, Havana, Nameless and House of Insomonia club, and also Hai Tables club in Kampala, I couldn’t even open my mouth.

Of course, Girls is for everyone, so everyone have responsibility to advice them regardless of not being your blood-sister, and if you failed do so, then you are behind her malfunction in future, I am trying to bring them back to good life of responsibility, they are mature but they are moving like goats without herd, on other hand pastors in charge of church must playing great role to stop such demon-dressing  in the church through words of guidance at every Sunday, then slowly those with bite of respect, will change, and if the pastor seal his mouth, definitely they will grow like that.

So forth, the church is not the showing up place, is designing for the praying, to humble yourself and ask your creator in good faith without disrupt.

Every day of your life’s dressing is sheets of your history use it well and wisely, because tomorrow is not promised to anyone, who misuses herself. Constantly remember the purpose of your life as in life, people will hate, due to your self-indulgent make up, you thinks that, you are smart but you worthless in public eyes.

In conclusion, don’t take it personal; I was about to adjust them because they are leaders of tomorrow {Minister, Mp} and in another hand, they are beauties, they can lift-out their parents from continue future poverty and also they are able to represent the Country in the miss world beauties, but if they continue with dirty-habit of vinaigrette, soon they will lost responsibility and end up in indignity and ruthless  life like “nyanboar” {Uganda ladies} in Juba, and it will be shameful to I, We and you.

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